


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:47:10

  • 1、Those injured since the fighting broke out Thursday include a French journalist and a Thai newscameraman.(大约有20人自星期四开始的战斗中受伤,其中包括一名法国记者和一名泰国新闻摄影记者。)
  • 2、I asked thecameraman to give me some cutaways for the interviews.(我请求摄影师在采访时为我拍一些跑龙套镜头。)
  • 3、In the footage, thecameraman runs towards the corner of the street where two other men are standing, gazing skywards.(视频中显示,摄影师正朝着街角跑去,而另外两名路人则驻足仰望天空。)
  • 4、A few days before, an al Jazeera team was ambushed by gunmen-believed to be Qaddafi loyalists-and a Qataricameraman died in the attack.(几天后,一组半岛电视台的记者遭遇抢手伏击——相信是效忠卡扎菲的人所做——一名卡塔尔摄影师在袭击中身亡。)
  • 5、I had a neighbor who worked as a documentarycameraman.(我曾经有一个从事纪录片摄影师工作的邻居。)
  • 6、Who's thecameraman?(摄影师是谁啊?)
  • 7、Rita: How`s my favoritecameraman? Oh,my back.(丽塔:我最喜欢的摄影师,你怎么样?噢,我的背。)
  • 8、Who is thecameraman of this film?(谁是这部影片的摄影师?)
  • 9、You'll like Mike Davis. He's such a goodcameraman.(你会喜欢迈克·戴维斯的,他是个很好的摄影师。)
  • 10、Rita: How's my favoritecameraman?(丽塔:我最喜欢的摄影师,你怎么样?)
  • 11、Use of a single "mastercameraman" to control cameras at all sites helped to maintain a consistent viewpoint at all sites.(使用单个“主摄像师”来控制所有站点的摄像机有助于在所有站点上保持一个统一的视点。)
  • 12、In his next film, Old Well, he worked as acameraman and a lead actor.(他的接下来的一部电影《老井》中,张艺谋担任摄影师和主演。)
  • 13、He directs thecameraman, he directs the camera.(他指挥摄影师,指挥摄影机。)
  • 14、In the 1990's Englishcameraman Ray Santilli claimed to own footage of an alien autopsy performed after the 1947 Roswell Incident.(1990年,英国摄影师雷·桑迪利宣称,拥有1947年“罗斯维尔事件”后的外星人解剖系列照片。)
  • 15、She posed while thecameraman photographed her.(她摆好姿势让摄影师给她拍照。)
  • 16、Cried thecameraman.(摄影师喊道。)
  • 17、Everson still works as acameraman mainly for “60 Minutes.”(艾弗森仍在从事摄像师的职业,还在为《60Minutes》工作。)
  • 18、"You wait till he's 10, " mycameraman said to me grimly, "and stands there with tears in his eyes, begging you not to go."(我的摄影师曾一本正经地对我说过,”等他满10岁了再走吧。看他满含眼泪地站在那,央求你别走。)
  • 19、Thecameraman and reporter are accomplices to this.(摄像师和记者都是帮凶!)
  • 20、At left is Bergman's chiefcameraman Sven Nyqvist.(左边是伯格曼的御用摄影师SvenNyqvist。)
  • 21、Ironically, for a man who hated war, he would have made a superb warcameraman.(具有讽刺意味的是,他这样一个憎恨战争的人曾经可能成为一名优秀的战地摄影师。)
  • 22、OK, cut. Thanks, Mike. By the way, how long have you been acameraman?(好,停!谢谢,迈克,顺便问一句,你当多长时间的摄影师了?)
  • 23、Acameraman kneels two feet from the heckler and stays there, lens fixed on the old man's face so as not to miss the next outburst.(一位摄影师跪在离这位诘问者两英尺的地方,镜头固定在这位老人的脸上,等着以便不错过他的下一次爆发。)
  • 24、A Press TVcameraman was said to have been injured in the violence.(据传一位电视摄像记者在袭击中受伤。)
  • 25、Roberts met her current husband,cameraman Daniel Moder, on the set of her movie the Mexican in 2000.(2000年罗伯茨在《墨西哥人》片场认识了她的现任,摄影师丹尼·莫德。)
  • 26、Ourcameraman filmed a close-up shot of the hand of a girl who had died.(我们的摄影师拍了一个遇难女孩的特写镜头。)
  • 27、Roberts and hercameraman husband Danny Moder, 38, are also parents to two-year-old twins Hazel and Phinnaeus.(罗伯茨和她的摄影师丈夫38岁的丹尼·摩德已经有了一对2岁龙凤双胞胎——海泽尔和菲奥斯。)


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