


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:45:25

  • 1、He is, like most theorists, out there in left field, ignoring theexperimental evidence.(同大多数理论家一样,他也是个怪人,对实验得出的证据置之不理。)
  • 2、However, anexperimental release of iron compounds into one such area failed to produce a thriving plankton population, even though local iron concentrations increased immediately.(然而,尽管当地铁浓度立即提高,在一个这样的区域实验释放铁化合物却没有产生大量的浮游生物。)
  • 3、experimental users may try drugs once or twice.(试验性的使用者可能尝试一两次毒品。)
  • 4、Not long ago, anexperimental school was opened near the capital, Dacca, to help poor children.(不久前,首都达卡附近开设了一所实验性学校,以帮助贫困儿童。)
  • 5、Incorporating potassium dichromate and alcohol into the aniline at various stages of theexperimental process, he finally produced a deep purple solution.(在实验过程的不同阶段,他将重铬酸钾和酒精加入苯胺中,最终得到了深紫色的溶液。)
  • 6、The state farm assigned theexperimental plot to that group.(国营农场把试验田划给这个小组负责。)
  • 7、In 1996, scientists caused anexperimental flood of the Colorado River by releasing water from Glen Canyon Dam above the Grand Canyon.(1996年,科学家从大峡谷上方的格伦峡谷大坝放水,造成科罗拉多河实验性洪水。)
  • 8、Einstein used a definition of time forexperimental purposes, as that which is measured by a clock.(爱因斯坦在实验中使用了时间的定义,就像钟表所测量的时间一样。)
  • 9、Furthermore, scientists' inability to reproduce healthy neurons has prevented the use of neurons inexperimental treatments of severe neurological disorders.(此外,科学家无法再生健康的神经元,所以在严重神经紊乱的实验治疗中无法使用神经元。)
  • 10、Krebs investigatedexperimental plots in Canada's Yukon territory that contained hare populations.(克雷布斯调查了加拿大育空地区含有野兔种群的试验田。)
  • 11、For the time being, however, immunotherapy is still in itsexperimental stages.(然而,目前免疫疗法还处于试验阶段。)
  • 12、It is a movement building steady momentum: a call to make research data, software code andexperimental methods publicly available and transparent.(这是一场建立稳定势头的运动:呼吁让研究数据、软件代码和实验方法公开和透明。)
  • 13、The senator is ready to argue for anexperimental lifting of the ban.(该参议员已准备好争取那条禁令的试验性解除。)
  • 14、The casual andexperimental use of fly agaric in Western cultures has steadily increased since the 1960s.(自20世纪60年代以来,西方文化中对毒蝇伞的随意和实验性使用稳步增加。)
  • 15、Her poems are modishlyexperimental in style and recondite in subject matter.(她的诗在风格上时尚朦胧,在主题上深奥难懂。) 【好工具】
  • 16、The equipment is still at theexperimental stage.(这种设备仍处于试验阶段。)
  • 17、Whenexperimental populations are set up under simple laboratory conditions, the predator often exterminates its prey and then becomes extinct itself, having nothing left to eat.(当实验种群在简单的实验室条件下建立起来时,捕食者往往会消灭它的猎物,然后自己也走向灭绝,因为没有东西可以吃。)
  • 18、However, it is very hard to demonstrate causes using non-experimental data such as this.(然而,使用诸如此类的非实验数据来证明原因是非常困难的。)
  • 19、The new plan for traffic control is being put into action on anexperimental basis.(新的交通管理方案正在试验实施。)
  • 20、The researcher organized anexperimental tournament involving four youth teams.(研究人员组织了一个实验锦标赛,有四个青年团队参加。)
  • 21、The structures of musical pieces are now open toexperimental analysis as never before.(现在,音乐作品的结构在接受前所未有的实验分析。)
  • 22、Finally, the experiment presents the possibility that such neurons could be used inexperimental treatments that currently use fetal brain cells, sidestepping an uncomfortable ethical issue.(最后,这项实验提出了这样一种可能性,即这种神经元可以用于目前使用胎儿脑细胞的实验治疗,避开了一个令人不安的伦理问题。)
  • 23、Compared to their classical predecessors, these newer art forms are freer, moreexperimental, more improvisational.(与古典艺术相比,这些新的艺术形式更自由化,更即兴,更有试验性。)
  • 24、experimental archaeology seemed to be the solution: a boat reconstruction, half-scale or full-sized, would permit assessment of the different hypotheses regarding its build and the missing end.(实验考古学似乎是解决方案:半尺寸或全尺寸的船只重建将允许评估有关其建造和丢失端的不同假设。)
  • 25、Matthew Rushworth, of the Department ofexperimental Psychology at the University of Oxford, sees this in his lab every day.(牛津大学实验心理学系的马修·拉什沃斯每天在实验室里都看到这个。)
  • 26、The beauty of theexperimental design is that it effectively rules out confounding variables; acoustic isolation assures that the female can respond only to the song structure itself.(实验设计的美妙之处在于它有效地排除了混淆变量;声学隔离确保了雌性只能对鸣声结构本身做出反应。)
  • 27、This is evidence of anexperimental approach.(这是实验方法的证据。)
  • 28、Studying the fruit fly, a household nuisance but a time-honoredexperimental subject, has enabled the secrets of how embryos develop to begin to be unraveled by scientists.(果蝇在家中招人讨厌,但却是一个历史悠久的实验对象。通过研究果蝇,科学家们得以揭开胚胎发育的秘密。)
  • 29、Anexperimental version of the traditional scholarly methods course was designed to raise students' consciousness about the usefulness of traditional learning for any modern critic or theorist.(传统学术方法课程的实验版本旨在提高学生对传统学习对任何现代批评家或理论家有用性的意识。)


英 [ɪkˌsperɪˈmentl] 美 [ɪkˌspɛrəˈmɛntl] 

副词: experimentally

