


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:31:32

  • 1、So, what does it mean tomultiply matrices?(那么,两个矩阵乘起来是什么意思?)
  • 2、How do we do that correction? When I first tried this, I thought, fine I'llmultiply by 365/60, but I forgot this is a leap year.(我们如何进行修正呢?我第一次尝试的时候,我想,好吧我乘以365/60,但是我忘这是闰年。)
  • 3、The cells then mature andmultiply.(这些细胞会进而成熟和分殖。)
  • 4、multiply this number by 6 to get your heart rate per minute.(将这个数字乘以6就得到了你每分钟的心率。)
  • 5、Once ingested by a caterpillar, the protein globule dissolves, releasing thousands of viruses, or virions, that after about two weeksmultiply enough to fill the entire body cavity.(一旦被毛虫摄入,蛋白质小球就会溶解,释放出数以千计的病毒或病毒粒子,大约两周后这些病毒就会大量繁殖,足以填满整个体腔。)
  • 6、Every healthy creature tends tomultiply himself.(每一个健朗的生命都倾向于自我繁殖。)
  • 7、You've got to juggle the two equations,multiply that by 4,multiply that by 3, add and subtract and so on.(你必须联立这两个方程,一个乘以4,另一个乘以3,再加减等等。)
  • 8、These creatures canmultiply quickly.(这些生物能迅速大量繁殖。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 9、These permutationsmultiply toward infinity.(这些排列向无穷大增加。)
  • 10、In our example, if youmultiply 151 by 50, you'll get 7550.(在我们的示例中,如果将151乘以50,则得到7550。)
  • 11、Initially unrestrained by predators of their own, foreign predators are likely to be able tomultiply rapidly and overwhelm intended targets.(外来掠食者最初不受自身掠食者的限制,它们可能会迅速繁殖并击溃预定目标。)
  • 12、This willmultiply our chances of success.(这将增加我们成功的机会。)
  • 13、What do you get if youmultiply six by nine?(6乘以9得多少?)
  • 14、Without such regulations, tragedies involving water scooters are sure tomultiply, which makes many beaches unsafe for recreation.(如果没有这样的规定,水上摩托车引发的悲剧肯定会成倍增加,许多海滩会变得不够安全,无法开展娱乐活动。)
  • 15、Since then, arguments for and against homework have continued tomultiply.(从那时起,支持与反对家庭作业的争论不断增加。)
  • 16、It is possible tomultiply these bacteria in the laboratory.(在实验室里繁殖这些细菌是可能的。)
  • 17、It's very clear the way you patch it up is that youmultiply it by this constant and now we're all set.(很明显,你修补它的方法是把它乘以这个常数,现在我们都准备好了。)
  • 18、Thus, fever would make it more difficult for an infecting bacterium to acquire iron and thus tomultiply.(因此,发烧会使感染细菌更难获得铁,从而更难繁殖。)
  • 19、Can wemultiply anything by anything?(我们可以把任意两个相乘吗?)
  • 20、These cells attached themselves and began tomultiply.(这些细胞附在一起,开始繁殖。)
  • 21、Imultiply both sides with R squared.(两边都乘以R的平方。)
  • 22、multiply the cost per iteration by 15.(用单个重复的成本乘以15。)
  • 23、The children are already learning tomultiply and divide.(孩子们已经开始学习乘法和除法了。)
  • 24、OK, now we know how tomultiply matrices.(好,现在我们知道怎么把两个矩阵相乘了。)
  • 25、Remember that we need tomultiply it by the volume here, the volume of some sphere we've defined.(记住我们需要把它乘以体积,乘以某一个我们已定义的球体的体积。)
  • 26、So we'llmultiply by 1000 milliliters per liter.(所以需要乘以1000毫升每升。)
  • 27、And I can cross-multiply here.(然后再交叉相乘。)
  • 28、What does it mean tomultiply them?(把它们乘起来的意义是什么?)
  • 29、Because like Adam and Eve in the first creation story, Noah is told to be fruitful andmultiply.(因为就像第一个创世故事里的亚当和夏娃,诺亚被告知要多子多孙。)
  • 30、Granted that each piece gives you five hundred,multiply five hundred by five.(假设每一块给你500,把500乘以5。)


英 [ˈmʌltɪplaɪ] 美 [ˈmʌltəˌplaɪ] 

过去式: multiplied 过去分词: multiplied 现在分词: multiplying 第三人称单数: multiplies



