


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:41:12

  • 1、As a result, many are run over - half of allskunk deaths, in fact, are due to humans.(所以,很多臭鼬会跑过头,事实上,大约半数的臭鼬死亡是因为人类。)
  • 2、BILL GATES seems to relish being theskunk at the garden party.(比尔·盖茨似乎成了游园会上的讨厌鬼。)
  • 3、skunk, a noxious liquid mixture of nontoxic ingredients including baking powder and yeast, is blasted onto protesters from a water cannon.(臭鼬,一种由发酵粉和酵母等无毒成分混合而成的有毒液体,从高压水枪喷到抗议者身上。)
  • 4、A rat with a hat, on a trunk, with askunk, in a house, with a mouse, and a panda in a blouse.(一只戴着帽子的老鼠,站在树干上,和一只臭鼬,在一座房子里,和一只小老鼠,还有一只穿着衬衫的熊猫。)
  • 5、Mary felt sick when she realized she'd run over askunk on the highway.(当玛丽知道自己在高速公路上撞死了臭鼬时,她觉得不舒服。)
  • 6、Walk like a duck and stomp like askunk.(走起来像只鸭子,跺起脚来像只鼬子。)
  • 7、Tease askunk in Minnesota, and they can haul you off to jail.(如果你在明尼苏达州戏弄臭鼬,你也可能会入狱。)
  • 8、If your unconscious is saying don't take that job, go on that date, poke thatskunk—take heed.(如果你的潜意识告诉你不要接受那份工作,那就在这天去戳穿它——注意了。)
  • 9、Said the tube-rose to theskunk, "Oh, most noble swift runner, please run swiftly!"(月下香对鼬鼠说:"*銧,最高贵的快腿,请你快快跑开吧!")
  • 10、But on the contrary, she is really a selfishskunk.(可恰恰相反,她其实是个自私的讨厌鬼。)
  • 11、Tease askunk in Minnesota, and it can haul you off to jail.(在明尼苏达州戏弄一只臭鼬,这会把你送进监狱。)
  • 12、Theskunk helps farmers by eating the rodents that chew on their crops.(臭鼬帮助农民吃掉那些啃食庄稼的啮齿类动物。)
  • 13、The hunter snared askunk .(猎人捕得一只臭鼬。)
  • 14、"Good," Frank said. "And, Tom, I need you to put yourskunk works project on hold."(“好,”弗兰克说,“还有,汤姆,我想你先把手头的这个项目先搁置一下。”)
  • 15、Thank youskunk!(感谢你,臭鼬!)
  • 16、Even so, anyskunk captured in Illinois is euthanized.(即使这样,伊利诺伊州内捕获的臭鼬均实施安乐死。)
  • 17、If askunk sprays your dog, wash the dog with tomato juice, then with shampoo and water.(如果您的狗被臭鼬给喷了,先用西红柿汁儿洗。然后,用洗发精洗,最后用清水冲洗。)
  • 18、skunk placed the hat.(臭鼬给它戴上了帽子。)
  • 19、Chicago-Areaskunk Population Raises a stink.(臭鼬增加芝加哥变臭。)
  • 20、But Kaulback says there's nothing adorable about askunk.(但考贝克说,臭鼬身上没有哪一点能让人们喜欢。)
  • 21、If an idea from askunk works fails, it can be buried quietly, and nobody gets hurt.(如果一个作品的观点失败了,失败就会被静静地掩盖起来,没有人会因此受到伤害。)
  • 22、There are skid marks in front of theskunk.(律师尸体是臭鼬尸体之前的刹车痕。)
  • 23、This is the second [or third]skunk we've got.(这已经是我们捉到的第二[或第三]只臭鼬了。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 24、Stripedskunk, Stripedskunk, what do you see?(缟臭鼬,缟臭鼬,你看到了什么?。)
  • 25、Not to be theskunk at this party, but I think it's important to ask whether neuroscience reveals anything more than we already know from anthropology.(我并不想成为这场聚会上的讨厌鬼,但我认为重要的是,要问清楚神经科学是否揭示了我们从人类学等学科中已知之外的东西。)
  • 26、That was a rotten thing to do, youskunk!(那种事做得太缺德了,你这卑鄙的家伙!)
  • 27、Said askunk to a tube-rose, "See how swiftly I run, while you cannot walk nor even creep."(鼬鼠对月下香说:“看我跑得多快,你却不能走,也不会爬。”)


英 [skʌŋk] 美 [skʌŋk] 

过去式: skunked 过去分词: skunked 现在分词: skunking 第三人称单数: skunks


