


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:35:50

  • 1、By contrast, trees thatsprout naturally are native species and more resilient.(相比之下,天然发芽的树木多为当地树种并且适应性更强。)
  • 2、Can you make a novel, as he says in the essay, that will "sprout wings and grow claws" in secret in his mind?(就像他在文章里说的那样,你能够让一本小说在他脑海里秘密地“展开翅膀,伸出爪子”?)
  • 3、Snake embryos, for example,sprout hind limb buds.(例如,蛇的胚胎会生长出后肢。)
  • 4、When the seedlingssprout, uncover the tray.(幼苗发芽后,揭开盘上的遮盖物。)
  • 5、And weeds are beginning tosprout up in luxury villa developments that are devoid of residents.(在豪华别墅开发区,野草渐渐繁生,居民却踪迹全无。)
  • 6、Specific recommendations tosprout producers.(对芽苗菜生产者的具体建议。)
  • 7、If you want to try this,sprout the seeds.(要是你想试试这个,就让种子发芽。)
  • 8、Budssprout in the spring.(芽在春天萌发。)
  • 9、The original use was typed by Wayne Pearson, in Calgary, who says he wrote the first ever LOL in reply to a gag by someone called "sprout".(最初的用法是加拿大卡尔加里的WaynePearson输入的,他说他在回复一个名叫“sprout”的笑话时第一次写下了LOL。)
  • 10、His immense capacity for enjoyment, like the breezes of spring, helped poetry tosprout.(他无比宽宏深厚的欣赏力像春天的微风,促使诗歌生长发芽。)
  • 11、She often substitutes chopped scallion greens for garlicsprout.(她经常用切好的葱段代替蒜苗。) 【好工具】
  • 12、Vermiculite is the best transplantation stroma of Dendranthema morifolium tubesprout.(蛭石是菊花试管苗最佳的移栽基质。)
  • 13、Cut pasty in strips, put gluten, vegetable oil and endivesprout with the pasty.(将蒸好的面皮切成条状,放上面筋,青笋。)
  • 14、Community gardens oftensprout on empty lots owned by the city.(社区花园往往萌芽于城市公有空地。)
  • 15、Leaf-shoots were beginning tosprout on the hawthorn.(叶芽开始在山楂树上长出来。)
  • 16、Once the flower blooms, print all the photographs fromsprout to flower.(把所有的照片都打印出来——从发出花芽到展开花朵。)
  • 17、The seed wouldsprout, grow, and bear fruit depending on which type of soil it fell on.(种子会发芽,生长,并且长出果实,这依赖于它们落到哪个土壤当中。)
  • 18、The real surprise is that inflation did notsprout earlier.(真正令人惊讶的是,通胀并未在更早的时候爆发。)
  • 19、Neuronssprout dendrites that transmit incoming electrochemical stimulation to the trunk-like cell body.(树干样的神经元像出芽一般伸出树突以接收外来的电化学刺激。)
  • 20、Feathers don't last forever. So birds periodically shed their plumage and thensprout replacements.(鸟的羽毛不会永远光洁如新,鸟类必须周期性的进行换羽,长出新的羽毛。)
  • 21、30when theysprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near.(30它发芽的时候,你们一看见,自然晓得夏天近了。)
  • 22、Potatoessprout twice a year.(马铃薯一年发两次芽。)
  • 23、Then . . . I found little rootlets of affection for Ingleside beginning tosprout out.(然后,我发现壁炉山庄的影响开始扩张了。)
  • 24、Or your smooth belly may suddenlysprout an elbow-like bump.(或者是你光滑的肚子上可能突然之间长出一个拳头样的肿块。)
  • 25、The seeds willsprout in a few days.(这些种子几天后就会发芽。)
  • 26、It only takes a few days for beans tosprout.(豆子只需几天就会发芽。)
  • 27、Yet storing a memory does require the ability tosprout new neurons.(然而,储存一段记忆还是需要依靠脑体再长出新神经元的能力。)


英 [spraʊt] 美 [spraʊt] 

过去式: sprouted 过去分词: sprouted 现在分词: sprouting 第三人称单数: sprouts


