


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:39:32

  • 1、The next releases of Flamingo willunveil even more powerful tools.(Flamingo的下一版将公布更加强大的工具。)
  • 2、In early June he willunveil his new team.(六月初他的智囊团将会公开亮相。)
  • 3、He now says he willunveil his own road map for peace.(他目前宣称:他将公布他的和平的路线图。)
  • 4、Want tounveil the potential of those lost pages?(想要发挥这些丢失页面的潜能吗?)
  • 5、The ONS willunveil its initial estimate of GDP in the first quarter on April 23rd.(国家统计局将于4月23日公布第一季度GDP的初步概算。)
  • 6、Apple Inc is expected tounveil the latest version of its Apple TV product on Wednesday.(苹果公司预计周三会发布他们最新版本的苹果电视产品。)
  • 7、Collecting metrics mayunveil certain truths people in the organization would rather keep hidden.(收集度量标准也许会揭开组织中的人们宁愿隐藏的某些事实。)
  • 8、AIRBUS is about tounveil a new version of its best-selling A320 aircraft.(空客即将推出最畅销的A320客机的新版本。)
  • 9、He even came back from medical leave tounveil the iPad 2 to the world last March.(甚至在今年3月,正在病休的他还是回来亲自向全世界发布最新的iPad2。)
  • 10、APPLE willunveil a new gadget to the press on Wednesday January 27th.(苹果将在1月27号星期三揭幕新产品。)
  • 11、Many producers willunveil new electric vehicles next week when the Frankfurt Motor Show opens.(同时许多其他汽车制造商也将在下周法兰克福车展开幕期间,推出全新的电动汽车。)
  • 12、Nokia is also expected tounveil plans to sell netbooks, or small, mobile computers.(预计诺基亚也将公布出售上网本(netbook)或小型移动电脑的计划。)
  • 13、Developed countries need tounveil targets for emission cuts by 2020.(发达国家需要拿出在2020年达到的减排目标。)
  • 14、The sequel will finallyunveil the family secret of why Po's father is a duck.(续集将最终揭开为什么阿宝的父亲是只鸭子的家庭秘密。)
  • 15、If you built a blog, you may soonunveil it or finalize an important import-export deal by next month.(如果你拥有自己的博客,你可能很快会将它公诸于众或者下月敲定一项重要的进出口业务。)
  • 16、Now Jha had come to Google headquarters tounveil his design-and it was impressive.(现在,Jha已经莅临Google总部来揭晓他的设计——这真是让人难以忘怀。)
  • 17、High-tech entrepreneursunveil a sporty electric car.(高新产业企业家为电驱跑车先拔头筹。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 18、Most whounveil hisagendas deserve the condemnation they receive。(大多数人,秘密计划败露了,得到应有的谴责。)
  • 19、Apple holds a press conference at which it is expected tounveil the iPad 2.(苹果举行新闻发布会,预计将推出iPad2。)
  • 20、This fall, we'llunveil Google Sound, which will record and index all the noise on Earth.(今年秋天,我们将推出Google声音,将记录和索引地球上所有的噪音。)
  • 21、He did suggest, however, that Apple wouldunveil a rumored "baby iPhone" sometime next year.(但他强调,苹果会在明年的某个时候揭开传说中的“babyiPhone”的神秘面纱。)
  • 22、The company, which is expected tounveil a new version of the Kindle next week, did not say when Kindle titles would be available on mobile phones.(该公司预计将于下周推出新版Kindle,但没有透露Kindle电子书什么时候可以在手机上使用。)
  • 23、The sequel will finallyunveil the family secret of why Po father is a Duck.(续集最终将揭开家庭秘密——为什么阿宝的父亲是鸭子。)
  • 24、In his quest tounveil the varying shapes, he is constantly tinkering with his experiment.(为了追求能显示各种不同的形状,他不断地对他的实验进行修补和调整。)
  • 25、Chirac willunveil it.(希拉克将为它揭幕。)
  • 26、Hopes are running high for products that the secretive corporation willunveil at the conference next week.(大家热情高涨的期待着这个一贯神秘的公司会在下周的大会上揭开新产品的神秘面纱。)


英 [ˌʌnˈveɪl] 美 [ʌnˈvel] 

过去式: unveiled 过去分词: unveiled 现在分词: unveiling 第三人称单数: unveils


