


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:41:01

  • 1、Imull them over in my head and stick with them until I get the right answer.(i仔细考虑他们在我的头,并坚持与他们,直到我得到正确的答案。)
  • 2、Now we shall be able tomull some ale!(现在我们可以热一些麦芽酒了!)
  • 3、But if you have even the slightest doubt, take the time tomull it over.(但是如果你哪怕有一丁点儿的迟疑,一定要花时间好好想想。)
  • 4、I need some time tomull it over before making a decision.(在作出决定之前我需要一些时间来认真琢磨一下。)
  • 5、He canmull that question while he readies his appeal to the Lands Tribunal, which he hopes will be heard this year.(在他对向土地审裁处上诉作准备时有机会仔细考虑这一问题,他希望土地审裁处今年能受理他的上诉。)
  • 6、Takings off the weight quickly, I folded the edges in and put the new layer ofmull on followed by more glue.(移开重物,把多余的边折进去,在新放的纱布上再涂一些胶水。)
  • 7、I'll leave you alone here so you canmull it over.(我不打扰你了,你在这儿可以仔细考虑考虑这事儿。)
  • 8、Philosophy makes you question everything,mull it over and come to your own conclusions.(哲学使你对一切发问,仔细考虑过后,得出你自己的结论。)
  • 9、We need the quotation tomull it over.(我们需要报价单好进一步考量。)
  • 10、They need time tomull it over, compare products and prices, and decide if they really need it.(他们需要时间来仔细考虑一下,比较产品和价格,并决定如果他们真的需要它。)
  • 11、Then you slowly and naturally conjure up positive thoughts andmull on them.(然后,你慢慢地和自然想起了积极的想法和思考他们。)
  • 12、This is the optimum Angle to tumble andmull the sand.(这是最佳角度倒下来的沙子和仔细考虑。)
  • 13、Sit at home andmull over what mobile phone you should buy, waiting for the answer would pop in at some point.(坐在家里仔细考虑你该买什么手机,或是等待答案偶尔也会冒出一些想法。这样做也许会有用,也许永远也没办法。)
  • 14、Under such circumstances, we had to declare this agreementmull and void.(在这种情况下,我们不得不宣布这份协议无效。)
  • 15、Endophthalmitis displaysmull echoes, retinal thickened or detached.(眼内炎回声杂乱,视网膜增厚或伴有脱离。)
  • 16、Go wildlife watching on the rugged island ofmull for the chance to see eagles, otters and even porpoises.(在崎岖不平的马尔岛上,你将有机会看到的野生的鹰,水獭和鼠海豚。)
  • 17、Crawford believes professionals should request the opportunity tomull things over.(Crawford认为职场人士应该申请机会将事情弄清楚。)
  • 18、Mr Brown said he wouldmull it over.(布朗说他会仔细考虑议案。)
  • 19、Before 1970, economists would not have found much in their discipline to help themmull this puzzle.(放在1970年之前,经济学家是不会在这门学科中找到太多的东西来帮助他们仔细思考这个迷的。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 20、It was one of those games that you don't evenmull it over.(反正没怎么多想,这也不过是其中的一场。)
  • 21、The manager needs time tomull over our proposals.(经理需要时间来审慎考虑我们的提案。)
  • 22、For now, the best we can do ismull the news over. Here are some of the things I'm wondering about.(目前我们能做的是细细琢磨昨天的会议议题。)
  • 23、But who has time tomull over things of this nature?(但谁会有时间仔细琢磨这种天性之特征呢?)
  • 24、Typically as youmull these things over, inspiration strikes once, so make sure you don't waste it!(通常当你对整个过程深思熟虑时,灵感会迸发出来,因此一定不要把这些灵感浪费了。)
  • 25、Ll: So why don't you just forget about it tonight, andmull it over during the weekend?(好,就听你的,我们今天晚上什么都不想了,去看电影,周末再做决定。)


英 [mʌl] 美 [mʌl] 

过去式: mulled 过去分词: mulled 现在分词: mulling 第三人称单数: mulls




