


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:33:54

  • 1、Even the city's stateliest sections lacked Paris's charm andsymmetry.(即便纽约最精致的细节也比不上巴黎的魅力与协调。)
  • 2、How can designers usesymmetry as a tool?(设计人员如何将对称作为工具?)
  • 3、What we find attractive is largely based onsymmetry.(我们发现吸引力是建立在对称性的基础上的。)
  • 4、I feel the delicatesymmetry of a leaf.(我感触到一片树叶的完美的对称性。)
  • 5、Good design USESsymmetry.(良好的设计采用了对称。)
  • 6、Asymmetry is the lack ofsymmetry.(不对称即是对称的缺失。)
  • 7、The brain also has a penchant forsymmetry.(大脑同样对对称别有嗜好。)
  • 8、symmetry in Web Design: examples.(案例:网页设计中的对称。)
  • 9、symmetry is very important in this discussion.(对称性这个讨论中非常重要。)
  • 10、There are definitions based on form, circularity,symmetry, economy of form, lack of economy of form, and repetition.(有定义是基于形式,圆度,对称,形式的精简与否和重复。)
  • 11、There is supposed to be a deepsymmetry between them.(应该说它们两者之间有着深刻的对称性。)
  • 12、One rule issymmetry - it does make faces more attractive.(规律之一是对称-对称的确是相貌更具吸引力。)
  • 13、Everyone seems to likesymmetry, but not everyone likes it as much.(似乎每个人都喜欢对称,但不是每个人都那么喜欢。)
  • 14、Another way to achieve balance is throughsymmetry.(取得平衡的另一种方法是使画面对称。)
  • 15、By happysymmetry, where our reindeer are carved on mammoth tusk, the other sculpture shows a mammoth carved on a reindeer antler.(令人欢喜的对称是,我们的驯鹿雕刻在猛犸象牙上,而另一件雕刻品却是一头猛犸象雕刻在驯鹿鹿角上。)
  • 16、But thissymmetry is not quite perfectsymmetry.(但是这个对称并不是一个十分完美的对称。)
  • 17、It would have been a perfectsymmetry here, because last time we quoted Paul Ricoeur, the main point was that these authors were masters.(这里本来是很平衡的,因为上次我们提到保罗·里克尔的时候,大意是说这些作者都是大师。)
  • 18、I really like thatsymmetry between these two reading and writing scripts.(我真的非常喜欢这两个读取和写入脚本之间的对称。)
  • 19、The axis of planesymmetry.(飞机的对称轴线。)
  • 20、The judges praised itssymmetry.(评委们对其对称性大为赞赏。)
  • 21、We need thissymmetry.(我们需要对称。)
  • 22、Even the sinister bio-mimicry of the Preying Mantis, luring unsuspecting pollinators to their death, has a beautifulsymmetry to it.(即使是邪恶的捕食螳螂,它用以引诱不知情者上钩的拟态,也是一个美丽的对称形态。)
  • 23、symmetry is natural.(对称是与生俱来的。)
  • 24、In writing, you findsymmetry at every level, from the phrases in a sentence to the plot of a novel.(在写作中,你会发现从句子中的短语到小说的情节,每一个层面都是对称的。)
  • 25、Classical dance in its purest form requiressymmetry and balance.(真正的古典舞蹈要求对称与平衡。)
  • 26、symmetry, not the amount of information, matters.(信息量的不对称会有很大关系。)
  • 27、In molecular orbital theory, we named orbits based on theirsymmetry.(在分子轨道理论中,我们基于轨道的对称性给它们命名。)
  • 28、Leveragesymmetry of message flow, where appropriate.(在合适的地方利用消息流的对称性。)
  • 29、The superpowers pledged to maintainsymmetry in their arms shipments.(这些超级大国承诺要在其武器运载上保持数量相等。)


英 [ˈsɪmətri] 美 [ˈsɪmɪtri] 

名词复数: symmetries

