


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:23:47

  • 1、The hotel was in a beautiful position amidlemon groves.(旅馆位于柠檬树丛之中,优美宜人。)
  • 2、Just rub the cut side of half alemon all over them and buff with a soft cloth.(只需用半个柠檬的切面擦拭它们全部,然后用软布擦亮即可。)
  • 3、Alemon is an acid fruit.(柠檬是一种酸味水果。)
  • 4、Thelemon tree: very pretty.(柠檬树:颇为秀美。)
  • 5、Fill ice cube trays withlemon juice. Once frozen, store the cubes in a plastic resealable bag. This way you always have freshlemon juice on hand.(在制冰盒中装满柠檬汁。冷冻后,把冰块储放在可再次密封的塑料袋中。这样你在手边随时都有新鲜的柠檬汁。)
  • 6、When I cut thelemon, juice squirted in my eye.(我切柠檬时,柠檬汁溅到了我眼睛里。) (好工具
  • 7、Would you prefer your tea withlemon or with milk?(您的茶要加柠檬还是牛奶?)
  • 8、lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation.(柠檬汁通过改善血液循环来帮助预防经济舱综合症。)
  • 9、I could smell pungent durian fruit, grilled satay andlemon detergent as my shoulder slapped against a line of wet laundry.(当我的肩膀拍打在一排湿衣服上时,我可以闻到刺鼻的榴莲果味、烤沙爹味和柠檬洗涤剂的味道。)
  • 10、I have a cherry, alemon, and a flower.(我有一颗樱桃、一个柠檬,还有一朵小花。)
  • 11、Yes, onelemon tea and one milk tea. All right.(是的,一杯柠檬茶和一杯奶茶,就这样。)
  • 12、An orange or alemon, Dong Dong?(冬冬,要桔子还是要柠檬?)
  • 13、Enjoy a romantic salad that incorporates citrus, like pink grapefruit or mandarin oranges, or use a dressing made withlemon and lime.(享用一次含有柑橘类的浪漫沙拉,如粉红葡萄柚或橘子,或使用柠檬和酸橙制成的调味品。)
  • 14、The Jelly Belly was created in Los Angeles with just eight flavors: cherry,lemon, cream soda, tangerine, green apple, root beer, grape and licorice.(吉百利在洛杉矶面世,只有八种口味:樱桃、柠檬、奶油苏打、橘子、青苹果、沙士、葡萄和甘草。)
  • 15、There was nothing much I wanted to eat: the remains of a bunch of celery, a blue-tinged heel of bread, alemon going soft.(我没有什么想吃的:剩下的一束芹菜,发霉的面包,一个变软的柠檬。)
  • 16、Soak nails inlemon juice to nix stains, then use a nail buffer to make tips shiny.(将指甲浸泡在柠檬汁中可以去除污渍,然后用指甲缓冲液使指甲顶端有光泽。)
  • 17、I plucked alemon from the tree.(我从树上摘下一枚柠檬。)
  • 18、Troubles smelled likelemon drops.(烦恼闻起来像柠檬滴一样。)
  • 19、Grilled trout needs only a squeeze oflemon.(烤鳟鱼只需要一点柠檬榨汁。)
  • 20、I love sprouted legumes withlemon juice, avocado and almonds.(我喜欢加了柠檬汁、鳄梨和杏仁的豆芽。)
  • 21、He ate alemon just now.(他刚才吃了一个柠檬。)
  • 22、Can you help me to garnish a fish with slices oflemon?(你能帮我在鱼上加配柠檬片吗?)
  • 23、First, squirt somelemon juice on door thresholds and windowsills, then squeezelemon juice into any holes or cracks where the ants are getting in.(首先挤一些柠檬汁在门槛和窗台上,然后将柠檬汁挤进各种蚂蚁可能爬进来的小洞或者裂缝。)
  • 24、Studies have found thatlemon and lavender scents can produce the most positive, calming results.(研究发现柠檬和薰衣草的气味能够产生最积极、平静的效果。)
  • 25、A squeeze of freshlemon juice on the bananas will prevent them turning brown.(在香蕉上挤一点新鲜的柠檬汁可以防止香蕉变成棕色。)
  • 26、If you like, a squeeze of freshlemon juice on the bananas will prevent them turning brown.(如果你喜欢,在香蕉上挤一点新鲜柠檬汁可以防止香蕉变褐色。)
  • 27、The sky turned from fiery orange tolemon yellow.(天空由火红色变成了柠檬黄。)
  • 28、Consider the response to the sharpness of alemon and compare that with the face that is welcoming the smooth wonder of chocolate.(想象一下人们对柠檬刺激性气味的反应,并将其与人们享受巧克力丝滑口感的表情进行比较。)
  • 29、His favourite tipple was rum andlemon.(他最爱喝的饮料是朗姆酒加柠檬汁。)
  • 30、You’re really bought alemon.(你可买了一辆次等货色了。)


英 [ˈlemən] 美 [ˈlɛmən] 


