


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:38:27

  • 1、Unsure whether I have been understood, I put in a briskspurt to the nunnery.(不知道他是否明白我的意思,我快步冲刺般地朝尼姑庵跑去。)
  • 2、Put on aspurt, or you'll fall behind.(加把劲,不然你要落后了。)
  • 3、The economy's greater flexibility may indeed provide a shock-absorber, aspurt in productivity has also boosted growth.(也许,经济上更具灵活性真正起到了减震的作用,生产率骤然提高也推动了经济增长。)
  • 4、For those of you who love a tall tale, the list of genetic variations that determine human height has just experienced a growthspurt.(对那些喜欢以高个子为主角的奇谈故事的人来说,决定人类身高的基因变异种类突然井喷般增加了很多。)
  • 5、The average boy of 14 years old is only beginning his adolescent growthspurt.(一般14岁的男孩才刚刚开始他青春期的的迅猛发育。)
  • 6、He hit her on the head, causing her tospurt blood.(他击中了她的头部,使她血流如注。)
  • 7、A coal slipped, the fire crackled and sent up aspurt of flame, and he woke with a start.(一块煤滑了下来,火噼啪作响,喷出一股火焰,把他吓醒了。)
  • 8、I put on aspurt and soon caught them up.(我一猛劲儿,很快就追上了他们。)
  • 9、Although unusual for the past decade, the late-season growthspurt probably doesn't indicate a return to normal sea ice conditions.(虽然这一情况在过去10年并不寻常,但是这种晚季的增长可能也并不意味着北极的海冰范围会回到正常的情况。)
  • 10、"spurt" is the word used to describe a short burst of activity, something that happens in a hurry.(这个词用来形容一种爆发式的增长,一些急速发生的事情。)
  • 11、Some weeks the baby’s—and your—growth willspurt while during others it will plateau all of which is perfectly normal.(在某些星期里婴儿——和你自己——会飞速增长,而在其他星期里又变得平衡了,所有这一切都是完全正常的。)
  • 12、What is more, the recentspurt in urban wages is not necessarily proof that the surplus has gone.(另外,最近城市的工资大幅上升也并不一定表明剩余的消失。)
  • 13、The fierce cooling must be a recentspurt, Page says, because otherwise the star would have to have started out "unbelievably hot."(这种猛烈的冷却一定是近期的爆发,Page说,因为否则该星球将会是难以置信的热。)
  • 14、Most mammals reach sexual maturity when their growth rates are in recession, while humans experience a growthspurt during adolescence.(大多数哺乳动物达到性成熟时,它们的生长率处于衰退状态,而人类则在青春期经历性成熟的激增。)
  • 15、We identify students who are going to take a big leap, intellectual leap forward in this coming year, and aspurt forward in this coming year.(我们要确定哪些学生将在未来的一年里有一个大的飞跃,智力上的飞跃,在新学年取得巨大进步。)
  • 16、The painter, then 50 years old, was enjoying an unusualspurt of creativity.(当时,这位50岁的画家正处于他创造力的巅峰时刻。)
  • 17、And a growthspurt is just that: Your body is growing, and it's happening really fast!(生长陡增只是那样:你的身体正在成长,并且非常的快速!)
  • 18、I saw flamesspurt from the roof.(我看见火焰从房顶冒出来。)
  • 19、When soya and beef prices briefly began to climb at the end of 2007 there was a renewedspurt of hacking and burning.(2007年末,大豆和牛肉价格出现短期攀升,树木的砍伐燃烧再次突然加重。)
  • 20、Most biologists, nonetheless, are doubtful that this is a humanlike adolescent growthspurt.(尽管如此,大多数生物学家还是怀疑这是否是一种类似人类的青春期突增。)
  • 21、In the 1950s, data on captive chimpanzees collected by James Gavan appeared devoid of evidence of an adolescent growthspurt in these apes.(在20世纪50年代,詹姆斯·加万收集的关于圈养黑猩猩的数据似乎缺乏这些类人猿出现青春期激增的证据。)
  • 22、One trigger for an ageingspurt is a period of stress - recent divorce, illness, and bereavement or work problems.(而引发衰老突发的一个诱因是一段时间的精神紧张——最近的离婚、生病,或者亲人去世、工作麻烦等。)
  • 23、Aspurt of diesel came from one valve and none from the other.(一股股柴油从一个阀门喷涌而出,但另一个没有。)
  • 24、Rich countries will be cursed indeed if they cannot put on an occasional growthspurt.(富裕国家如果不迸发出出乎寻常的增长动力,它们的前途将被诅咒。)
  • 25、Latin America's Quepasa (QPSA) had a brief speculativespurt until investors digested its uninspiring engagement metrics.(拉丁美洲的Quepasa网站股票曾有一段短暂的爆发,随后投资者们却发现了它并不鼓舞人心的参与度指标。)
  • 26、I was at a client recently. They are a successful startup who has gone through a huge growthspurt.(我最近刚见过一个客户,他们是一家成功的初创企业,一开始可以说是突飞猛进。)


英 [spɜ:t] 美 [spɜ:rt] 

过去式: spurted 过去分词: spurted 现在分词: spurting 第三人称单数: spurts


