


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:19:03

  • 1、She bore herself with dignity throughout thefuneral.(整个葬礼过程中她都保持着尊严。)
  • 2、Only the nearest relatives were present at thefuneral.(只有几位近亲参加了葬礼。)
  • 3、Thefuneral will be carried out this afternoon at 3:00.(葬礼将在今天下午3点举行。)
  • 4、Hundreds of people attended thefuneral.(数百人参加了葬礼。)
  • 5、People from across the world gathered in London to hear Big Ben's last chime and some of them even cried, as if they were attending a friend'sfuneral.(来自世界各地的人们聚集在伦敦,聆听大本钟的最后一次钟声,其中一些人甚至哭了,就像在参加朋友的葬礼一样。)
  • 6、I hope I'm wrong and Clegg really will tame the Tories—but I'm braced for this movie turning into One Shotgun Wedding and A Bloody Longfuneral.(我希望我是错的,克莱格真的能驯服保守党——但我已经对这部电影会变成一场强制性的婚礼和一场血腥漫长的葬礼做好了准备。)
  • 7、Several severe federal generals drank the mineral water on the miner'sfuneral.(好几个严厉的联邦将军在矿工的葬礼上喝了矿泉水。)
  • 8、I will never forget the unconditional love shown by my stepmother when I asked her if she would object to mother attending daddy'sfuneral.(我永远不会忘记当我问继母是否会反对母亲参加爸爸的葬礼时,她表现出的无条件的爱。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 9、He went back to shooting Chloe after thefuneral.(葬礼后,他回去拍摄克洛伊。)
  • 10、Journalists stayed away from thefuneral out of consideration for the bereaved family.(出于对丧失亲人家属的考虑,新闻记者没有到葬礼现场。)
  • 11、Bishop Silvester officiated at thefuneral.(西尔韦斯特主教主持了葬礼。)
  • 12、Thousands of people attended thefuneral.(数千人参加了葬礼。)
  • 13、Several presidents attended thefuneral.(好几位总统参加了葬礼。)
  • 14、It is not by chance that thefuneral March is not the last movement of the Eroica Symphony, but the second.(《葬礼进行曲》不是《英雄交响曲》的最后乐章,而是第二乐章,这并非偶然。)
  • 15、Although, as Earl Spencer proved at his sister Princess Diana'sfuneral, it is possible both to prepare every word and to act naturally.(尽管如此,正如厄尔·斯宾塞在他妹妹戴安娜王妃的葬礼上所证明的那样,准备好每句话并表现得自然是可能的。)
  • 16、Afuneral wake was in progress.(葬礼前在守灵。)
  • 17、We had thefuneral only yesterday.(我们昨天才举行了葬礼。)
  • 18、Everyone at thefuneral was dressed in black.(参加葬礼的人都身着黑服。)
  • 19、Thefuneral will be held in Joplin, Missouri.(该葬礼将在密苏里州的乔普林市举行。)
  • 20、Also, pre-payingfuneral expenses can avoid the effects of inflation.(另外,预先支付丧葬费可以避免通货膨胀的影响。)
  • 21、You have to plan afuneral, and you have to deal with the flowers then determine the process.(你要去筹划葬礼,并且准备鲜花,确定葬礼的流程。)
  • 22、Some thirty people attended thefuneral.(大约有三十人参加了葬礼。)
  • 23、When you prearrange yourfuneral, you can pick your own flowers and music.(当你预先准备自己的葬礼时,你就能够选择自己喜欢的鲜花和音乐。)
  • 24、They had been hid in the unused gallery listening to their ownfuneral sermon!(他们一直躲在闲置的走廊里,听着自己的葬礼布道!)
  • 25、At herfuneral her oldest friend paid tribute to her life and work.(在葬礼上,她最早的朋友对她的一生和工作给予了高度的赞扬。)
  • 26、More than 3,000 people attended herfuneral including many government and business leaders.(超过3000人参加了她的葬礼,其中包括许多政府和商界领袖。)
  • 27、Please let everybody know that whoever wants to may attend thefuneral.(请对外宣称,任何人都可以来参加葬礼。)
  • 28、The morning after thefuneral, Tom took Huck to a private place to have an important talk.(葬礼后的第二天早晨,汤姆把哈克带到一个僻静的地方,与他进行了一次重要的谈话。)


英 [ˈfju:nərəl] 美 [ˈfjunərəl] 



