


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:33:35

  • 1、Different ratios in the shells preserved in various layers of sediment reveal the temperature changes in the oceans during the Pleistoceneepoch.(不同沉积层中保存的壳有不同的含量比例,显示出更新代海洋温度的变化。)
  • 2、There is growing evidence that the presence of humans has altered the Earth so much that a newepoch of geologic history has begun—the Anthropoceneepoch, a new human-influencedepoch.(有越来越多的证据表明,人类的存在使地球发生了巨大的变化,地质史上的一个新时代已经开始了——即人世时代,一个受人类影响的新时代。)
  • 3、Actually, the proposal focuses on a particular subset of megafauna, the kind that lived during the Pleistoceneepoch.(实际上,这个提案关注的是生活在更新世时期的巨型动物的一个特定子集。)
  • 4、The Renaissance was anepoch of unparalleled cultural achievement.(文艺复兴是一个文化上取得空前成就的时代。)
  • 5、By the early part of the twentieth century, scientists believed that four distinct glaciations had affected North America and Europe during the Pleistoceneepoch.(到二十世纪初,科学家们认为,在更新世期间,有四次不同的冰川作用对北美和欧洲产生了影响。)
  • 6、We are about to enter into a newepoch in terms of power relations.(就权利关系而言我们将要进入一个新的时代。)
  • 7、They were the ancient Australian megafauna—huge animals of the Pleistoceneepoch.(它们是古代澳大利亚的巨型动物——更新世时期的巨型动物。)
  • 8、The icebreaker symbolizes a wholeepoch in the history of Russia.(破冰船是俄罗斯历史上整整一个时代的象征。)
  • 9、In couch-surfing time, two months was anepoch.(在沙发冲浪的时间里,2个月是一个时代。)
  • 10、The death of the emperor marked the end of anepoch in the country's history.(皇帝驾崩标志着该国历史上一个时代的结束。)
  • 11、But it was also an apt finale to a deflatingepoch.(但对于一个衰落的时代,这也算一个合适的结局。)
  • 12、This idea that we've entered a new Anthropoceneepoch was first proposed in 2002.(“我们已经进入了一个新的人类世”这一观点最初是在2002年提出的。)
  • 13、The Pleistoceneepoch, most commonly known as the Ice Age, stretched from 1.8 million to 11,500 years ago.(更新世,也就是众所周知的冰河时代,从180万年前持续至11500年前。) 【好工具】
  • 14、At thatepoch there were no gas-jets in the streets of Paris.(当时巴黎的街道上一盏煤气灯也还没有。)
  • 15、The “great convergence” is anepoch-making transformation.(“大趋同”是一个划时代的转变。)
  • 16、We are clearly at the end of anepoch.(我们处于世纪之末。)
  • 17、These areepoch-making times. Literally.(字面上讲,这是创造新世纪的时代。)
  • 18、The Holoceneepoch is characterized by different sediments, ones that form when the climate is warmer.(全新世时期的特征为不同的沉积物,它们在气候变暖时形成。)
  • 19、It was meant to sound like anepoch-making declaration.(有意让它听起来像是一个划时代的宣言。)
  • 20、In the years since the Pleistoceneepoch, native species have adapted to the changing environmental there, plants, smaller animals, they have been evolving without megafauna for millennia.(在更新世以来的这些年里,当地的物种已经适应了那里不断变化的环境,植物,小动物,它们已经在没有巨型动物的情况下进化了几千年。)
  • 21、A newepoch for today's foreign correspondents.(今天的外国记者迎来了一个新的时代。)
  • 22、During the Pleistoceneepoch, several species of elephants isolated on islands underwent rapid dwarfing.(在更新世时期,孤立在岛上的几种大象迅速变矮。)
  • 23、The birth of Christ was the beginning of a majorepoch of world history.(基督的诞生是世界历史一个重要时代的开始。)
  • 24、That's what the place looked like at some remoteepoch.(这是这个地方在某个久远的时代的样子。)
  • 25、The Pleistoceneepoch was an ice age.(更新世是一段冰河时代。)
  • 26、As such, it needed to appreciate the economic realities, the social contexts and power relations in which eachepoch stood.(因此,它需要了解每一个时代所处的经济现实和社会背景,以及所牵扯的权力关系。)


英 [ˈi:pɒk] 美 [ˈepək] 


n. 时期; 时代; 新纪元; 划时代的大事; 世
