


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:38:15

  • 1、Mr Li said the high cost of housing couldhamper future growth by slowing urbanisation.(李稻葵表示,住房价格高,可能减缓城市化进程,从而影响未来经济增长。)
  • 2、Limited bandwidths can alsohamper translated text that results in an unusually large amount of visual text.(有限的带宽还会阻碍导致大量的图形文字的译文的传输。)
  • 3、The GSEs alsohamper help for the 23% of homeowners in negative equity, with loans worth more than their homes.(两房同时妨碍了对23%的负资产购房者实施的援助,这些购房者需要偿还的贷款额超过了所购住宅的价值。)
  • 4、Answer: About pooling of money for thehamper, if it wasn’t intentional to neglect asking, it’s okay.(回答:对于汇集钱财造成的麻烦,如果不是故意忽略了询问,就没有关系。)
  • 5、However, the deteriorating security situation continues tohamper control measures in the affected area.(但是,日益恶化的安全形势继续阻碍在受影响地区实施控制措施。)
  • 6、He tossed his damp towel into the laundryhamper.(他把湿毛巾抛入洗衣篮里。)
  • 7、Do not go sightseeing through areas of damage. You will onlyhamper the relief effort.(不要穿越受灾区域去看热闹,这样只会妨碍救援行动。)
  • 8、Recent research suggests the fear that warming oceans couldhamper phytoplankton growth may be real.(最近的研究表明,那种认为海水温度升高会阻碍海洋浮游生物生长的担忧并非空穴来风。)
  • 9、But some conditions, such as excessive stress and depression,hamper the growth of newborn nerve cells.(但是压力过大、过度抑郁等情况会抑制新生神经元的生长。)
  • 10、Similar restrictionshamper the distribution of foreign books and magazines.(类似的限制阻碍了国外书籍和杂志的销售。)
  • 11、Unexpected problems couldhamper the expansion of IPv6.(意料之外的问题有可能妨碍到IPv6的扩张。)
  • 12、It caused fears that restricted credit willhamper recovery.(有人担心限制贷款将阻碍经济复苏。)
  • 13、That canhamper the activity of emergency crews as they move around after a quake.(这样就阻碍了震后紧急状态下人们的行动。)
  • 14、Making ahamper can cost very little and the goodies inside can be bought in bulk or made at home.(做礼品篮成本很小,放在里面的物品可以去批发也可以自己在家做。)
  • 15、Your goal should be to focus on your strengths and fix any problems that couldhamper your growth.(你的目标应该集中于自身的优势,并解决可能阻碍企业成长的任何问题。)
  • 16、In an essay published last year, he said Latin's grammatical complexity did nothamper its spread.(他在去年发表的一篇论文中表示,拉丁语的复杂语法并未妨碍它的传播。)
  • 17、And a deficiency of one is likely tohamper the effectiveness of the others.(缺乏任何一种都可能影响其它各种的作用。)
  • 18、Since all the processing plants are in urban areas, removing the tariff would seriouslyhamper the government's effort to reduce urban unemployment over the next five years.(由于所有的加工厂都在城市地区,取消关税将严重阻碍政府在未来五年内降低城市失业率的努力。)
  • 19、Too much anxiety, after all, canhamper performance.(毕竟,太过焦虑会影响发挥。)
  • 20、Put away clothes when you take them off. If clothes are dirty, put them in thehamper.(脱下来的衣服要放好.如果衣服脏了,丢进桶里.如果是干净的,放进衣橱.) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 21、It trusts Russia as it would trust a bear to guard a picnichamper.(它不信任俄罗斯,好比不信任一头守着野餐篮子的熊。)
  • 22、Although, there might be times when some unforeseen situation mighthamper your chances.(尽管可能会存在一些不可预见的影响你遵守承诺的情况。)
  • 23、Tuberculosis, weak healthcare systems,hamper progress.(结核病和不健全卫生体制阻碍进步。)
  • 24、Some greens worry that natural gas couldhamper the development of renewable energy.(一些环保人士担心天然气的应用会阻碍可再生能源的研究。)
  • 25、On a societal level, one could even imagine that a lack of conversational flow mayhamper the integration of immigrants who have not completely mastered the language of their new country yet.(在社会层面上,人们甚至可以想象,缺乏交流可能会阻碍尚未完全掌握新国家语言的移民们融入社会。)
  • 26、The metadata approach doesn'thamper the testability of the layers per se.(元数据方法本身不会影响层的可测试性。)
  • 27、This in turn willhamper citizens from taking action against perceived rights violations, activists say.(活跃分子说,这反而会阻碍居民采取行动,反对切身的侵权行为。)
  • 28、Poor user interfaces oftenhamper the modeling effort.(较差的用户界面常常牵制了建模效果。)
  • 29、Some countries expressed concern that the increasingly weak dollar mighthamper recovery.(一些国家对美元持续疲软可能限制经济复苏表示担心。)


英 [ˈhæmpə(r)] 美 [ˈhæmpɚ] 

过去式: hampered 过去分词: hampered 现在分词: hampering 第三人称单数: hampers


