


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:30:07

  • 1、Qualifier specifies whether the fix that was made was due to missing, incorrect, orextraneous code or information.(限定符指明了所进行的修复应归于缺失,错误或者还是外来的代码或者信息。)
  • 2、Theextraneous "k" has never been explained.(从来没有人解释这个不相干的“K”是什么意思。)
  • 3、Generated code is often too simplistic, or cluttered withextraneous information required by the tool.(生成的代码通常过于简单,或者因过多的信息(工具所需的)而造成代码混乱。)
  • 4、We shall ignore factorsextraneous to the problem.(我们应该撇开与此问题无直接联系的因素。)
  • 5、The researchers went to a lot of effort to removeextraneous info and crop photos so that only faces could be seen.(研究者费了好多功夫去掉了无关的信息、切齐照片,这样就只能看见脸部了。)
  • 6、We're able to filter outextraneous facts and piece together only the necessary information for getting a job done.(这时候我们便拥有了过滤掉无关因素而把所需要的信息加以拼凑以完成一项工作的能力。)
  • 7、Not just any information, but highly filtered and relevant information beyond the weightiness of full Web pages andextraneous data.(这些信息并不是随意的,而是经高度过滤的相关的信息,胜于整篇网页的大量无关信息。)
  • 8、We do not want anyextraneous information on the page.(我们不希望这一页上有任何无关的信息。)
  • 9、Reinforcement can be intrinsic, extrinsic orextraneous.(强化可以是内在的、外在的或无关的。)
  • 10、Additional understanding and analysis must be applied to weed outextraneous associations.(对于这种情况必须进一步加以理解和分析,以剔除无关的关系。)
  • 11、Practice removingextraneous ideas and words until you have only what's needed to express a simple thought.(即尝试去除那些多余的思绪和文字,直至仅剩表达一个简单的想法所必须的简单东西。)
  • 12、Images are resized to stay within the column and all theextraneous material on a page is removed.(图片会做调整以保持在列,而页面上所有的多余材料会被取出。)
  • 13、extraneous reinforcement isn't directly connected to the act or its completion.(无关的外在强化不是直接跟行动或行动的实现联系在一起的。)
  • 14、Note that the diagram shows noextraneous information, such as debug logging.(请注意关系图中没有显示外部信息,如调试日志记录等。)
  • 15、To you, it looks like merelyextraneous whitespace.(对于您来说,它仅仅是无关紧要的空格。)
  • 16、This helps detect common errors like missing orextraneous quotes, missing closing braces, etc.(这有助于检测一些常见错误,如遗漏的或多余的引号、遗漏的反花括号等。)
  • 17、Simple websites don’t haveextraneous information.(简洁的网站没有冗余的信息。)
  • 18、To avoid delays, she wanted the disaster relief legislation to be kept free ofextraneous matters.(为避免延误,她希望无关紧要的事不被掺杂进灾害救济立法程序中。)
  • 19、Theextraneous messages require additional message filtering by the client application to determine the messages of interest.(这些无关消息需要客户应用程序提供额外的消息过滤以决定消息是否是所感兴趣的。)
  • 20、Working on a document in a window and want to get rid of all theextraneous background noise?(想丢开干扰在一个窗口中专心弄一个文档?)
  • 21、RSS feeds enable people to subscribe to your content and read it in an aggregator any time, sansextraneous design.(不需要任何无关设计,RSS摘要就可以让人们订阅你站点上的内容并随时通过RSS阅读器阅读它们。)
  • 22、Our price were calculated without insurance against anyextraneous risks.(我们未把任何附加险计算在报价内。)
  • 23、For China the crisis was anextraneous event that was experienced mainly as a temporary decline in exports.(对中国而言,此次危机可谓与己无关,大体上只是出口曾出现暂时的下滑。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 24、while we're focusing on a potential danger, we end up missing a lot ofextraneous but potentially beneficial information.(当我们注意力集中到可能的危险时,我们最终会错失很多无关的但对我们有利的信息。)
  • 25、The things that you pursue and acquire in order to feel more complete don’t do anything for you because they areextraneous.(你所追求或获得使自己感觉更完整的东西对你并没什么意义,因为它们都是外在的。)
  • 26、The program expects to find a single floating-point number in ASCII format; anyextraneous characters will be ignored.(程序期望查找ascii格式的单精度浮点数;任何无关的字符都将忽略。)
  • 27、Designers know that you should removeextraneous elements to leave only those that are necessary.(设计师们知道应该去除冗余的元素而留下那些必须的部分。)


英 [ɪkˈstreɪniəs] 美 [ɪkˈstreniəs] 

副词: extraneously 名词: extraneousness

