


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:37:13

  • 1、saturate us Lord with your Spirit.(主阿!将我们浸在灵里。)
  • 2、Try tosaturate your body with this sense of relaxed but steady awareness, and see what happens as a result.(试著用这股放松然而平稳的觉知,饱和你的身体,看看作为果报,将会发生什么。)
  • 3、In addition, cable will encounter contention problems when multiple concurrent userssaturate a link.(此外,当很多同时用户使一个链路饱和时,有线电视系统还会碰到争夺问题。)
  • 4、The linear andsaturate portion of MOSFET static state behavior is also included.(而MOSFET的静态线性区和饱和区的特性也用于表示阳极电压。)
  • 5、David Watkins worked all night long making enough copies of our AD tosaturate the state.(戴维·沃特金斯忙了一个通宵,他制作出的广告复制带足够覆盖全州。)
  • 6、saturate the wood with oil and let it soak in. The oil protects the wood.(油浸透了木材,使之吸收,可以起到保护作用。)
  • 7、The talent-market tends tosaturate.(人才市场趋于饱和。)
  • 8、The heavy rain willsaturate our clothes.(大雨将浸透我们的衣服。)
  • 9、This limited the number of concurrent updates/second with an acceptable response time as the database machine wouldsaturate.(在可接受的响应时间内,随着数据库服务器的超负荷,每秒钟发生的并发更新数将受到限制。)
  • 10、The template component has a property of type IndexFactory, a descendent of the indexing engine, which cansaturate it.(模板组件有一个IndexFactory类型的属性,该属性是索引引擎的派生物,可能会因索引引擎而满负荷。)
  • 11、The injectingsaturate minority carrier current may be reduced the most effectively by the first grain boundary.(其中,第一个晶粒间界能够最有效地减少注入饱和少数载流子电流。)
  • 12、saturate the bandage with disinfectant.(用消毒剂把绷带浸透。)
  • 13、The vapor pressure andsaturate liquid density of the five compounds were determined in high temperature.(同时测定了以上五种物质在高温范围内的饱和蒸汽压和饱和液体密度。)
  • 14、The natural ingredients cansaturate deep into the skin and promote cellular turnover.(这些天然的成分能被皮肤大量深入的吸收,从而促进了细胞的转换。)
  • 15、When the water level is falling, the free surface line ofsaturate theory is lower thansaturate-unsaturated.(水位下降时,饱和理论比饱和—非饱理论计算的渗流自由面下降要快。)
  • 16、The picture has a feel of steam and rusted metal so I de-saturate (lighten the brightness of color) I am using.(图像中有蒸汽的感觉和腐蚀的金属,所以我降低了颜色的饱和度(把颜色提亮。))
  • 17、A major accident in this area couldsaturate medical facilities.(这一地区发生一次大事故可以使医疗设施的使用达到饱和点。)
  • 18、According to our results, the server starts tosaturate at 350-500 users.(根据我们的结果,服务器性能会在350-500个用户时趋于饱和。)
  • 19、Images from the camera are intentionally blurred to minimize the number of bright stars thatsaturate the detectors.(相机的图像特意略微模糊,使星光的晕染影响降到最低。)
  • 20、saturate the section of hair you will be working on first.(饱和的一段头发,你会工作的第一。)
  • 21、It's made using powerful humidifiers to super-saturate the air.(它利用高压增湿器来将高饱和蒸气喷洒至空气中。)
  • 22、saturate the moss with water before planting the bulbs in it.(在种植球茎于苔藓中之前,先用水浸透苔藓。)
  • 23、Heavy rains cansaturate hillsides, leading to devastating mudslides.(大雨会浸透山坡,会导致毁灭性的泥石流。)
  • 24、This was done so that the brightest stars will notsaturate large portions of the detectors.(这样做为的是不让这些亮星在探测器中产生巨大的光溢出。)
  • 25、Thesesaturate the thyroid with safe iodine and stop it taking up the radioactive kind.(这些正常的碘会让甲状腺碘元素饱和从而不再吸收那些放射性的碘元素。)
  • 26、Pleasesaturate the meat in the mixture of oil and herbs.(请把肉浸泡在油和作料的卤汁里。)


英 [ˈsætʃəreɪt] 美 [ˈsætʃəˌret] 

形容词: saturable 名词: saturator 过去式: saturated 过去分词: saturated 现在分词: saturating 第三人称单数: saturates


