


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:36:39

  • 1、It's important tonurture a good working relationship.(维持良好的工作关系非常重要。)
  • 2、Epigenetic processes are chemical reactions tied to neither nature nornurture but representing what researchers have called a "third component".(表观遗传过程是一种化学反应,与天生和后天培养都没有关系,但它代表了研究人员所说的“第三种成分”。)
  • 3、I want tonurture and protect it and save it, and I'm committed.(我想要养育它、保护她、拯救它,而我也是这么做的。)
  • 4、Parents want to know the best way tonurture and raise their child to adulthood.(父母们想了解把他们的孩子养育成人的最好方法。)
  • 5、Tonurture trust, you can’t be mostly honest or mostly fair.(要培养新人,你不能基本上诚实或者基本上公平。)
  • 6、nurture and celebrate your love!(滋养并庆祝你的爱情!)
  • 7、And his background - nature vs.nurture.(以及他的背景-自然的和后天培育的。)
  • 8、"nurture it, and they'll turn out admirable people," she says.(“因势利导,把她们培养成可敬可爱的人。”她说。)
  • 9、nurture your gifts and talents.(培养你的天赋和才能。)
  • 10、nurture emotional intimacy too.(感情也要亲密。)
  • 11、Acknowledge that both males and females cannurture children.(承认男女都可以养育小孩。)
  • 12、The human organism learns partly by nature, partly bynurture.(人的学习能力部分是先天的,部分是后天培育的。)
  • 13、Besides cloning a great dog, the project may contribute insight into the old question of nature vs.nurture.(除了克隆一只伟大的狗之外,该项目可能还有助于深入了解先天与后天这一古老问题。)
  • 14、Unique to mammals, the limbic cortex impels creatures tonurture their offspring by delivering feelings of tenderness and warmth to the parent when children are nearby.(当哺乳动物的孩子们在附近时,独有的边缘皮层向家长传递温柔和温暖的感觉,促使哺乳动物去养育后代。)
  • 15、Use them tonurture an atmosphere of trust.(好好运用它们来培养信任的氛围。)
  • 16、To biomedical researchers all over the world, twins offer a precious opportunity to untangle the influence of genes and the environment—of nature andnurture.(对世界各地的生物医学研究人员来说,双胞胎提供了一个宝贵的机会,来解开基因和环境——也就是先天和后天的影响之谜。)
  • 17、They, she says, are the best people tonurture.(他们,桑德伯格说,是最可培养的人。)
  • 18、Testers and Developers shouldnurture each other's skills.(测试人员与开发人员应该互相提升彼此的技能。)
  • 19、One of the best ways tonurture trust is to ask for help.(培养信任最好的方法之一就是寻求帮助。)
  • 20、Change what you can, and embrace andnurture what you can't.(如果你能,就改变;如果不能,就拥抱和培育。)
  • 21、Part of apostolicnurture was seen in rebuke and admonition.(一部分门徒的培养也被看做是充满了非难和责备。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 22、Something between nature ornurture, or really both.(这件事介于自然和培育之间,或者两者都有。)
  • 23、Lately, however, twin studies have helped lead scientists to a radical new conclusion: that nature andnurture are not the only elemental forces at work.(然而,近日的双胞胎研究帮助科学家们得出了一个全新的结论:先天和后天因素不是唯一起作用的因素。)
  • 24、Like the old song says, there's no place like home, not because of the real estate, but because of the sense of shelter andnurture that it provides.(就像古老的歌中所唱,没有地方会像家一样,不是因为它实际的地产价值,而是因为它所提供的庇护和养育的感觉。)
  • 25、nurture talent in others.(培养他人的才能。)
  • 26、It was a striking case of hownurture affects nature.(这是一个后天影响先天的典型例子。)
  • 27、Math Smarts:nurture Not nature.(数学智能:教养而非天生。)
  • 28、In other words, the essence of a wine lies in itsnurture.(即,在他们的观念中,葡萄酒的本质决定于后天培养。)
  • 29、Sometimes, when I was pushed into an argument on left brain versus right brain, or nature versusnurture, I would instantly fight fiercely on my behalf and all womankind.(有时,当我被推入关于左脑与右脑、先天与后天的争论时,我会立刻代表个人和所有女性展开激烈的争论。)


英 [ˈnɜ:tʃə(r)] 美 [ˈnɜ:rtʃə(r)] 

名词: nurturer 过去式: nurtured 过去分词: nurtured 现在分词: nurturing 第三人称单数: nurtures


