


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:18:41

  • 1、All attempts to make the King serviceable to thetroop had failed.(所有让国王臣服于帮里的努力都失败了。)
  • 2、Thetroop spent two years building a log house from Douglas firs they felled themselves. Mr.(这支童子军团花了两年时间,用自己砍伐的花旗松建造了一座木屋。)
  • 3、If you're in some battle, or rather, yourtroop is in some battle, and people are being killed left and right.(如果你在某个战场上,或者说,你的军队在某个战场上,周围的人被杀死。)
  • 4、That's why Obama can meet thetroop drawdown deadline.(所以奥巴马能够履行撤军的期限承诺。)
  • 5、Thetroop of vagabonds turned out at early dawn, and set forward on their march.(这群游民黎明时分就出来了,随即开始了他们的远行。)
  • 6、In return, the Czar sent him atroop of his best soldiers.(作为回报,沙皇送给了他一支最好的军队。)
  • 7、We were taken in flank by atroop of cavalry.(我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。)
  • 8、Had once called fortroop withdrawal to begin by the end of 2006.(曾呼吁在2006年底以前开始撤军。)
  • 9、He has neither an infirm mother, nor a wholetroop of everlastingly hungry children to torment him.(他没有虚弱的母亲要照顾,也没有总是吃不饱的孩子来纠缠他。)
  • 10、The advance-guard of the expected procession now appeared in the great gateway, atroop of halberdiers.(期待中的游行行列的前卫出现在大门口,是一队戟兵。)
  • 11、O 'hara: And what does the captain of ourtroop say? ASHLEY.(奥哈拉:我们的队长怎么看的?)
  • 12、Is it the field-marshal's fault, or the fault of thetroop?(是元帅的错,还是部队的错?)
  • 13、They can refuse to finance thetroop increase.(他们能够拒绝为增兵提供资金支持。) (好工具
  • 14、When the feeding started, thetroop numbered 23 individuals; now it has about 200.(园区刚开始喂食猴子时,猴群内共有23只猴子,现在已有大约200只。)
  • 15、There are reports of freshtroop movements across the border.(有报道称新近有部队越过边境。)
  • 16、The Olympic suffered two crashes with other ships and went on to serve as a hospital ship andtroop transport in World War I.(奥林匹克号曾两次与其他船只相撞,并在第一次世界大战中作为医疗船和军队运输船使用。)
  • 17、Thetroop ceased to shiver, and their spirits began to improve.(这群人不再发抖了,他们的精神开始好转。)
  • 18、Climbing the mountain fatigued the whole scouttroop.(爬山使整个侦察连感到疲劳。)
  • 19、He came out with atroop of followers.(他带着一大群随从走出来。)
  • 20、You're the person who's supposed to keep thetroop, the rank and file motivated.(你是那个应该保持军队和普通士兵积极性的人。)
  • 21、An hour into the journey, we spot atroop of baboons preening each other on a hillock.(火车开了一个小时,我们看见山丘上有一群狒狒在互相梳理皮毛。)
  • 22、Thetroop was armed with the most advanced weapons.(这支军队配备了最先进的武器。)
  • 23、The wholetroop of men and women wore their hair fairly short.(那一整群男女都留着相当短的头发。)
  • 24、NATO officials have denied there aretroop buildups along the border.(北约官员否认在巴基斯坦跟阿富汗边境一带集结兵力。)
  • 25、Mr. Vlok promised new measures to protect residents, including the dispatch of police andtroop reinforcements.(乌洛克先生答应了新的保护居民的措施,包括派遣增援的警察和军队。)
  • 26、I was assigned totroop A of the 10th Cavalry.(我被分派到了第10装甲部队的A大队。)
  • 27、Atroop of guests was moving towards the house.(一群客人朝那房子走去。)
  • 28、"This is not a so-calledtroop withdrawal pause," he said.(他说:“这并不是所谓的暂停撤军。)
  • 29、Out of this lake, as from the white square stone in Ben Bulben, issues an unearthlytroop.(像本布尔本山的白色方石一样,湖中也会涌出仙军。)


英 [tru:p] 美 [trup] 

过去式: trooped 过去分词: trooped 现在分词: trooping 第三人称单数: troops


