


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:40:48

  • 1、EJB 3.0 supportsinterceptors, which enable you tointercept code for cross cutting techniques.(EJB3.0支持拦截器,这使您能够拦截用于横切技术的代码。)
  • 2、So essentially we are trying tointercept theinterceptor.(因此本质上我们正在试图拦截拦截器。)
  • 3、This name is used tointercept the action in the portlet subclass.(这个名称用来截取portlet子集中的动作。)
  • 4、The TAMOS kernel extensionsintercept all the system calls.(TAMOS内核扩展拦截所有系统调用。)
  • 5、FSO is also secure: the only way tointercept the signal is physically tointercept the beam.(FSO更是安全可靠:能够拦截信号的唯一方法是对光束的物理隔断。)
  • 6、If Iintercept one of those, it'll be a bad day.(如果让我逮住了一封,那将是糟糕的一天。)
  • 7、Parentsintercept kids' letters to the North Pole, to see what they want.(父母拦截孩子寄去北极的信去看看他们想要什么。)
  • 8、Only telco gradeintercept probe designed to NEBS Level 3.(电信级拦截探测器的设计达到NEBS3级标准。)
  • 9、We need to create the replyintercept destination manually.(我们需要手动创建应答截获目的地。)
  • 10、This way the proxy canintercept calls to the EJB and translate exceptions as appropriate.(这样,代理就可以截获对EJB的调用,并根据情况转换异常。)
  • 11、It seemed like an awful thing to do when they're bringing these falcons and hawks who were imported tointercept these people.(当他们带着猎鹰和鹰来拦截这些人时,这似乎是一件可怕的事情。)
  • 12、This matters, because it's much more difficult tointercept actual raw system call operations.(这很麻烦,因为它使得拦截实际的原始系统调用操作变得更加困难。)
  • 13、Using the MessageHandlerListener extension point tointercept messages.(使用MessageHandlerListener扩展点截取消息。)
  • 14、This allows you tointercept the key presses as the user enters values into blank cells.(这样,当用户在空单元格中输入值时,就可以截取按键操作。)
  • 15、Sitting in the middle, she canintercept both sides of the conversation.(由于她位于中间,可以截获会话双方的内容。)
  • 16、We can mediate the replyintercept destination to transform the response.(可以将应答截获目的地作为中介来转换响应。)
  • 17、It is illegal tointercept radio messages.(窃听无线电信息是违法的。)
  • 18、The aircraft uses the Foxhunter multi-mode air-intercept radar to detect and target hostile aircraft.(该机采用福克斯特多模空中拦截雷达探测和目标敌机。)
  • 19、The Y-intercept has no meaningful interpretation, or.(Y轴截距没有有意义的解释,或者。)
  • 20、The constant a represents the verticalintercept, and b represents the slope of the consumption schedule.(常数a表示垂直截距,b表示消费计划的斜率。)
  • 21、He is making the dash toward the goal, and the fender is running up tointercept him.(他带球往球门冲,对方的防守队员跑向前拦截。)
  • 22、intercept and raise events on mocks.(使用Mock拦截和引发事件。)
  • 23、So instead of the system calls, weintercept the function calls that actually get made.(所以没有拦截系统调用,而是转而拦截实际参与的函数调用。)
  • 24、The test marks the seventh successfulintercept of a threat-representative target.(该测试标志着对威胁目标的第7次成功拦截。)
  • 25、We've now created theintercept destination.(现在我们已经创建了截获目的地。)
  • 26、Mediate the replyintercept destination.(将应答截获目的地作为中介。)
  • 27、One concern is the use of telephone-intercept evidence in British courts.(第一个问题是在英国法庭使用电话拦截证据。)
  • 28、If I follow this slope up to here, it'llintercept somewhere.(如果我按这个斜率上升到这,它会被截在某处。)
  • 29、In this case, Iintercept each method call and go through all the method parameters.(在本例中,我截取了各个方法调用,并遍历了所有的方法参数。)


英 [ˌɪntəˈsept] 美 [ˌɪntərˈsept] 

形容词: interceptive 过去式: intercepted 过去分词: intercepted 现在分词: intercepting 第三人称单数: intercepts


