


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:43:01

  • 1、That evening Reagan brought down the house with vintageoratory and a ringing endorsement of Bush.(当晚里根发表老到的演讲,大力支持布什,博得全场掌声如雷的反应。)
  • 2、He dazzled the crowd with hisoratory.(他的演说术使听众赞叹不已。)
  • 3、He displayed determination as well as powerfuloratory.(他既展示了雄辩的演讲术又显示了决心。)
  • 4、But his gift fororatory might create a sense of Shared sacrifice that will help him to muddle through.(但是他的演讲天赋也可以产生一种共患难的感觉,能够帮助他胡乱应付过去。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 5、Theoratory appears as a unit, proceeding down through a concrete staircase to the lower level of the auditorium under a huge skylight.(演讲空间呈现为一个单元,通过混凝土楼梯继续下到大天窗下的礼堂低层。)
  • 6、Also this improves youroratory skills to a large extent and also makes a significant.(而且这还会大幅度地提高你的演讲能力、丰富你的词汇量。)
  • 7、In hisoratory there were two straw prie-Dieu, and there was an arm-chair, also in straw, in his bedroom.(他有两张麦秸心的祈祷椅在他的经堂里,卧室里还有一张有扶手的围椅,也是麦秸心的。)
  • 8、Accordingly, in the Gorgias, Socrates attempts to arrive at a definition of virtue by first defining what "trueoratory" is.(因此,苏格拉底在《高尔吉亚》一书中,就首先对“真正的演讲术”下了定义,然后才得出了美德的定义。)
  • 9、The daily press was scathing about what was—dodgy stage-management aside—a dreary, earthbound slab oforatory.(每日新闻报道都在对那种枯燥乏味的演讲(糟糕的讲台布置先放在一边)进行猛烈的抨击。)
  • 10、These mistakes matter because, for all Mr Obama'soratory, it will be very hard to reverse course in future.(这些错误事关重大,因为尽管有奥巴马的高谈阔论,未来也很难扭转局势。)
  • 11、It is generally made in common, in the choir ororatory, and is intended to impress the soul with the presence of God and the everlasting truths.(人们普遍取得了共同的,在合唱团或礼拜堂,并打算打动灵魂与在场的上帝和永恒的真理。)
  • 12、There was no exit possible from thisoratory, except by passing through the bedroom, nor from the bedroom, without passing through the dining-room.(从经堂出来,必须经过卧室;从卧室出来,又必须经过餐室。)
  • 13、Many laboratory or pilot scale studies on algal - bacterial symbiotic system for wastewater treatment have been developed.(国内外对藻菌共生处理污水进行了大量实验室和试验性研究应用。)
  • 14、The education oforatory was the most important content and the ultimate aim in the Roman education.(演说术教育是罗马教育的重要内容和最终的目标。)
  • 15、We’ve lost the art oforatory; we’ve lost the art of drawing and writing symphonies and classical sculpture - and now we’re losing handwriting!(我们已经失去了雄辩的艺术;我们失去了绘画、失去了交响乐和古典雕刻技艺——并且现在我们正失去书法!)
  • 16、As long as we've hadoratory, we've had a mistrust of the smooth talker.(自从我们有了演讲术以来,我们一直不信任巧舌如簧者。)
  • 17、With his limited vocabulary and inclination to attack anyone who dares criticise him, eloquentoratory and lofty sentiments cannot be expected.(以他有限的词汇量以及他对任何敢指责自己的人进行攻击的倾向,不能指望他展现什么辩才或高尚情操。)
  • 18、Webster's summation was later deemed a masterpiece oforatory.(韦伯斯特的这次总结陈词后来被视为雄辩史上的经典之作。)
  • 19、The first room, opening on the street, served him as dining-room, the second was his bedroom, and the third hisoratory.(临街的第一间是他的餐室,第二间是卧室。第三间是经堂。)
  • 20、Out of a similar sideboard, properly draped with white napery and imitation lace, the Bishop had constructed the altar which decorated hisoratory.(主教还把一张同样的碗橱,适当地罩上白布帷和假花边,作为祭坛,点缀着他的经堂。)
  • 21、Maybe it is time for coaches to includeoratory and communication skills so players won't make unclear declarations.(也许现在是时候了教练,包括小礼拜堂和沟通技巧,让玩家不会不清楚报关单。)
  • 22、Hisoratory drew tears from his audience.(他的演讲引得听众流下了眼泪。)
  • 23、Saint Joseph'soratory sits atop Mount Royal, a landmark park that offers panoramic views of the city.(圣约瑟夫大教堂坐落在皇家山上,是可以俯瞰整座城市的标志性建筑。)
  • 24、It is right for us to celebrate Dr. King's marvelousoratory, but it is worth remembering that progress did not come from words alone.(我们应该弘扬金博士光辉的演说,但值得记住的是,进步并不仅靠言辞。)
  • 25、But outraged Oxonians unleashed volleys of Ciceronianoratory, arguing that the groves of academe should be out of bounds to commerce.(但是愤怒的牛津人用西塞罗式的辩才宣称,商业应该远离学术的净土。)


英 [ˈɒrətri] 美 [ˈɔ:rətɔ:ri] 

名词复数: oratories


