


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:42:45

  • 1、The police will notrelent in their fight against crime.(警方将继续严厉打击犯罪活动。)
  • 2、WILL Iranrelent and take steps to build confidence in the claimed peaceful nature of its nuclear work?(伊朗声称自己的核项目是出于和平目的,它愿意采取温和的态度、通过实际行动来建立起人们的信心吗?)
  • 3、Dad began walking along the dusty roads. I quickly jumped in the car and followed behind, hoping he wouldrelent.(爸爸开始沿着满是尘土的道路向家里走去,我迅速地跳上车紧跟其后,希望他能回心转意。)
  • 4、Your own family might in timerelent .(你自己的家庭总有一天会变温和。)
  • 5、I will notrelent in this struggle for the freedom and security of my country and the civilized world.(我不会在这场为我的国家和文明世界的自由与安全所作的斗争中松懈自己的斗志。)
  • 6、Mr Mugabe is unlikely torelent unless under serious, concerted pressure.(除非多方协调,认真的施加压力,穆加贝先生是不可能软化的。)
  • 7、Davis, feeling that any man possessing a human heart wouldrelent when that delicious perfume met his nose.(看着美味的腌橙,安米觉得但凡有一点同情心的人闻到这份酸橙的美味也该心软了。)
  • 8、That is why we will notrelent nor slacken in our efforts until all of you are also conscious of this truth.(所以这就是为什么我们会坚定不移的努力,直到你们中的所有人都知道这个真相。)
  • 9、I confess the inhumanity of this action moved me very much, and made merelent exceedingly.(我自认这种不人道的举动使我很痛心,我非常怜悯她。)
  • 10、Only in 1948 did Cambridgerelent. It was the last English university to let women graduate.(直至1948年,剑桥大学才开始授予女性学位,也是英国最后一所解除学位性别限制的大学。)
  • 11、It would allow diet drinks in high schools and require states like California, which currently bans them, torelent.(该修正案允许在高中学校销售膳食饮料,并要求有些州放松禁令,如目前禁止销售膳食饮料的加利福尼亚州。)
  • 12、The Hourglass 'power is exhausted. No more games, mortals.relent, or perish.(沙漏的力量耗尽了,游戏结束了,凡人。屈服,或者消亡。)
  • 13、"We must gravely crack down on those illegal activities and will neverrelent, " Li said.(李说:“对于这些违法行为,我们必须给予沉重打击,而且从不心慈手软。”)
  • 14、That may have pressured Baosteel torelent.(这可能迫使宝钢软化了立场。)
  • 15、The pressure on us to finish this task will notrelent.(我们为完成这一项任务,受到的压力,不会减轻。)
  • 16、If he does notrelent, he will sharpen his sword; he will bend and string his bow.(若有人不回头,他的刀必磨快。弓必上弦,预备妥当了。)
  • 17、And we are coming, and we will not stop, we will notrelent until your country is free.(而且我们正在过来,而且我们将不停止,我们直到你的国家将不变宽厚是免费的。)
  • 18、But my husband hash is weaknesses, and he is so weak as torelent towards this Doctor.(但是他有他的弱点,他对医生心慈手软。)
  • 19、No sign yet that the Fund willrelent on the remaining 5%.(没有迹象表明基金组织将会对剩余的5%心存宽容。)
  • 20、And learning this, the bridegroom willrelent.(知道这样,新郎会给我们安慰。) (好工具
  • 21、relent, o Lord! How long will it be?(耶和华阿,我们要等到几时呢?)
  • 22、She'd hoped that her mother mightrelent a little about the unsuitability of Mr. Barton, but her mind was made up.(她希望她母亲会对巴顿先生宽厚一点,但是她的想法也没得逞。)
  • 23、First, don'trelent on counter-terrorism.(首先,不能对反恐心慈手软。)


英 [rɪˈlent] 美 [rɪˈlɛnt] 

过去式: relented 过去分词: relented 现在分词: relenting 第三人称单数: relents

