


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:32:30

  • 1、Office workers try, often in vain, not todoze off at their desks after arduous, sweaty journeys.(办公室职员在费劲且汗流浃背地赶到公司后试着不去打瞌睡,可总是不尽人意。)
  • 2、In late autumn, the sun lazily in the sky, like a husband and smile indoze.(晚秋了,太阳懒洋洋地挂在天上,像个老公公露着笑脸在打瞌睡。)
  • 3、I had a quickdoze on the train.(我在火车上打了一会儿瞌睡。)
  • 4、Some students oftendoze off in class.(有些学生经常在课堂上打瞌睡。)
  • 5、Twenty percent of workersdoze off during night shift. People aren't machines.(百分之二十的工作者在夜班工作的时候都困,人又不是机器。)
  • 6、Translate: To such lengths did he go on with his windy speech that some of us began todoze.(他空洞的演讲如此冗长,以致我们中的一些人开始打瞌睡。)
  • 7、I had adoze on the train.(我在火车上打了个盹儿。)
  • 8、Youth, however, comes and goes in a moment ofdoze.(青春是个打个盹就过去的东西。)
  • 9、We couldn't help butdoze off during his lecture.(他演讲时我们忍不住打瞌睡。)
  • 10、I lie down among the clothes I have put on the bed anddoze.(我躺了下来,靠在衣服上,打了个小盹。)
  • 11、While waiting at the construction site, Jack begins todoze off.(在建筑工地等候的时候,杰克开始打瞌睡。)
  • 12、His lectures always make medoze.(他的课老让我打瞌睡。)
  • 13、I needn't disturb them; and I began todoze.(我用不着打扰他们。我就瞌睡起来。)
  • 14、I occasionallydoze off, only to be awakened by the agonizing pain of another collapsed vein and infiltrating fluids.(我时不时地会打一会瞌睡,但每次都被静脉破裂和输液的液体漏出引起的难忍的痛苦弄醒。)
  • 15、Once or twice she wondered if he were not gradually falling into adoze.(有一两次,她怀疑他是不是渐渐打起瞌睡来了。)
  • 16、The humming of the bees in the blossoms mingled with the chanting voice and drowsily melted into adoze.(蜜蜂在花丛里的嗡嗡声和唱诵的声音混在一起,令人昏昏欲睡。)
  • 17、He fell into adoze.(他打起盹儿来了。)
  • 18、Hundreds and thousands of books and magazinesdoze in the library.(上千上万册图书杂志在图书馆里“睡大觉”。)
  • 19、Is five more minutes ofdoze time really worth wasting a C-note and spending six months in prison?(再来5分钟的打盹时间要用一张百元面钞和六个月监禁为代价,真的划算吗?)
  • 20、I cannot conceive how you manage todoze out of doors, in the morning.(我不能想象你怎么早上在外面也要瞌睡。)
  • 21、If youdoze, it eats you up.(你一打盹儿,它就会吃了你。)
  • 22、I used todoze off while driving, but I don't anymore.(我以前开车时常会打瞌睡,但是现在不会了。)
  • 23、Careful look at the subway car or plane, the train scene, rare sit, chat,doze off, with the majority.(留神看一看地铁车厢里或飞机、火车上的情景,呆坐、聊天、打瞌睡的少见,手不释卷的居多。)
  • 24、It can be easy todoze off in a meeting when you're sleep deprived.(当你缺少睡眠时就很容易打瞌睡。)
  • 25、That may be true, says Nicolasdoze, a commentator on economics with a popular French business channel.(那可能是真的,Nicolasdoze说,doze是法国一个受欢迎的商业频道的财经评论员。)
  • 26、His companionsdoze.(他的同伴正在打瞌睡。)


英 [dəʊz] 美 [doʊz] 

名词: dozer 过去式: dozed 过去分词: dozed 现在分词: dozing 第三人称单数: dozes


