
run off

run off造句

更新时间:2024-04-26 11:24:21

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的run off的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条run off的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了run off的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、You must firstrun off the water from the tank.(首先必须把水从水槽中流掉。)
  • 2、Much of the soil is usually still frozen during peak run-off.(大部分的土壤在径流高峰期仍然是冻结的。)
  • 3、His wife, Kumiko (Ai Kiyono), may haverun off or she may have been kidnapped.(冈田亨的妻子久美子(清野爱饰)可能已经离开了他,或者她也可能被绑架。)
  • 4、Once this pan formed, further run-off collected, and formed a lake.(一旦这个池子形成,径流就会进一步汇集,从而形成一个湖泊。)
  • 5、run off outside and play with thy rope.(跑到外面去玩你的绳子。)
  • 6、The shaver willrun off batteries or mains.(这个剃须刀可用电池或电源驱动。)
  • 7、“Next Friday, I should just jump onto the table andrun off with it, ” Harold suggested.(“下个星期五,我干脆跳到桌上去,拿起披萨就跑!”哈罗德开始建议说。)
  • 8、The messenger boy willrun off his legs sooner or later.(这个小通讯员迟早会累垮的。)
  • 9、He hasrun off onto a nearby highway.(他已经逃掉了,上了一条临近的公路。)
  • 10、Theyrun off,and that's the end.(她们跑开了,那就是结尾。)
  • 11、If you want torun off a copy sometime today, you're welcome to.(如果你想今天某个时候复印文件,欢迎你来印。)
  • 12、The treasurer hadrun off with the club's funds.(财务主管盗走了俱乐部的资金。)
  • 13、How dare yourun off like that?(你们竟敢就那样跑开?)
  • 14、It is first ground into mince and then steamed and rotated in an oven angled like a cement mixer so that the juicesrun off.(它首先被磨成肉末,然后蒸煮,在烤箱中烘烤;烤箱像一个水泥搅拌器一样倾斜着放,这样可以让肉汁流走。)
  • 15、Agricultural run-off and pollution from power plants are adding extra nitrogen to many bogs in North America.(农业排水和来自发电厂的污染给北美的许多沼泽增加了额外的氮。)
  • 16、Could you love your neighbor as yourself andrun off with his wife?(你会像爱自己那样爱邻居还和他的妻子私奔吗?)
  • 17、Could yourun off twenty copies of the agenda?(你给我复印二十份会议议程好吗?)
  • 18、Natural soil fertility is dropping in many areas because of continuous industrial fertiliser and pesticide use, while the growth of algae is increasing in lakes because of the fertiliser run-off.(在很多地区,由于工业化肥和农药的持续使用,导致自然土壤的肥力正在下降,然而化肥的流入却导致湖泊中藻类生长得越来越快。)
  • 19、Could yourun off 20 copies of it for me, please?(能帮我复印20份好吗?)
  • 20、The heats of the 200 metres will berun off tomorrow.(200米预赛将在明天举行。)
  • 21、He couldrun off an article in an hour.(他能在一小时内快速写出一篇文章。)
  • 22、They manage torun off, and Dan and Rick chase after them.(他们设法跑开,丹和里克在后面追他们。)
  • 23、Did yourun off from a nuthouse, eh?(你从精神病院逃出来的吧,啊?)
  • 24、Is it too soon for new mother Zoe Ball torun off her mummy tummy?(刚当上妈妈的佐伊·鲍尔要甩掉妈妈的肚子是不是太早了?)
  • 25、The last thing I'm going to do isrun off with somebody's husband.(我绝不会和某人的丈夫私奔。)
  • 26、What about run-off in the spring, when the snow finally melts?(到了春天,雪最终融化的时候,水流是怎么样的?)
  • 27、The nutrients are deep down in the active layer anyway, not high up near the surface, which is the part of the active layer most affected by run-off.(不管怎样,营养物质存在于活性层深处而不是在表层附近,活性层受径流影响最大的地方。)
  • 28、Their text might no longer fit on the screen, or it mightrun off the edges.(他们的文本可能不再适合屏幕,或超出了边框。)
  • 29、And I don't mean that Ashley wouldrun off with another woman, if you were his wife, or beat you.(我也不是说,你如果做了他的位子,艾希礼会跟别的女人私奔,或者揍你。)
run off基本释义

run off

英 [rʌn ɔf] 美 [rʌn ɔf] 

逃跑; 流掉;迅速离开
