


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:35:14

  • 1、This will give a greatimpetus to the ASEM process.(这将是对亚欧会议进程的一大推进。)
  • 2、impetus of IT technology?(推动信息技术?)
  • 3、Theimpetus for growth goes to the heart of the challenges of a global economy.(这种增长的动力来自于全球经济挑战所面临的核心问题。)
  • 4、Canada, Mexico and the United Kingdom won t provide muchimpetus.(加拿大,墨西哥和英国不会提供很多的动力。)
  • 5、Nor has it provided muchimpetus to incipient or ongoing peace processes.(它也无法为那些刚刚开始或正在进行的和平进程提供动力。)
  • 6、Children need animpetus to study.(儿童学习需要动力。)
  • 7、Thereafter, theimpetus for manned flight was lost.(从那以后,载人飞行的动力就消失了。)
  • 8、This is an encouragement [impetus] to us.(这是对我们的鞭策。)
  • 9、His articles provided the mainimpetus for change.(他的那些文章是促进变革的主要推动力。)
  • 10、A powerfulimpetus for all this comes from its Asian neighbourhood.(所有这些表现的强大动力来自其亚洲邻国。)
  • 11、Eurocrats hope it will create newimpetus.(欧共体的官员希望,新条约能发挥出新的推动力。)
  • 12、This is the basicimpetus to build such system.(这正是构建这样的系统的原始动力。)
  • 13、The dream gave me theimpetus to move forward.(那个梦给了我前进的动力。)
  • 14、Bubbles also normally need a trigger event to give themimpetus.(泡沫一般还需要一次导火事件(triggerevent)带来推动。)
  • 15、It is undoubtedly a strongimpetus to the Chinese fashion field.(对中国的时尚圈来说,这无疑于一针强心剂。)
  • 16、Theimpetus for such a plan was simple.(制定这一计划的动力非常简单。)
  • 17、Theimpetus for change came from lawyers.(促进转变的动力来自于律师们。)
  • 18、The present conflict may provide freshimpetus for peace talk.(目前的冲突可能会给和谈提供新的推动力。)
  • 19、On security grounds, theimpetus may be justified.(在安全层面,推动力也被证实了。)
  • 20、Need furtherimpetus?(需要点动力?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 21、By 1982, she was restless and needed a newimpetus for her talent.(到1982年,她焦躁不安,需要一个新的对其才华的推动力。)
  • 22、It's true that Barcelona [process] was lingering, there was lack ofimpetus.(巴塞罗那进程的确迟迟没有进展,缺乏动力。)
  • 23、And some people take this a step further, and they hypothesize that this migration actually provided an importantimpetus in the development of ancient Egypt.(有些人对这方面做了进一步的研究,并假设这次的迁移实际上为古埃及的发展提供了一个重要的动力。)
  • 24、Class size -which was theimpetus of Project Star -evidently played some role.(“小星星项目”的一个原动力是研究班级人数的影响,这个参数确有影响。)
  • 25、Theimpetus comes in part from new evidence.(这股力量的推动力是新的证据。)
  • 26、The debate seems to have lost much of its initialimpetus.(辩论会似乎没有开始时那么大的冲劲了。)
  • 27、Because of the barrier of ice to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and populated areas to the north, there may have been a greaterimpetus for people to move in a southerly direction.(因为东面有冰的屏障,西面是太平洋,而且北面是人口稠密的地区,所以促使人们向南迁移的动力会更大。)


英 [ˈɪmpɪtəs] 美 [ˈɪmpɪtəs] 

名词复数: impetuses

