


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:14:56

  • 1、He willsew it up in a trice.(他即刻就会把它缝补好。)
  • 2、Why, I didsew it with white!(怎么,我确实是用白线缝它的!)
  • 3、The next morning she went out and gathered asters and began tosew.(第二天早上,她便四处采集水马齿,开始缝衬衫。)
  • 4、Anyone cansew on a button, including you.(任何人都能缝钮扣,包括你。)
  • 5、I sometimessew awful queer when I 'm just tired.(有时我累了也缝得很糟。)
  • 6、She continued tosew the quilt.(她继续缝被子。)
  • 7、Shy Shelly says she shallsew sheets.(害羞的雪莉说她将会织被单。)
  • 8、She tacked the sleeves on andsew them up.(她先用粗针脚缝上袖子,然后再细细缝好。)
  • 9、Surgeons were able tosew the finger back on.(外科医生把断指接上了。)
  • 10、You don't even have tosew.(你甚至不需要缝衣服。)
  • 11、My grandmother is so plain that she wouldsew up her worn-out clothes and wear them again and again.(我的祖母非常之节俭,她会一次又一次地缝补她穿破了的衣服然后穿上。)
  • 12、My mother would usuallysew my name on my school uniform in case others take it by mistake.(我妈妈通常会在我的校服上绣上我的名字,以防别人错拿了。)
  • 13、Can yousew on these buttons?(你能帮我钉一下扣子吗?)
  • 14、Can yousew a button on for me?(你能给我钉个扣子吗?)
  • 15、While her husband went his way, she had to wash, stitch andsew.(丈夫出门时,她就得洗漱、缝补。)
  • 16、But I think I cansew something like it.(不过我可以自己做一件这样的。)
  • 17、And you don't even have tosew.(并且你也没有必要去自己去缝制。)
  • 18、Another one helped tosew the button onto his shirt.(另一个队员帮他把扣子缝在衬衣上。)
  • 19、She used it tosew our baby clothes, curtains for the home and to repair chair cushion covers.(她用它来缝我们的婴儿衣服、家里的窗帘和用来缝补椅子靠垫套。)
  • 20、Once dry,sew everything together using some thick thread.(干了以后,用比较粗的缝线把所有的东西缝起来。)
  • 21、I had plenty of space to write andsew.(我有足够的空间来写作和缝纫。)
  • 22、Did you know that there's a kind of bird that cansew?(你知不知道有一种会缝纫的鸟?)
  • 23、I know how tosew a button on.(我知道怎么缝上扣子。)
  • 24、I had endless hours to knit andsew.(我有无数的时间来缝缝织织。)
  • 25、My mother showed me how tosew and let me practice making doll clothes.(妈妈教我缝纫,还让我练习制作洋娃娃的衣服。)
  • 26、It didn't take me long tosew up the deal.(我没费多大工夫就把那桩生意做成了。)
  • 27、She did not read orsew any more, but used to sit there silently, staring into the distance.(她不再读书,也不再做针线活儿,但常静静地坐在那儿,望着远方。)
  • 28、My mother taught me how tosew.(我母亲教我做针线。)


英 [səʊ] 美 [soʊ] 

形容词: sewable 过去式: sewed 过去分词: sewn/sewed 现在分词: sewing 第三人称单数: sews

