


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:36:35

  • 1、Astwilight drew on, the ferryboat went back to her accustomed business and the skiffs disappeared.(天快黑的时候,渡船又回到它常去的地方,小船也不见了。)
  • 2、It was nearlytwilight when we arrived.(到达时已近黄昏。)
  • 3、Thetwilight died into the dark.(暮色逐渐变成黑夜。)
  • 4、It was hard to see him clearly in thetwilight.(在朦胧的暮色中很难看清他。)
  • 5、They returned attwilight.(他们在黄昏时返回。)
  • 6、They lived in a statelesstwilight zone.(他们住在无国籍的边缘地区。)
  • 7、twilight, 2008(《暮光之城》,2008)
  • 8、It is a sadtwilight for the monarch.(这亦是君主困境,实在堪悲。)
  • 9、By now the blue oftwilight is glowing.(此时,黄昏绽放出蔚蓝色的霞光。)
  • 10、twilight fans are thirteen year old girls.(《暮光之城》的粉丝都是十三岁的小女孩。)
  • 11、I guesstwilight is really awesome and I agree.(看来《暮光之城》真的很棒,我也同意。)
  • 12、And dreaming through thetwilight.(我在晨曦或暮霭中梦想。)
  • 13、They lived in thetwilight zone on the fringes of society.(他们生活在社会边缘的过渡区域。)
  • 14、Tuesday afternoon came, and waned to thetwilight.(到了星期二的下午,一直到了黄昏。)
  • 15、twilight was falling as he turned homeward.(他转身往家走时,已是黄昏时分。)
  • 16、twilight number one fan! How old is she?(《暮光之城》的铁杆粉丝!她多大了啊?)
  • 17、After supper, there was still a long cleartwilight to work in and that was her quiet time.(晚饭后,还有很长一段天亮着的黄昏,他们可以工作,这是她宁静的时光。)
  • 18、twilight merged into total darkness.(暮色渐渐变成漆黑。)
  • 19、In thetwilight of his life, Stevens learns what love is all about.(在他生命的黄昏之际,史蒂夫了解了爱的全部意义。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 20、Thetwilight had turned to a deep blackness.(暮色渐浓,变成了一片漆黑。)
  • 21、The two girls of thetwilight recurred to his mind.(他脑海中再现了黄昏时的那两个姑娘。)
  • 22、When the cave door was unlocked, a sorrowful sight presented itself in the dimtwilight of the place.(当洞口的门被打开时,昏暗的暮色中出现了一幅令人悲伤的景象。)
  • 23、We went for a walk along the beach attwilight.(黄昏时分我们沿着海滩散步。)
  • 24、It was in thesetwilight hours that Mrs. Sowerby heard of all that happened at Misselthwaite Manor.(就在这黄昏时分,索尔比太太听到了在米塞斯韦特庄园发生的一切。)
  • 25、I can spend my later years, thetwilight of my life, turning to the things about the gods, "performing sacrifices commanded by the gods".(我可以在我往后的光阴,我生命的暮年,转向服伺众神,“执行众神所要求的祭典”。)
  • 26、Tom skimmed up the shore through the longtwilight, chatting cheerily with Huck, and landed shortly after dark.(汤姆黄昏中汤姆沿岸边划了很长时间,兴高采烈地和哈克着聊天,天黑不久他们就上了岸。)
  • 27、Missed “twilight”, the predecessor of “New Moon”?(迷失的“黎明”可能人气直逼“新月”?)
  • 28、"Man does not strive for happiness; only the Englishman does that," wrote Nietzsche in Thetwilight of the Idols.(尼采在《偶像的黄昏》中写到:“人类不力求幸福;只有英国人才那么做。”)


英 [ˈtwaɪlaɪt] 美 [ˈtwaɪˌlaɪt] 

