


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:43:44

  • 1、She arrived in a wheelchair, unable to walk from metastatic fractures, wearing astylish bandanna.(她是坐着轮椅来的,她由于转移性骨折而不能行走,戴着时尚的头巾。)
  • 2、Will it lookstylish or too extreme?(它看起来时尚吗,还是太夸张?)
  • 3、Katie Holmes has been voted the Moststylish Star of 2007.(凯蒂·赫尔姆斯被评为“2007年最时尚明星”。)
  • 4、It's morestylish, more expensive.(它更加时尚、更加昂贵。)
  • 5、Mrs B's husband has a BMW, but this is far morestylish.(B女士的丈夫有一辆BMW,但这辆车不只是时髦。)
  • 6、They tend to like wigs that arestylish, but not too outlandish.(他们往往喜欢那种时髦但并不太怪异的假发。)
  • 7、Moststylish Female Characters in TV history.(10位最时尚电视剧女性角色。)
  • 8、It was astylish performance by both artists.(这是两位艺术家演出的一场高雅节目。)
  • 9、Her overcoat is asstylish as Jill's.(她的大衣和吉尔的一样时髦。)
  • 10、She's expert at making cheap butstylish clothes.(她擅长做便宜但雅致的服装。)
  • 11、stylish bathtub made of high quality glass and stainless steel.(采用优质玻璃和不锈钢制造的时尚浴缸。)
  • 12、He says, "The thing that I like the most about my job is that people feel comfortable andstylish with my cuts and that makes me feel happy."(他说:“我最喜欢我的工作的一点是,我设计的发型让人们感到舒适和时尚,这让我感到高兴。”)
  • 13、Its shops are among the moststylish on the Continent.(其商店位列欧洲大陆最时尚的商店之中。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 14、Reebok executives do not like to hear theirstylish athletic shoes called "footwear for yuppies".(锐步的高管们不喜欢听到他们的时尚运动鞋被称为“雅皮士鞋”(雅皮士指高薪职业人士)。)
  • 15、Now it's possible to be both safe andstylish.(现在你可以同时拥有安全性和时尚感。)
  • 16、Low maintenance yetstylish modern landscape.(不需太多维护,依旧时尚的现代景观。)
  • 17、Who made itstylish?(谁让其变得流行了?)
  • 18、For another, it may be to be perceived as more approachable, or more modern andstylish.(另一方面,它可能会被视为更平易近人,或更现代和时尚。)
  • 19、It has already developed somestylish computers that are selling well.(它已经开发出一些很畅销的时髦电脑。)
  • 20、Tobacco use is notstylish or empowering.(使用烟草既不时尚也不强身。)
  • 21、So simple and sostylish!(简单又时髦!)
  • 22、What you wear should bestylish and clean, and must definitely fit well.(你的穿着应该时尚整洁,而且必须非常合体。)
  • 23、This shirt is verystylish and not very expensive.(这件衬衫看起来很时髦,而且不会很贵。)
  • 24、She is wearing a noticeablystylish, feminine dress, plus discreet jewellery.(她穿着一条非常时髦、有女人味的连衣裙,配以小巧的首饰。)
  • 25、Daughters, even if they felt older than their actual age and thought that their mothers werestylish, only had a 9% chance, on average, of mimicking them.(即使女儿觉得自己比实际年龄大,觉得自己的母亲很时髦,她们模仿母亲的平均几率也只有9%。)
  • 26、stylish and sharp, Wallis had a vaguely raffish edge.(而华丽斯则时髦且鲜明,恍惚带着几分轻浮。)
  • 27、A century ago Octavia Hill launched the National Trust not to rescuestylish houses but to save "the beauty of natural places for everyone forever."(一个世纪以前,奥克塔威亚·希尔发起了国家自然保护组织,目的不是为了拯救那些华丽时尚的豪宅,而是“为所有人永久保留自然美的地方。”)


英 [ˈstaɪlɪʃ] 美 [ˈstaɪlɪʃ] 

副词: stylishly 名词: stylishness

