


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:19:00

  • 1、Fill the syringe with solution, attach the needle andexpel air.(注射器吸满漱口液,接上针头,排出注射器内空气。)
  • 2、Yellow paper with magic incantations is regarded by superstitious people as a means toexpel evil spirits.(写有符咒的黄色纸张被善男信女们当做趋吉避凶的精神支撑。)
  • 3、The pain, termed renal colic, was my body straining toexpel it.(我感觉到的疼痛,学名叫做肾绞痛,就是我的身体竭力排除结石的反应。)
  • 4、As nozzlesexpel the pearly material, layer by layer, you imagine the elaborate designs this device could make on gingerbread cookies.(当喷嘴层层喷洒这些珍珠粉般的物质时,你大可以想象这台机器将如何在姜饼上面绘制精美的图案。)
  • 5、The heart muscles contract toexpel the blood.(心脏肌肉收缩以挤压出血液。)
  • 6、They canexpel insects, get rid of the humidity, help digestion and cure inner heat.(它的叶子可以用作药材。茱萸具有驱虫去湿,助消化去内热的功效。)
  • 7、Rocketsexpel the stuff at altitudes three times as high - in the stratosphere more than 40 kilometres above sea level.(而火箭排出物三倍高于飞机---在海拔40多千米的平流层。)
  • 8、Intermediate and wet-weather tyres have full tread patterns, necessary toexpel standing water when racing in the wet.(中性胎和湿地胎上都有完整的胎面花纹,这些胎面花纹在湿地比赛时用来排水的。)
  • 9、Iexpel all outside forces in my works.(在我的作品中,我驱散了外部力量。)
  • 10、These cause the algal cells toexpel the oil almost as soon as they have manufactured it.(这使得海藻细胞可以在制造出油料的同时便迅速排出。)
  • 11、The coral then effectivelyexpel the algae and turn white.(随后,珊瑚会迅速驱除藻类、变白。)
  • 12、They complain that milk makes them have more mucous or makes mucous thicker and harder toexpel.(他们说牛奶是他们的粘液更多、更粘稠并且难以排出。)
  • 13、They were told that they shouldexpel the refugees.(他们被告知应该逐出那些难民。)
  • 14、The fair coordinator has been given powers toexpel suspected troublemakers.(那位公正的协调员已被赋予权力,以驱逐涉嫌闹事者。)
  • 15、Your apostlesexpel us from our home and make us homeless.(您的手下把我们赶出家门,使我们成为无家可归的人。)
  • 16、He tries to explain to them how society can be changed for the better, but they become angry andexpel him from their home.(他试图向他们解释社会如何才能变好,但他们变得愤怒,并开除他们的家。)
  • 17、And Jephthah said unto the elders of Gilead, Did not ye hate me, andexpel me out of my father's house?(耶弗他回答基列的长老说,从前你们不是恨我,赶逐我出离父家吗。)
  • 18、Dumbledore: And that there is sufficient evidence toexpel you both?(邓布尔多:也有足够多的证据开除你们。)
  • 19、The tenants disregarded their landlord's threat toexpel them.(这些租客完全漠视房东要把他们驱赶出去的威胁。)
  • 20、When we exhale weexpel air from our lungs.(当我们呼气的时候,肺将空气排出体外。)
  • 21、They called toexpel loudly Becky.(他们大声叫着把贝基赶走。)
  • 22、Bleaching occurs when overheated coralsexpel crucial algae that give them their colour.(当过热的珊瑚掉下为他们提供颜色的海藻时漂白剂出现了。)
  • 23、A non-productive cough does notexpel sputum from the respiratory tract.(干咳指不从呼吸道排出痰液的咳嗽。)
  • 24、The landlord threatened his tenants that he wouldexpel them unless they paid him within a week.(房东威胁房客说,如果一周内不付房费给他,将把他们赶走。)
  • 25、We have no alternative but toexpel you from the factory.(把你开除厂籍是不得已的事情。)
  • 26、Which means, unfortunately that one more slip-up and I have toexpel you.(还有一项严令,我要给你留校察看。很不幸,这意味这再有一个错误,我就得开除你。)


英 [ɪkˈspel] 美 [ɪkˈspɛl] 

形容词: expellable 名词: expeller 过去式: expelled 过去分词: expelled 现在分词: expelling 第三人称单数: expels

