


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:20:56

  • 1、In another room, he saw on a table a sword and aloaf of bread, which he also took.(在另一个房间里,他看到桌子上有一把剑和一条面包,他也收了起来。)
  • 2、Mr. Several tobaccoloaf on the job to go below.(有几位先生偷闲到下边抽烟去了。)
  • 3、Hunger goaded him to steal aloaf of bread.(饥饿驱使他偷了一只面包。)
  • 4、Would it be wrong for someone to steal aloaf of bread to feed his starving family?(一个人偷一条面包来养活他饥饿的家人是不对的吗?)
  • 5、It's just like a hungry person sees aloaf of bread.(如同饥饿的人扑在面包上。)
  • 6、A pat of butter underneath the bough, a wedge of cheese, aloaf of bread and—Thou.(一小块黄油,一根芹菜,一角奶酪,一片面包,还有你——宜人的秋色。)
  • 7、You refuse to eat the heel of aloaf of bread.(你不想吃面包的硬边儿。)
  • 8、I knew I didn't have enough time for theloaf to rise and the stress was getting to me.(我知道时间不够,等不及那面包烤好,于是我的压力越来越大。)
  • 9、The cost of aloaf of bread has increased five-fold.(一块面包的价格已经涨了5倍。)
  • 10、Does it make a perfectly gorgeousloaf of bread, every time?(它可以每次都烘烤出美味精致的面包吗?)
  • 11、He cut theloaf into thick slices.(他把那条面包切成了厚片。)
  • 12、Claude Gaux had stolen aloaf; Jean Valjean had stolen aloaf.(克洛德·格①偷了一个面包,冉阿让也偷了一个面包。)
  • 13、Here is a man who stole aloaf of bread to feed his sister and her children.(有一个男人偷了一块面包给他的姐妹和孩子吃。)
  • 14、All right. Professor Bloom says it was Meatloaf.(布鲁姆教授说是肉块乐队。)
  • 15、Give one another of your bread but eat not from the sameloaf.(要将自己的面包给对方,而不是享用同一份。)
  • 16、You're all saying, "there was a singer called Meatloaf?"(你们所有人都怀疑,“有这么一个叫肉块的歌手吗。”)
  • 17、What she called dinner was aloaf of bread and four or five potatoes.(她所说的晚餐,是一块面包和四五个土豆。)
  • 18、Be quick, Gretchen! I had the silver pieces put into the smallestloaf to give you.(快点,格雷琴!我让人把这些银币放在最小的面包里并且给你。)
  • 19、I'm going to send you a wonderful prize: aloaf of bread.(我要送你一份大奖—一大块面包。)
  • 20、Half aloaf is better than no bread.(半条面包总比没面包好;聊胜于无。)
  • 21、He was sawing energetically at aloaf of bread.(他正用力切着一条面包。)
  • 22、Just as I finish ringing up an order, a customer will say, "Oops, I forgot to pick up a freshloaf of bread".(当我结算完一个订单时,一个顾客会说:“哎呀,我忘记拿一条新鲜的面包了。”)
  • 23、Take thisloaf.(再拿上这片面包。)
  • 24、Your desire for food can be met without killing someone for aloaf of bread.(你不必为了一条面包来杀死某人,以实现你对食物的追求。)
  • 25、1loaf French bread, cut into 1 inch slices.(法式面包1块,切成1英寸的薄片。)
  • 26、He cut four thick slices from theloaf.(他从一条面包上切下四厚片。)


英 [ləʊf] 美 [loʊf] 

名词复数: loaves 过去式: loafed 过去分词: loafed 现在分词: loafing 第三人称单数: loafs


