


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:20:41

  • 1、Between the trees a long board is hanging--it is aswing.(树间挂着一块长木板——那是一个秋千。)
  • 2、There are two dogs between theswing and the seesaw.(秋千和跷跷板之间有两只狗。)
  • 3、Even lacquer, which is a more uncertain market than either porcelain or jade, went as aswing.(甚至漆器,相对于陶瓷或者玉,其市场行情更加捉摸不定,像荡秋千一样。)
  • 4、Do you have aswing, a slide or a seesaw on your playground?(你的操场上有秋千、滑梯或者跷跷板呢?)
  • 5、Does your parrot have aswing?(你的鹦鹉有秋千吗?)
  • 6、While most people only think of movement to help a small child sleep, repeated movement orswing may help a full-grown adult.(虽然大多数人认为运动只是为了帮助小孩子睡觉,但重复的运动或摆动可能会帮助一个成年人。)
  • 7、I mean dead ones, toswing round your head with a string.(我指的是死的,用一根绳子绑住,在头上甩来甩去地玩。)
  • 8、Aswing, a bursting bubble--such is my song!(一个秋千,一个破灭的泡泡——这就是我的歌!)
  • 9、Weswing on theswings together.(我们一起荡秋千。)
  • 10、When you point downwards andswing your arm from side to side, it means "no".(当你向下指并左右摆动手臂时,这个动作的意思是“不”。)
  • 11、Many clubs make fans ofswing happy by holding nights whenswing music is played, and sometimes even offering classes to attract customers.(许多俱乐部举办摇摆舞之夜,播放摇摆舞音乐,有时甚至开设课程来吸引顾客,这让摇摆舞爱好者们非常高兴。)
  • 12、Why doswings canswing?(秋千为什么会摆动?)
  • 13、I need to work on myswing.(我需要改进我的挥杆动作。)
  • 14、1940'sswing was belittled by beboppers of the 1950's who were themselves attacked by free jazzes of the 1960's.(二十世纪五十年代的比波普派轻视二十世纪四十年代的摇摆音乐派,而他们自己又受到二十世纪六十年代的自由爵士派的抨击。)
  • 15、When he's not on the tennis court, you'll find him practising his golfswing.(当他不在网球场时,你会发现他在练高尔夫挥杆动作。)
  • 16、He took a wildswing at the ball.(他对准球猛地挥拍一击。)
  • 17、For the uninitiated, Westernswing is a fusion of jazz, rhythm and blues, rock and roll, and country music.(可以向不懂西部摇摆乐的人解释,这是融合了爵士乐,节奏布鲁斯,摇滚乐和乡村乐的一种音乐形式。)
  • 18、I fell off aswing.(我从秋千上掉了下来。)
  • 19、There was a sandpit, a seesaw and aswing in the playground.(游乐场上有一处沙坑、一块跷跷板和一个秋千架。)
  • 20、I always play on theswing and the slide in my garden.(我总是在花园里面荡秋千,滑滑梯。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 21、In 1926, the Savoy Ballroom was the first large business to offer a place for people to listen toswing music and dance.(1926年,萨沃伊舞厅是第一个为人们提供摇摆音乐和跳舞场所的大型舞厅。)
  • 22、Young sunflowers turn andswing every day.(幼小的向日葵每天都在旋转和摇摆。)
  • 23、I'm learningswing dance.(我在学摇摆舞。)
  • 24、My favorite sports are rope skipping, running, long jump, rubber band skipping, and riding on theswing.(我最喜欢的体育运动有跳绳、跑步、跳远、跳皮筋、荡秋千。)
  • 25、In two years' time there is a presidential election, and the voters couldswing again.(两年后有一次总统竞选,选民们有可能再次大转向。)
  • 26、Making a recent comeback,swing dance floors have popped up all over the world.(摇摆舞最近卷土重来,风靡全球。)
  • 27、Install a trapezeswing onto theirswing set.(在他们的秋千组合上,安装吊架。)
  • 28、Thoughswing is now popular worldwide, it first appeared alongside the jazz movements of the 1920s and 1930s in New York City.(虽然摇摆舞现在风靡全球,但它最初是在20世纪20年代至30年代间的纽约爵士乐运动中出现的。)
  • 29、John suddenly jumped off theswing without even slowing down.(约翰突然从秋千上跳下来,甚至没有减速。)
  • 30、Theswing floated in the air.(秋千在空中飘荡。)


英 [swɪŋ] 美 [swɪŋ] 

形容词: swingy 过去式: swung 过去分词: swung 现在分词: swinging 第三人称单数: swings


