


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:31:15

  • 1、Things such as nostril size vary with temperature andhumidity in ways that suggest evolution is at work.(鼻孔大小等因素随着温度和湿度的变化而变化,这种事表明进化在起作用。)
  • 2、The heat andhumidity were insufferable.(炎热与潮湿令人难以忍受。)
  • 3、It is commonly known that many people feel pains in their bones or joints whenhumidity rises.(众所周知,当湿度上升时,许多人的骨头或关节会感到疼痛。)
  • 4、Eventually the temperature of the surface waters of the sea rose, not so fast as the air temperature it is true, but fast enough to produce a dangerous increase ofhumidity.(最终,海水表面的温度上升,虽然不像空气温度上升那么快,但已经快到足以造成危险的湿度上升。)
  • 5、Ifhumidity is not within the set point, turn on external ventilation.(如果湿度不在设置点内,那么打开外部通风。)
  • 6、Thehumidity was becoming unbearable.(这种潮湿使人越来越难以忍受了。)
  • 7、Pressure andhumidity; and lightning.(测量压力、湿度和闪电数据。)
  • 8、Thehumidity of the bathroom ensures that it grows well.(浴室的湿度能确保它生长良好。)
  • 9、The grain is liable to mildew when thehumidity in the barn is too high.(仓库里潮气太大,粮食就容易发霉。)
  • 10、Museums that house Renaissance oil paintings typically store them in environments that are carefully kept within narrow margins of temperature andhumidity to inhibit any deterioration.(收藏文艺复兴时期油画的博物馆通常将它们保存在严格控制温度和湿度的环境中,以防止老化。)
  • 11、humidity controls are also helpful.(湿度控制也很有用。)
  • 12、Thehumidity is relatively low.(湿度相对较低。)
  • 13、Relativehumidity is expressed as percentage.(相对湿度采用百分数表示。)
  • 14、If thehumidity is above the set point, turn on external ventilation.(如果湿度高于设置点,那么打开外部通风。)
  • 15、Thehumidity of soil helps to grow.(土壤潮湿有助于植物生长。)
  • 16、The hut was not comfortable because of the highhumidity.(棚屋因为很大的湿气而让人很不舒服。)
  • 17、Tiger Path is 200 meters long and has a highhumidity.(老虎路有200米长,而且湿度很重。)
  • 18、The assumption of constant relativehumidity is important, because water vapor in the atmosphere is another efficient absorber of radiation at infrared wavelength.(相对湿度恒定的假设是重要的,因为大气中的水蒸气是红外波长辐射的另一种有效吸收剂。)
  • 19、These plants need heat andhumidity to grow well.(这些植物在高温潮湿的环境中才能生长得旺盛。)
  • 20、A sensedhumidity reading (hum_reading).(一个感知到的湿度读数(hum_reading)。)
  • 21、humidity indicators transmit information to the control centre.(湿度指示器将信息传至控制中心。)
  • 22、When a tree first starts growing in a certain area, it's likely that the climatic envelope—the temperature,humidity, rainfall patterns and so on—suits it.(当一棵树开始在某个地区生长时,很可能是气候环境——温度、湿度、降雨模式等等——适合它。)
  • 23、When storing Renaissance oil paintings, museums conform to standards that call for careful control of the surrounding temperature andhumidity, with variations confined within narrow margins.(博物馆在储存文艺复兴时期的油画时,要遵循严格控制周围温度和湿度的标准,把变化限制在狭小的范围内。)
  • 24、Because warm air can hold more moisture than cool air, the relativehumidity will be constant only if the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere increases as the temperature rises.(因为温暖的空气比冷空气能容纳更多的湿气,所以只有当大气中的水蒸气量随着温度的升高而增加时,相对湿度才会保持不变。)
  • 25、As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with the heat andhumidity.(身为气喘病患者,他受不了炎热与潮湿。)
  • 26、Maintaining this environment is very costly, and recent research shows that even old oil paint is unaffected by wide fluctuations in temperature andhumidity.(维护这样的环境是非常昂贵的,而且最近的研究表明,即使是旧的油画也不会受到温度和湿度大波动的影响。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 27、humidity will also be a factor, averaging at 41 percent.(湿度将成为另一个因素,平均湿度将达到41%。)
  • 28、Condition data, such as temperature,humidity, shock and vibration.(环境数据,比如温度、湿度、冲击和震动。)


英 [hju:ˈmɪdəti] 美 [hjuˈmɪdɪti] 

