


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:22:15

  • 1、As long ago as 1982, researchers came up with something called the CFQ—the Cognitive Failuresquestionnaire.(早在1982年,研究人员就提出了所谓的CFQ的概念,即认知失败问卷。)
  • 2、All the students were asked to complete aquestionnaire.(全体学生都被要求填一份调查表。)
  • 3、Design -is it aquestionnaire study or a laboratory experiment?(研究设计-是问卷调查研究还是一个实验室的试验?)
  • 4、I have posted thatquestionnaire for you to copy and complete.(我已经发布问卷供您复制和填答。)
  • 5、Participants also completed aquestionnaire measuring impulsivity.(参与者也完成一份测量冲动的问卷。)
  • 6、Thisquestionnaire asks people to rate themselves according to how often they get distracted in different situations.(这份问卷要求人们根据他们在不同情况下分心的频率来给自己打分。)
  • 7、I then design aquestionnaire.(然后我设计了一份问卷。)
  • 8、Thequestionnaire will largely cover technical matters.(这些调查问卷将会涵盖各种技术问题。)
  • 9、Is aquestionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of the population as a whole?(由500人参加的问卷调查能真正代表所有民众吗?)
  • 10、Please answer the following Yes/Noquestionnaire.(请回答下面的判断题。)
  • 11、Teachers will be asked to fill in aquestionnaire.(教师们将被要求填写一份调查问卷。)
  • 12、Terman has developed aquestionnaire to help determine whether expert care is needed.(特尔曼设计了一份调查问卷,以协助确定是否需要专家护理。)
  • 13、Generalquestionnaire for choosing test type.(选择测试类型的一般性问题。)
  • 14、2 000 shoppers completed ourquestionnaire.(2000名顾客填写了我们的调查表。)
  • 15、The user is then presented with this secondquestionnaire.(然后,向用户呈现该调查表。)
  • 16、Listing 7 shows the generatedquestionnaire in XML format.(清单7显示了以xml格式生成的调查表。)
  • 17、Thequestionnaire was administered by trained interviewers.(问卷调查是由经过训练的采访人员负责执行的。)
  • 18、If, however, the researchers construct aquestionnaire in an etic fashion, they want to include questions that reflect concepts familiar to all cultures involved.(然而,如果研究人员以非数学的方式编制一份问卷,他们想将那些反映所有相关文化所熟悉的概念的问题包括在内。)
  • 19、Volunteers in the study were photographed, and then filled out a personalityquestionnaire.(研究项目中的志愿者都拍了照,并填写了一份性格调查问卷。)
  • 20、They were given aquestionnaire which included 78 dream themes.(他们拿到一张包含78个梦境主题的调查问卷。)
  • 21、Plus you really can't say you are getting objective scientific results from a subjectivequestionnaire where people report on themselves.(另外,你真的不能说你从一份主观的自我评价问卷中得到客观的科学结果。)
  • 22、A college application is a relatively straightforwardquestionnaire asking for the basics: name, address, family history, employment history.(大学申请是一份相对简单的问卷,内容包括一些基本信息:姓名、住址、家族史、工作经历。)
  • 23、Please answer the followingquestionnaire. For Options(请回答下面的问卷,计分如下)
  • 24、When we were listening to the lectures at the school today, we received aquestionnaire about the quantity of homework.(今天在学校听讲座的时候,我们收到了一张关于调查作业量的问卷。)
  • 25、They just ask for onequestionnaire to be sent out, for example.(例如,他们只要求发送一份问卷。)
  • 26、When you have filled in thequestionnaire, copy it and send the original to your employer.(填好问卷调查表之后,复印并将原件交给你的雇主。)
  • 27、One suchquestionnaire shall be presented to each applicant.(每位申请人均将得到这样一份问卷。)
  • 28、If researchers construct aquestionnaire in an emic fashion, their concern is only that the questions are meaningful to the particular culture or ethnic group being studied.(如果研究者的调查问卷是以位元的形式做的话,那么他们所关心的只这些问题是否对他们所研究的那些文化或种族群体有意义。)
  • 29、If you do want something, never let the results of aquestionnaire or beliefs of your current friends define what you're capable of.(如果你真的想要一些东西,永远不要让调查问卷的结果或是你现在的朋友们的信念定义你能做什么。)
  • 30、Each completed a 124-item foodquestionnaire in 1995 and 1996.(他们每人在1995年和1996年完成了124项食品问卷。)


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