


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:22:50

  • 1、Valentino was virtually deified by legions offemale fans.(华伦天奴实际上被女性粉丝团神化了。)
  • 2、female workers constitute the majority of the labour force.(女性雇员占劳动力的多数。)
  • 3、During the time she is paired to a male, thefemale allows no other males to copulate with her.(雌性与一雄性配对时,雌性不允许其他雄性与其交配。)
  • 4、He thought I was being a hystericalfemale.(他觉得我当时像个歇斯底里的女人。)
  • 5、Two of the candidates must befemale.(候选人中必须有两名是女性。)
  • 6、female fans fought their way past bodyguards and tore at his clothes.(女性仰慕者拼命绕过保镖,撕扯他的衣服。)
  • 7、Eachfemale will lay just one egg in April or May.(每只雌性在4月或5月份将只产一颗卵。)
  • 8、A high percentage of thefemale staff are part-time workers.(女职员中,兼职工作的人占很高的比例。)
  • 9、Oestrogen is afemale sex hormone.(雌激素是一种雌性荷尔蒙。)
  • 10、female circumcision is practised on 2 million girls a year.(每年有2百万个女孩被施行女性割礼手术。)
  • 11、Married male supervisors were carrying on affairs withfemale subordinates in the office.(已婚男上司和办公室里的女下级在搞不正当关系。)
  • 12、He was brought up by piousfemale relatives.(他是由虔诚的女性亲属抚养大的。)
  • 13、The audience was almost entirelyfemale.(观众几乎全是女性。)
  • 14、Older veterans have been sent into a tizzy by the idea offemale fighter pilots.(老兵们一想到女战斗机飞行员就感到激动而紧张。)
  • 15、For about six or seven weeks after conception, there is no differentiation between male andfemale.(在受精后大约六七个星期时,男性和女性胚胎之间没有什么差别。)
  • 16、Kelly couldn't focus his eyes well enough to tell if the figure was male orfemale.(凯利无法看清那个人影是男的还是女的。)
  • 17、Her text is believed to be the oldest surviving manuscript by afemale physician.(她的文稿被认为是女性内科医生写的现存最古老的手稿。)
  • 18、He was scornful of such 'female' activities as cooking.(他看不起诸如做饭之类的“女人的”活儿。)
  • 19、female socialization emphasizes getting along with others.(女性社会化进程强调与他人和睦相处。)
  • 20、Norwegian whalers said yesterday they had harpooned afemale minke whale.(挪威的捕鲸人昨天说他们用捕鲸叉捕获了一头雌性小须鲸。)
  • 21、Thefemale changes colour during the breeding season.(在繁殖季节,雌性改变身上的颜色。)
  • 22、Like mostfemale athletes, she was lean and muscular.(像大多数女运动员一样,她精瘦而健壮。)
  • 23、Janis Joplin was the personification of the '60sfemale rock singer.(贾尼斯·乔普林是60年代女摇滚歌手的典型。)
  • 24、The male of the species is almost indistinguishable from thefemale.(这个物种的雄性和雌性几乎无法分辨。)
  • 25、The male sperm fertilizes thefemale egg.(雄性的精子使雌性的卵子受精。)
  • 26、Marianne had not known until Arnold primed her for her duties that she was to be the solefemale.(直到阿诺德向她交待她的职责时,玛丽安娜才知道她将是惟一的女性。)
  • 27、He was accused of sexually molesting afemale colleague.(他被指控对一名女同事进行性骚扰。)
  • 28、She has strong feelings about the alleged growth in violence againstfemale officers.(她对据称的女性军官遭遇暴力事件的增多有强烈的看法。)
  • 29、The jail'sfemale and minority populations have both ballooned in recent years.(该监狱的女性及少数民族犯人在近几年都猛增了。)


英 [ˈfi:meɪl] 美 [ ˈfiˌmel] 

名词: femaleness


