


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:29:16

  • 1、If there is any character who seems kind ofendearing, at least for me, Enoch it's probably Enoch.(如果非要说有一个让人有点喜欢的角色,至少对我来说,那应该就是。)
  • 2、I brought this on myself by being such anendearing and important part of your life.(我自找的。谁让我不小心成为你生命中美好又重要的一部分呢?——《生活大爆炸》。)
  • 3、Here's something we're likely to see thatendearing techno whiz kid, Abby Sciuto, whip out of her forensic Arsenal next season on NCIS.(以下内容我们很可能会在下一季《海军罪案调查处》(NCIS)中看到,可爱的化工技术神人艾比·休托将在她的刑事侦破中逐一展现。)
  • 4、endearing young lovers defying all odds and expectations.(爱的年轻的恋人们藐视一切困难和期望。)
  • 5、It is (naturally) veryendearing.(这自然很讨人喜欢。)
  • 6、These are the Amish, an enduring andendearing people.(这些就是业米希人,一个屹立不动令人喜爱的民族。)
  • 7、It's a cute show, with someendearing and some irritating characters, and it's fun to watch.(这是部可爱的电视剧,有着讨人喜欢的和一些令人恼火的角色,看着很有趣。)
  • 8、I didn't get it until we were already on the plane. It was veryendearing, though.(我没有收到,直到我已经上飞机了,这真的很感人。)
  • 9、All of this is vaguelyendearing and even consoling-a little like watching a giant computer hash up some simple arithmetic.(所有这一切都让人隐隐地感到喜爱与宽慰就好像一台超级计算机无法搞定一些简单幼稚的数学题一样。)
  • 10、My ancestral home is soendearing.(我的父母之乡是可爱的。)
  • 11、He finds human foiblesendearing, but is unforgiving of pretension.(他觉得人性的弱点很可爱,但不能容忍惺惺作态。)
  • 12、He is so frank about his prejudices as to be almostendearing.(派格登如此坦言自己的偏见,简直到了可爱的程度。)
  • 13、Sometimes it can beendearing, but if you are already having a bad day, a mean old lady can drive you to the edge of frustration.(有时这也挺讨人喜欢的,但是如果你心情已经很糟糕了,那么一个刻薄的老太太会把你逼到崩溃的边缘。)
  • 14、Sheldon: I brought this on myself by being such anendearing and important part of your life.(谢尔顿:我自找的。谁叫我出现在你的生命中,那么讨人喜欢、那么举足轻重呢?)
  • 15、Insert interesting anecdotes,endearing quirks and personal philosophies into the body of the story.(故事里还可以点缀上主人翁的各种轶事、有趣的怪癖或者人生哲学故事。)
  • 16、Yet it's his devotion to his family that really makes the actor soendearing.(但他对家庭的奉献才真正使他成为人们钟爱的演员。)
  • 17、Despite his achievements, he retains anendearing sense of graciousness and humility.(尽管有那么多成就,库珀还是保持着和蔼谦逊的亲切感。)
  • 18、She has such anendearing personality.(她有个如此招人喜爱的个性。)
  • 19、Full-caps messages telling the visitor that "YOU COMPLETED the FORM INCORRECTLY" aren't exactlyendearing.(用全部是大写的消息告诉用户“你没有正确完成该表单”一点儿也不讨人喜欢。)
  • 20、"She's really nice and really [endearing], and she really CARES about people," he said.(“她真的是很好,很可爱的一个人,而且她非常关心别人,”他说。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 21、She recommends adhering to company policies andendearing yourself to your boss before asking for flexibility.(她建议人们要遵守公司制度,并且去获得老板的赏识,然后再要求灵活性。)
  • 22、Her characters are not veryendearing.(她的角色都不太讨人喜欢。)
  • 23、Scientists have explored this idea with otherendearing creatures: babies.(科学家们用其他可爱的生物来探索这个想法:婴儿。)
  • 24、Even you! If your partner's quirks areendearing or tolerable, you're in good shape.(如果你伴侣的怪癖是可以忍受的,那你还挺不错的。)
  • 25、He has anendearing habit of licking his lips when he's nervous.(他有个紧张时舔嘴唇的可爱习惯。)
  • 26、Tony has manyendearing qualities when you look beyond the label.(摘下贴在他身上的标签,托尼还有很多讨人喜欢的地方。)


英 [ɪnˈdɪərɪŋ] 美 [ɪnˈdɪrɪŋ] 

副词: endearingly

