


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:20:56

  • 1、Why isloneliness so painful?(为什么寂寞如此痛苦?)
  • 2、It certainly doesn't seem true to say that everybody dies feeling these psychological feelings ofloneliness.(显然,说每个人死的时候都感到孤独是不对的。)
  • 3、They frequently plumb the depths ofloneliness, humiliation, and despair.(他们常常陷入孤独、屈辱和绝望的深渊。)
  • 4、I have so many friends, but deep down, underneath, I have a fear ofloneliness.(我有这么多朋友,但是内心深处我还是有一种对孤独的恐惧。)
  • 5、Many deaf people have feelings of isolation andloneliness.(许多失聪的人有孤独和寂寞的感觉。)
  • 6、Only by owningloneliness, pulchritude and solitude, can we have our flowers fostered many years.(只有拥有了孤独、美丽和孤独,我们才会拥有自己数载人生培育的花。)
  • 7、Many doctors and researchers believe thatloneliness harms the immune system, making us more vulnerable to a range of minor and major illnesses.(许多医生和研究人员认为,孤独会损害免疫系统,使我们更容易患上一系列轻微和重大疾病。)
  • 8、Thenloneliness strikes.(随后孤独感袭来。)
  • 9、Itsloneliness and indecipherability are often just where its value lies.(它的孤独和难以理解常常是它的价值所在。)
  • 10、Robots capable of social engagement help withloneliness as well as cognitive functioning, but the robot itself doesn't have to engage directly—it can serve as an intermediary for human communication.(具有社交能力的机器人可以帮助处理孤独感和认知功能,但机器人本身并不需要直接参与——它可以作为人类交流的中介。)
  • 11、Besides, empathy can be a cure forloneliness and sadness.(此外,共情能力可以用来治愈孤独和悲伤。)
  • 12、A lot of people have an overwhelmingloneliness.(很多人都有着很深的孤独感。)
  • 13、To Michael theloneliness was dreadful.(对迈克尔来说,这种孤独是可怕的。)
  • 14、If we spend too long away from these networks, thenloneliness sets in and encourages us to seek companionship.(如果我们长时间远离这些社交网络,那么孤独感就会出现,并刺激我们寻找伴侣。)
  • 15、loneliness is a high price to pay for independence in your old age.(孤寂是老年独自生活要付出的高昂代价。)
  • 16、A 2016 study found that users had a "consistently positive attitude" about the Giraff robot's ability to enhance communication and decrease feelings ofloneliness.(2016年的一项研究发现,用户对Giraff机器人增强交流和减少孤独感的能力持“一贯积极的态度”。)
  • 17、Emotionalloneliness is concerned with the relationship between parents and their children.(情绪上的孤独与父母和他们孩子之间的关系有关。)
  • 18、The pressure could also come from grades,loneliness and so on.(压力也可能来自成绩,孤独等。)
  • 19、For some people, having a lot of children is a way of insuring themselves againstloneliness in old age.(对一些人来说,养育比较多的孩子是一种保障自己不会老年孤寂的办法。)
  • 20、He felt a sudden inexpressibleloneliness.(他突然有种难以言喻的孤独感。)
  • 21、loneliness frightens me.(寂寞使我感到恐慌。)
  • 22、You soughtloneliness.(你追寻孤独。)
  • 23、For others, it is a time of boredom,loneliness and poor health.(对另一些人来说,这是一段无聊、孤独和健康状况不佳的时期。)
  • 24、She had no companions but silence andloneliness.(陪伴她的只有沉默和孤独。)
  • 25、But what aboutloneliness?(但是寂寞呢,会传染么?)
  • 26、They sufferedloneliness, homesickness, "Pommy bashing" and culture shock.(他们不能融入当地社会,还遭遇文化冲突。)
  • 27、Having a lot of children is a way of insuring themselves againstloneliness in old age.(养很多孩子是他们预防老年孤寂的一种办法。)
  • 28、I experienced years ofloneliness as a child.(作为一个孩子,我经历了多年的孤独。)
  • 29、loneliness is sorrowful, it is despair.(寂寞是悲伤的,绝望的。)
  • 30、I'm used toloneliness.(我已习惯于孤独。)


英 ['ləʊnlɪnəs] 美 [ˈlonlɪnɪs] 

