


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:38:09

  • 1、After three years of marriage, Kim was still questioning her husband about hislurid past.(结婚三年了,金始终对丈夫曾经的风流史耿耿于怀。)
  • 2、She took care to paint her toe nails alurid red or orange.(她小心翼翼地把脚趾甲涂成艳丽的红色或桔色。)
  • 3、The paper gave all thelurid details of the murder.(这份报纸对这起凶杀案骇人听闻的细节描述得淋漓尽致。)
  • 4、It was whispered, by those who peered after her, that the scarlet letter threw alurid gleam along the dark passageway of the interior.(那些在她身后窥视的人低声说,那红字在屋内漆黑的过道上投下了一道血红的闪光。)
  • 5、Even more striking was the dessert, concocted out of thelurid and astringent juice of the sea-buckthorn berry.(更引人注目的是餐后甜点,由沙棘果调制出来的火红和涩味的果汁。)
  • 6、One of my resolutions this New Year is to popularize the term " thick presence. " It soundslurid, but it's not.(我的新年决心之一就是宣传“亲密共处”这个理念。听起来有些耸人听闻,但事实上并非如此。)
  • 7、His doomed marriage with a young actress, Robin Givens, made fodder for headlines and ended amidlurid tales of domestic violence.(他与年轻演员RobinGivens劫运般的婚姻为报纸标题提供了无穷无尽的素材,并最终在家庭暴力的骇人故事中终结。)
  • 8、But it is also a commentary on thelurid appeal of shopping malls, which were then multiplying quickly.(但它也是对购物商城可怕的吸引力的实况报道,此后购物商城迅速在各地涌现。)
  • 9、A suddenlurid glare in his films-from a naked light, from an empty street-usually marked the entry into psychosis.(电影里有时突然打出一道苍白刺眼的光线——或是一只不带灯罩的灯泡,或是空无一人的街道——这通常预示进入潜意识的开始。)
  • 10、Once, he found thelurid pink hat she wore when the drugs had made her hair fall out.(一次,他找到了一顶粉红色的帽子,那是艾玛脱发后常戴的。)
  • 11、The trio makelurid allegations about specific incidents.(三个女性对具体事件作出了耸人听闻的指控。)
  • 12、His hatred of you burns with alurid flame-the flame that never dies.(他对你的仇恨象熊熊燃烧的火焰——永不熄灭的火焰。)
  • 13、At first it was but alurid spark upon the stone pavement.(起先,那只是闪现在石板路上的灰黄色的星星之火。)
  • 14、Murals at the airport providelurid detail to these claims.(该机场的壁画详细地描述了这些可怕的传言。)
  • 15、Anyone who thinks men are only ones conjuring uplurid, graphic fantasies about other passengers on the subway is deluded.(那些任何认为男人是唯一一个会对乘地铁的其他旅客产生耸人听闻的而又形象的幻想的人都受骗了。)
  • 16、Accurate reporting takes second place tolurid detail.(准确的报道在其次,耸人听闻的细节最重要。)
  • 17、Thelurid sunset puts a red light on their faces.(耀眼的夕阳映红了他们的脸。)
  • 18、The misspending complaints are based on a fewlurid press reports, he says.(他说,这些开支不当的控诉都是基于少数几家媒体的报道。)
  • 19、He is watching TV, the screen casting itslurid blue light across his face.(他在看电视,银屏红蓝色的的光投在他的脸上。)
  • 20、It is alurid example of the dangers of coercion.(这就是一个(体现)强制的危险性的恐怖案例。)
  • 21、Last night I met a wild andlurid, gruesome and grisly bandit.(昨晚我遇到了一个野蛮而可怕,可憎而令人毛骨悚然的强盗。)
  • 22、"Yea, woman, thou sayest truly!" cried old Roger Chillingworth, letting thelurid fire of his heart blaze out before her eyes.(“是啊,妇人,你算说对了!”老罗杰·齐灵渥斯叫着,内心的火焰在她眼前烧得一片血红。)
  • 23、The film is inlurid colors, a pulp counterpoint to the elegance of the action.(影片的色彩浓的逼人,森森鬼气呼应着优雅的动作。)


英 [ˈlʊərɪd] 美 [ˈlʊrɪd] 

副词: luridly 名词: luridness

