


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:46:23

  • 1、Your donations help make children with special needs able to have alternative therapies such as animal-assisted therapy, art and music therapy,massage therapy and water therapy.(您的捐款可以帮助有特殊需要的儿童获得其他疗法,如动物辅助疗法、艺术和音乐疗法、按摩疗法和水疗等。)
  • 2、massage your neck and shoulders.(按摩你的颈部和肩膀。)
  • 3、Amassage will relax those tense muscles.(按摩会使紧张的肌肉松弛。)
  • 4、massage will help the pain.(按摩能减轻疼痛。)
  • 5、Their governments have no reason to "massage" the statistics.(他们的政府没有理由“窜改”这些数据。)
  • 6、That is, you can't really get a robot to do a greatmassage or physical therapy, or you can't get the kind of personal attention you need with regard to therapy or any other personal service.(也就是说,你不能让机器人做按摩或物理治疗,或者你不能得到治疗或其他个人服务所需的个人关注。)
  • 7、massage is a wonderful antidote to stress.(按摩是一种极妙的对抗压力的良方。)
  • 8、It willmassage your neck and shoulders.(它会按摩你的颈部和肩膀。)
  • 9、She was given artificial respiration and cardiacmassage.(她接受了人工呼吸和心脏按摩。)
  • 10、I really believe in the likemassage and doing a lot of aromatherapy.(我真的很相信按摩和进行大量的芳香疗法。)
  • 11、Alex asked me if I wanted amassage.(亚历克斯问我是否需要一次按摩。)
  • 12、Yourmassage therapist knows that your back muscles are tighter than the strings on a ukulele; your shrink knows that half your tension comes from stress.(你的按摩师知道你的背部肌肉比女高音尤克里里琴弦还紧;你的心理医生会说你的紧张有一半来自于压力。)
  • 13、I can give them amassage, and they can give more tattoo.(我可以给他们按摩,然后他们可以纹更多的纹身。)
  • 14、If you experience any tenderness or pain during themassage, there is tension trapped in your body.(如果按摩时候你感受到压痛或疼痛,那是你的身体里有压力。)
  • 15、Thismassage method is not recommended for anyone who is very ticklish.(这种按摩法不推荐给很怕痒的人使用。)
  • 16、Themassage relaxed my tense back muscles.(按摩使得我背部紧张的肌肉松弛下来。)
  • 17、In case, you suffer from dry and itchy skin,massage your face and other exposed arms and legs with pure almond oil.(如果你的皮肤干燥发痒,用纯杏仁油按摩你的脸和其他裸露的胳膊和腿。)
  • 18、Muscular aches and pains can be soothed by a relaxingmassage.(做放松按摩可以减轻肌肉疼痛。)
  • 19、Maybe you can have a backmassage.(或许你可以去按摩一下后背。)
  • 20、massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.(按摩可用于放松肌肉、减轻压力和促进血液循环。)
  • 21、massage may help to increase blood flow to specific areas of the body.(按摩也许会帮助加快血液流向身体各个特定部位。)
  • 22、Treat mom to a relaxingmassage.(带妈妈去享受一次放松的按摩。)
  • 23、Give amassage to someone you love, or cook her dinner. Then, expand the circle to work.(给你爱的人按摩一下,或者给她煮一顿晚餐,然后扩大工作的圈子。)
  • 24、Did you try the snakemassage?(你试过那个蛇按摩吗?)
  • 25、massage will help to tone up loose skin under the chin.(按摩有助于使颏下松弛的皮肤柔韧起来。)
  • 26、A briskmassage can restore the body's vigor.(轻快的按摩能恢复体力。)
  • 27、You can purchase an expensive bottle of wine at dinner, get amassage or go on a weekend getaway.(你可以在晚餐时买一瓶昂贵的好酒,做一次按摩或者去周末度假。)
  • 28、In many Eastern countriesmassage was and is a part of everyday life.(在许多东方国家,按摩过去和现在都是日常生活的一部分。)
  • 29、You might just lie back and let the scent of lavender and the sound of falling water quiet your anxiety while a licensedmassage therapist eases the crick in your neck.(你可以躺下,让薰衣草的香味和落水的声音缓解你的焦虑,同时让有执照的按摩师缓解你脖子上的抽筋。)


英 [ˈmæsɑ:ʒ] 美 [məˈsɑ:ʒ] 

名词: massager 过去式: massaged 过去分词: massaged 现在分词: massaging 第三人称单数: massages


