


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:28:11

  • 1、Try switching to soy milk oralmond milk.(尝试改用豆奶或杏仁乳。)
  • 2、almond can also help your sleep because it contains tryptophan and magnesium.(杏仁一样可以帮助你的睡眠,因为它富含色氨酸和镁。)
  • 3、I don't know if there any bigalmond eaters out there.(我不知道那里有没有非常喜欢吃杏仁的人。)
  • 4、Add the egg yolk and thealmond oil and mix well.(加入蛋黄和杏仁油,把他们混合起来。)
  • 5、Butalmond can also help your sleep because it contains tryptophan and magnesium.(但是杏仁一样可以帮助你的睡眠,因为它富含色氨酸和镁。) (好工具
  • 6、In gold lettering on a small,almond-shaped brooch was the word Mother.(在一个小巧的心状胸针上刻著金字:母亲。)
  • 7、He has also coined his own word foralmond - "cork nut."(这只鹦鹉还能自己造词,比如把杏仁拼成软木坚果。)
  • 8、Nut butter (almond butter especially).(果仁奶油(尤其是杏仁奶油)。)
  • 9、Simply add soymilk oralmond milk, and you have a blockbuster breakfast!(如果仅加入豆奶或杏仁奶,那么早餐便已足够健康。)
  • 10、Milk. Drink fortified soymilk, rice milk oralmond milk in place of cow's milk.(可用强化豆奶,谷物奶或者杏仁奶替代牛奶。)
  • 11、almond milk is prepared by crushing thealmonds without the outer cover and adding water and sugar to it.(杏仁奶茶的制作只需取出外部保护膜后压碎添加水和糖就可以了。)
  • 12、Create a breakfast trail mix of Cheerios, raisins, and mixed nuts oralmond slivers.(制作一条混合着保健麦片,葡萄干,坚果或者杏仁的早餐条。)
  • 13、Analmond tart, stuffed with the sweet, ripe fruit.(杏仁挞,里头塞满了熟透的甜蜜水果。)
  • 14、The scents associated with Libra arealmond, rose, vanilla and violet.(杏仁,玫瑰,香草和紫罗兰。)
  • 15、Purealmond oil is an excellent source of natural moisturizing agents.(纯杏仁油是一个很好的自然润肤霜。)
  • 16、almond is believed to improve memory.(杏仁被认为能改善记忆力。)
  • 17、This combination ofalmond and gumdrop could be a good style of value added food rich in organic juice and various vitamins.(这种杏仁和软糖的组合是一种富含有机果汁和多种维生素的高附加值食品。)
  • 18、She hurried on thealmond Sundays and.struck the match for the kettle in quite a dashing.(在有杏仁的那些星期日,她总是匆匆赶回家,精神抖擞地划火柴点火烧水。)
  • 19、And on the lampstand there are to be four cups shaped likealmond flowers with buds and blossoms.(灯台上有四个杯,形状象杏花,有球,有花。)
  • 20、A strange,almond-shaped vessel, gleaming like gold, cut across the cobalt-blue sky.(一个奇怪的杏仁状容器闪着金光,切开了钴蓝色的天空。)
  • 21、In case, you suffer from dry and itchy skin, massage your face and other exposed arms and legs with purealmond oil.(如果你的皮肤干燥发痒,用纯杏仁油按摩你的脸和其他裸露的胳膊和腿。)
  • 22、Sprouted grain toast withalmond butter, chopped fruits on the side.(出芽谷物面包+杏仁黄油,配水果丁。)
  • 23、And on the lampstand were four cups shaped likealmond flowers with buds and blossoms.(灯台上有四个杯,形状像杏花,有球,有花。)
  • 24、Alternatively, you could serve apple slices with naturalalmond butter for dipping.(你也可以选择将苹果切成薄片,沾些纯天然的杏仁黄油。)
  • 25、Toast with light spread ofalmond butter and preserves.(土司面包及少量杏仁酱和蜜饯。)
  • 26、I'm a fan of walnuts, baked green beans, and fruit withalmond butter.(我喜欢核桃、烤四季豆和杏仁奶油和水果。)
  • 27、The effort to remove dirt, and imbue bodies and bathrooms with the scent of tangerine, mint oralmond instead, is a big business.(尽力清除污垢,让身体和浴室充满橘子、薄荷或是杏仁的味道,是一项大工程。)
  • 28、Some other products don't seem to sink into the skin, butalmond oil does.(其它产品似乎都不能被皮肤完全吸收,但是杏仁油可以。)
  • 29、Blend up with low-fat milk or soy milk, some frozen blueberries, and perhaps somealmond butter or oatmeal.(将低脂牛奶或豆奶、一些冷冻蓝莓、一些杏仁奶油或者燕麦片混合起来。)


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