


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:43:34

  • 1、There are almost always pockets of coral on the reefs that remainunaffected.(珊瑚礁上几乎总有一些珊瑚没有受到影响。)
  • 2、Very few places wereunaffected.(极少地方不受影响。)
  • 3、Everything on Liberty Island outside of the statue isunaffected.(女神像外边的一切都不会受影响。)
  • 4、Furthermore, my sightseeing schedule wasunaffected by hotel check-in and check-out times.(此外,我观光的计划不受旅店的入住和退房时间所影响。)
  • 5、Yes, the smile-theunaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people..(是的,微笑是人与人之间最自然真挚的沟通方式。)
  • 6、Art, as yet, appearsunaffected by the wobbles in other assets.(迄今为止,相对其他资产的不定性,艺术品似乎更为稳定。)
  • 7、Dickon was quite simple andunaffected about it.(狄肯很单纯,完全不受影响。)
  • 8、Other commands that operate on the file system areunaffected by views.(其他命令操作文件系统,它们不受视图影响。)
  • 9、People's rights areunaffected by the new law.(新法规没有影响人民的权利。)
  • 10、If existing users areunaffected then the change is backward compatible.(如果现有用户不受影响,则变更就是向后兼容的。)
  • 11、The judges have claimed that the ruling wasunaffected by their attendance.(那些审判员均称法庭裁决结果并未受他们出席影响。)
  • 12、At least some of the material must have retained the signalunaffected by subsequent changes in the environment.(至少有一些材料肯定保留了不受后续环境变化影响的信号。)
  • 13、I find it hard to understand how you could beunaffected by this prospect.(我很难了解你如何能不为这一前景所动。)
  • 14、Some members of the family may remainunaffected by the disease.(这家里有的人可能不会受到这种疾病的影响。)
  • 15、The language side of her brain wasunaffected.(她大脑语言区没有受到损伤。)
  • 16、But many areas of RUP remainunaffected by this update.(但RUP的许多领域仍旧不受到该更新的影响。)
  • 17、The portlets areunaffected.(portlet是不受影响的。)
  • 18、Maintaining this environment is very costly, and recent research shows that even old oil paint isunaffected by wide fluctuations in temperature and humidity.(维护这样的环境是非常昂贵的,而且最近的研究表明,即使是旧的油画也不会受到温度和湿度大波动的影响。)
  • 19、She seemed totallyunaffected by what she'd drunk.(她似乎完全没有受到所喝的东西的影响。)
  • 20、Housing markets in some emerging economies, meanwhile, seem entirelyunaffected.(与此同时,一些新兴经济体的房地产市场却完全不受影响。)
  • 21、The man looks natural andunaffected.(那个人看起来很自然、很真诚。)
  • 22、If the cancer is at a more advanced stage, it will probably require chemotherapy, and this can have a dramatic effect on theunaffected testis.(如果癌症已进入晚期,就可能需要化疗,这可能对未受影响的睾丸产生巨大影响。)
  • 23、Many people believe they'reunaffected by advertising.(许多人都认为自己没受到广告的影响。)
  • 24、The unhurried way in which he spoke and the gentle smile on his lips reminded you of anunaffected young girl.(他那慢条斯理的样子和款款浅笑的神情,简直像个志成敦厚的大姑娘。)
  • 25、No area was spared orunaffected, from the foggy northern coast to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.(从雾蒙蒙的北部海岸到内华达山脉,没有一个地区幸免或不受影响。)
  • 26、Few cases of absolute commensalism probably exist, because it is unlikely that one of the partners will be completelyunaffected.(绝对共栖的案例可能很少,因为其中一方不太可能完全不受影响。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 27、Still, the county isn't entirelyunaffected by budget problems.(但这也不是说该郡完全没有遭遇预算问题。)
  • 28、He thought the speech a model of its kind, limpid andunaffected.(他认为该演讲是同类作品中的典范,简洁流畅,朴实自然。)
  • 29、Dutch peasants were able to remainunaffected by this crisis for a long time because they had specialized in dairy farming, industrial crops, and horticulture.(荷兰的农民能够在很长一段时间内不受这场危机的影响,因为他们专门从事于奶牛养殖、工业作物和园艺的工作。)


英 [ˌʌnəˈfektɪd] 美 [ˌʌnəˈfɛktɪd] 

副词: unaffectedly 名词: unaffectedness

