


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:31:45

  • 1、We worked on twoincredible dresses that were 3D printed.(我们设计了两件不可思议的3D打印礼服。)
  • 2、The hotel wasincredible.(这家旅馆棒极了。)
  • 3、With so much dryness, so many communities to catch fire, so many fronts to fight, it becomes an almostincredible job.(干燥度如此之高,加上许多社区着火,有这么多前线要去战斗,这几乎成了一项不可思议的工作。)
  • 4、It's prettyincredible how it has managed to hijack the genes of the algae on which it feeds.(它劫持自身赖以生存的藻类基因的方式,真是不可思议。)
  • 5、He used hisincredible sense of humour to lift my spirits.(他以不可思议的幽默感鼓舞了我的士气。)
  • 6、At first thought it seemsincredible that there can be enough space in the "solid" ground underfoot to hold all this water.(乍一想,似乎难以置信的是,在脚下的“坚实”地面上居然有足够的空间来容纳这么多的水。)
  • 7、It seemedincredible that people would still want to play football during a war.(在战争期间人们仍然想踢足球,这似乎不可思议。)
  • 8、When used properly, worry is anincredible device.(如果运用得当,忧虑也是一种不可思议的工具。)
  • 9、The government will lend you money atincredible rates, between zero percent and 3 percent.(政府将会以0到3%的利率贷款给你,这真是不可思议。)
  • 10、I felt I'd made anincredible discovery.(我感到自己有了一个惊人的发现。)
  • 11、The wildflowers will beincredible after this rain.(这场雨过后,野花将开得非常好。)
  • 12、The school stared in perplexity at thisincredible folly.(学校里的人对这种令人难以置信的愚蠢行为感到困惑不解。)
  • 13、When a whole culture adopts an upward look,incredible things can be accomplished.(当整个文化呈现出积极向上的面貌时,再不可思议的事情也能做到。)
  • 14、It'sincredible how long a cat can go without more than a lick of milk or water.(不可思议的是,猫不舔一口奶或一滴水能活这么久。)
  • 15、You sort of realize that people like you can do prettyincredible stuff.(你可能会意识到像你这样的人可以做一些不可思议的事情。)
  • 16、Bit by bit, we have pieced togetherincredible vistas of creation.(一点一点地,我们拼凑出了令人难以置信的创造图景。) (好工具
  • 17、Jake has raised twoincredible kids and I trust his judgement.(杰克已经抚养了两个极好的孩子,我相信他的判断。)
  • 18、It was anincredible display of motherly love and forgiveness.(那是慈母般关爱与宽容的一次令人难以置信的体现。)
  • 19、Just like Proteus, the octopus can go through all kinds ofincredible transformations.(就像普罗透斯一样,章鱼也会经历各种不可思议的转变。)
  • 20、"It wasincredible," Kurt says, suddenly aglow.(“简直是令人难以置信,”库尔特突然容光焕发地说到。)
  • 21、Scientific experiments have demonstratedincredible ways to kill a guinea pig, a small furry animal.(科学实验展示了难以置信的杀死豚鼠的方法,这是一种毛茸茸的小动物。)
  • 22、When it comes to brewing up flu to make vaccines, science still turns to theincredible edible egg.(说到制造流感疫苗,科学仍然把目光投向了令人难以置信的可食用鸡蛋。)
  • 23、I work anincredible amount of hours.(我工作的时间极长。)
  • 24、The odds against him surviving areincredible.(他生还的可能性太小。)
  • 25、I hope you'll take the challenge and findincredible joy in the process.(我希望你也接受挑战,然后在这一过程中发现极大的乐趣。)
  • 26、Aileen stands out for herincredible versatility as an actress.(作为一名女演员,艾琳以其难以置信的多才多艺而出类拔萃。)
  • 27、It's stillincredible how the World Wide Web has expanded in twenty years, and how much we now rely on it.(万维网在二十年里是如何发展壮大的,以及我们现在对它的依赖程度之大,这些仍然令人难以置信。)
  • 28、It isincredible that the 12-year-old managed to even reach the pedals, let alone drive the car.(这个12岁的小孩能够得着踏板都令人难以置信,更不用说开汽车了。)
  • 29、Siberia's forests are being logged at anincredible rate.(西伯利亚的森林正以惊人的速度被砍伐。)


英 [ɪnˈkredəbl] 美 [ɪnˈkrɛdəbəl] 

副词: incredibly 名词: incredibility

