


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:24:05

  • 1、Shall we see the new play at the grandtheater tonight?(今晚我们去大剧院看新戏好吗?)
  • 2、Hurry to the Newtheater.(快点去新剧院。)
  • 3、Thetheater wasn't bad.(剧院还不错。)
  • 4、I would support a proposal to build a new movietheater in my neighborhood.(我支持在我家附近建一个新电影院的提议。)
  • 5、It's the Souththeater Company.(这是南方戏剧公司。)
  • 6、In thetheater, great excitement reigned.(剧院里一片激动人心的气氛。)
  • 7、This is a fantastic chance to perform with musicaltheater professionals.(这是一个很好的与音乐戏剧专业人士表演的机会。)
  • 8、Know, then, that written in letters of fire I see the words: GREAT MARIONETTEtheater.(那么,你要知道,那里用火红的字写着:大木偶戏院。)
  • 9、Thetheater caught fire and burnt to the ground.(剧院着火烧成了灰烬。)
  • 10、Let's say you're in a movietheater and you're watching a fantastic movie.(假设你正在电影院看一部特别棒的片子。)
  • 11、Neither the human imitative instinct nor a penchant for fantasy by itself leads to an autonomoustheater.(无论是人类的模仿本能,还是对幻想的嗜好本身,都不会单独成为独立的戏剧形式。)
  • 12、In fact, most objects you see in a concert hall ortheater serve double duty.(事实上,你在音乐厅或剧院看到的大多数物品都有双重功能。)
  • 13、I grew up in a dinky little town that didn't even have a movietheater.(我生长在一个无名小镇,那里连个电影院都没有。)
  • 14、So what are some important considerations when we design atheater or a concert hall?(那么,当我们设计一个剧院或音乐厅时,有哪些重要的注意事项呢?)
  • 15、When his classmates lined up to enter the movietheater, the boy stood alone outside.(当同学们排队进入电影院时,男孩独自站在外面。)
  • 16、Pinocchio sells his A-B-C book to pay his way into the Marionettetheater.(皮诺乔卖掉了他的识字课本,付了钱进了木偶剧院。)
  • 17、The pianist missed a beat when playing the piano on the stage in the Grandtheater last night.(这位钢琴家昨晚在大剧院的舞台上弹钢琴时漏了一个节拍。)
  • 18、Unless some extra money is found, thetheater will be close.(除非获得额外收入,否则,剧院就要歇业了。)
  • 19、We left thetheater around 8, just before the evening shows began.(我们8点左右离开电影院,刚好在晚会开始前。)
  • 20、Movies did, however, fatally impact some parts of livetheater.(然而,电影确实对现场戏剧的某些方面产生了致命的影响。)
  • 21、Why didtheater develop, and why was it valued after it ceased to fulfill the function of ritual?(为什么戏剧会发展,以及为什么在戏剧完全脱离宗教仪式以后还有这么大的价值?)
  • 22、Thetheater audience said goodbye as Bradford locked the doors for the last time.(在布拉德福德最后一次锁门时,剧院的观众们向他说了再见。)
  • 23、In the early 1930s, mosttheater owners installed new sound systems.(在20世纪30年代初,大多数影院都安装了新的音响系统。)
  • 24、Think about it, you are writing about dramatic arts, thetheater, and that's the nature oftheater, isn't it?(想想看,你写的是戏剧艺术、剧场,而且这就是戏剧的本质,不是吗?)
  • 25、People have all kinds of entertainment in thetheater.(人们在剧院里有各种各样的娱乐活动。)
  • 26、If the school board cuts down on funding for the arts, then what will thetheater program become of?(如果学校董事会削减对艺术的资助,那么戏剧项目会变成什么样子呢?)
  • 27、They took classicaltheater and reproduced it in the Renaissance time.(他们在文艺复兴时期重新演绎了传统戏剧。)
  • 28、Let's say that you are in a movietheater and you have forgotten your sweater or jacket.(假设你在电影院,你忘记带上你的毛衣或外套。) (好工具
  • 29、The cinema, thetheater, all that was every exciting with new things coming out.(电影院,剧院,所有的一切都是非常令人兴奋的新事物。)
  • 30、They wandered everywhere, they looked into every nook and corner, house andtheater.(他们到处游荡,他们看遍了每一个角落,房子和剧院。)


英 ['θɪətə] 美 [ˈθi:ətər] 

异体字: theatre


