


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:18:03

  • 1、I can't tell you from here while you're shaking yourfist at me.(你在这儿对我挥拳头,我没法告诉你。)
  • 2、Raise yourfist, scream into the camera and enjoy our top 10 goal celebrations.(举起你的拳头,对着照相机尖叫,享受我们十大进球庆祝。)
  • 3、If you feel the need to hug a bro every time you see him or prefer a man hug to afist bump, then you may be guilty.(如果你每次看见个兄弟都想去抱他而不是拳头碰拳头,那你该感到愧疚了。)
  • 4、The next time you're faced with a choice that takes self-control, clench yourfist or firm that bicep.(下次当你面临需要自我控制的选择时,握紧你的拳头或收紧你的二头肌。)
  • 5、Jill crossed her legs and rested her chin on onefist, as if lost in deep thought.(吉尔两腿交叉,下巴抵在拳头上,似乎陷入了沉思。)
  • 6、Saif looked less like a hedge funder and more like afist-pumping militant in fatigues.(赛义夫看起来不太像一个对冲基金经理,而更像一个穿着迷彩服挥舞拳头的激进分子。)
  • 7、He put hisfist through a glass door.(他把拳头伸进了玻璃门。)
  • 8、It was as if a giant were pounding the house with hisfist.(这就好像一个巨人正用他的拳头重击房子一样。)
  • 9、He raised his rightfist and declaimed: "Liar and cheat!"(他举起右拳慷慨陈词:"骗子!")
  • 10、He died in 1985 after ruling Albania with an ironfist for 40 years.(他用铁腕统治了阿尔巴尼亚40年后,于1985年去世。)
  • 11、He let fly at me with hisfist.(他挥拳打我。)
  • 12、Mahoney clenched hisfist in exasperation.(马奥尼恼怒地攥紧拳头。)
  • 13、She strode towards them, herfist upraised.(她举着拳头,大步迈向他们。)
  • 14、I struck the glass with myfist with all my might; yet it remained whole.(我使尽全力用拳头砸那块玻璃,但它却完好无损。)
  • 15、Jan slammed herfist on the desk in anger.(简气愤地捶打桌子。)
  • 16、Without warning, Bardo smacked hisfist into his open hand.(毫无预警地,巴多用拳头啪地猛击了他张开的手。)
  • 17、He struck the table with hisfist.(他用拳头打桌子。)
  • 18、My stomach seized up like a clenchedfist, and nausea rolled into me like a fever.(我的胃像捏紧的拳头一样痉挛,恶心像发烧一样涌上心头。)
  • 19、Larry rose excitedly to the edge of his seat, shook afist at us and spat.(拉里激愤地从座位上站了起来,向我们又晃拳头又啐唾沫。)
  • 20、He pounded the table with hisfist.(他用拳头猛扎桌子。)
  • 21、Mark smashed hisfist down on the desk.(马克狠狠地把拳头砸在桌上。)
  • 22、He punched me with hisfist.(他用拳头猛击我。)
  • 23、At last I hit the ball with myfist and it stopped altogether.(最后我用拳头击球,球完全停了下来。)
  • 24、He actually shook hisfist at Mary.(他竟然对玛丽挥了拳。)
  • 25、He got into afist fight in the bar.(他在酒吧与人挥拳斗殴。)
  • 26、As if testing for strength, the doctor shook his tinyfist.(像是在测试力气似的,医生摇了摇他的小拳头。)
  • 27、He addressed a crowd at Cape Town by raising his arm and clenching hisfist.(他在开普敦向群众发表讲话,举起手臂,握紧拳头。)
  • 28、The next time you're faced with a choice that takes self-control, clench yourfist or firm that bicep. Your will might firm up.(下次当你面临需要自我控制的选择时,握紧你的拳头或收紧你的二头肌。你的意志也会坚强起来。)
  • 29、He smacked afist into the palm of his hand.(他用拳头啪地猛击一下手掌。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 30、Sarah made a menacing gesture with herfist.(萨拉用拳头做了个威胁的手势。)


英 [fɪst] 美 [fɪst] 

过去式: fisted 过去分词: fisted 现在分词: fisting 第三人称单数: fists


