


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:37:16

  • 1、Dark hair dyes: They are known to contain coaltar, a carcinogenic chemical.(—深色染发剂:已被证明含有致癌化学物质煤焦油。)
  • 2、The new product is also atar file.(新产品也是一个tar文件。)
  • 3、The oil has hardened totar.(油已硬化成沥青了。)
  • 4、The pavement on the road is covered with blacktar.(这条能马路的人行道上铺的是黑色的柏油。)
  • 5、They used brick instead of stone, andtar for mortar.(他们就拿砖当石头,又拿石漆当灰泥。)
  • 6、The gooeytar-sands of Canada contain almost as much oil as Saudi Arabia.(加拿大粘稠的柏油地里,所蕴藏的石油量和沙特一样多。)
  • 7、Listing 1. Contents of wget-1.11.4.tar.(清单1.wget-1.11.4.tar的内容。)
  • 8、He was attempting to manufacture quinine from aniline, an inexpensive and readily available coaltar waste product.(他试图用苯胺批量制造奎宁,苯胺是一种廉价且容易获得的煤焦油废料。)
  • 9、Albertatar sands: Referred to as the most damaging project on the planet.(阿尔伯达焦油砂:被称为地球上最具破坏性的项目。)
  • 10、tar sands and biofuels represent only a small part of global energy use.(沥青砂及生物燃料仅占全球能源消耗的一小部分。)
  • 11、Usingtar and direct file system exchange.(使用tar和直接文件系统交换。)
  • 12、Unpack the source: $tar zxf otp_src_R14B01.tar.gz(解压源代码:$tarzxfotp_src_R14B01.tar.gz)
  • 13、She smelled of talcum powder and Coaltar Soap, Jimmy thought, just like his Aunty Freda.(吉米想,她闻起来有股爽身粉和碳油皂的味道,就像他的弗雷达阿姨一样。)
  • 14、Open thetar file (line 5).(打开tar文件(第5行)。)
  • 15、Lao Yang removes his tyres after they get covered with meltedtar.(老杨卸下轮胎清除上面覆盖的融化了的沥青。)
  • 16、No. The two bigtar-sands deposits are in Canada and Venezuela.(不会。两大主要的焦油沙矿位于加拿大和委内瑞拉境内。)
  • 17、Usingtar to store backup data.(使用tar存储备份数据。)
  • 18、There are also endless Numbers of birds in thetar as well.(沥青坑里还有无数只鸟的尸体。)
  • 19、tar balls continue to wash up on beaches.(焦油球继续被冲刷到沙滩上。)
  • 20、Another discovered a valuable diamond brooch covered intar in a bathroom stall.(另一个人在浴室的小隔间里发现了一个沾满柏油的珍贵钻石胸针。)
  • 21、Soft parts, including skin, hair, and viscera of ice age mammoths, have been preserved in frozen soil or in the oozingtar of oil seeps.(冰河时代猛犸象的柔软部位,包括皮肤、毛发和内脏,被保存在冻土或石油渗出的焦油中。)
  • 22、Dump can perform functions similar totar.(dump可以执行类似tar的功能。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 23、There is also nicotine, which is powerful poison, and blacktar.(里面还有很强的毒素尼古丁和黑焦油。)
  • 24、These comprise asphalt,tar and waxes.(其中包括沥青,焦油和蜡。)
  • 25、Utilising the cheap and plentiful coaltar that was an almost unlimited byproduct of London's gas street lighting, the dye works began producing the world's first synthetically dyed material in 1857.(煤焦油是伦敦煤气道路照明几乎无限的副产物,利用便宜量大的煤焦油,染厂于1857年开始生产世界上第一种合成染色材料。)
  • 26、On occasion, animals and plants have been preserved after becoming immersed intar or quicksand, trapped in ice or lava flows, or engulfed by rapid falls of volcanic ash.(有时,动物和植物被浸泡在焦油或流沙中,被困在冰或熔岩流中,或被迅速落下的火山灰吞没后被保存下来。)


英 [tɑ:(r)] 美 [tɑ:r] 

过去式: tarred 过去分词: tarred 现在分词: tarring 第三人称单数: tars

n. 焦油; 柏油

n. 水手

vt. 涂以焦油
