


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:21:47

  • 1、The baker was standing behind his counter, disputing the items of a bill with ashabby-genteel young woman.(面包店老板站在柜台后面,正跟一个衣衫褴褛的、斯文的年轻女人为一笔账而争论。)
  • 2、Some villages in the world still suffer from problems such as poor road conditions,shabby toilets, dirty environment, and undeveloped basic public services.(世界上的一些农村仍遭受着很多问题,如糟糕的道路条件,破旧的厕所,肮脏的环境,以及发展不完善的公共基础服务等。)
  • 3、It didn't lookshabby, just old and mysterious.(看起来一点也不破败,只是有点旧有点神秘。)
  • 4、After some further toil, his efforts were rewarded, and a veryshabby door-mat lay exposed to view.(经过一番努力,他的努力得到了回报,一块非常破旧的门垫露了出来。)
  • 5、The general divided his time between hisshabby offices and his home in Hampstead.(将军的时间一部分在他那破旧的办公室里度过,另一部分在他汉普斯特德的家度过。)
  • 6、He seems more at home in hisshabby overalls.(他穿着那套破烂烂的工作服好像更自在些。)
  • 7、She tried to make up for hershabby treatment of him.(她先前待他不好,这时候想弥补一下。)
  • 8、Her fantasies include painting the classrooms ofshabby schools, leaving hot meals on kitchen tables in the poor part of town, and giving money secretly to a proud old lady.(她的幻想包括粉刷破旧学校的教室,在镇上贫困地区的餐桌上留下热腾腾的饭菜,秘密地给一位自视清高的老太太送钱。)
  • 9、Not tooshabby, Samsung.(不算太寒酸,对吧,三星!)
  • 10、An art director's income isn't tooshabby, either.(艺术指导的收入也不低。)
  • 11、It came from an unglazed window-opening in ashabby little hut.(声音是从一间简陋的小屋里开着的一扇没有玻璃的窗户里传出来的。)
  • 12、I have wracked myshabby brain and can find no answer.(我寻遍我愚笨的脑袋却也无法找到答案。)
  • 13、In a corner, a man inshabby clothes dozed in a comfortable chair.(在一个角落里,一个衣着褴褛的男人正坐在舒适的椅子上打盹。)
  • 14、He took the prince's coat, and gave him theshabby one, and went away through the wood.(他拿了王子的上衣,把那件破旧的给了他,然后穿过树林走了。)
  • 15、Many areshabby and a long way from shops, jobs and power.(许多地区很破旧,而且远离商店、工作和能源供应。)
  • 16、He was a common figure in the streets and lived in someshabby neighborhood of tenement houses where there were hens and chickens among the cobblestones.(他在街上也算小有名气,住在一座廉租房里,与鹅卵石路上的母鸡和小鸡为伴。)
  • 17、When I stepped ashore in London my clothes were ragged andshabby, and I had only a dollar in my pocket.(我在伦敦上岸时,衣衫褴褛,口袋里只有一美元。)
  • 18、She woreshabby old jeans and a T-shirt.(她穿着一条破旧的牛仔裤和一件T恤衫。)
  • 19、Roddick wasn't tooshabby, either, contributing 74 winners.(罗迪克也不差,贡献了74个制胜分。)
  • 20、Then I decided to visit theshabby local bar and get drunk on rum.(最后,我决定当地那个破旧的酒吧坐坐,用朗姆酒灌醉自己。)
  • 21、The apartment was small but attractive, if rathershabby.(这套公寓不大却满漂亮,尽管已相当陈旧。)
  • 22、His clothes were old andshabby.(他的衣服又旧又破。)
  • 23、What seemed sweet and sad immediately turnsshabby and tawdry.(当时的甜蜜和伤心立马变得卑鄙和恶俗起来。)
  • 24、The Hanzheng Street was originally a narrow,shabby street.(汉正街原来是破旧、窄小的一条旧街。)
  • 25、That's not tooshabby.(这并不太低劣。)
  • 26、TO ENGLISH ears, the word "compromise" often has ashabby ring.(“妥协”这个词对于英国人来讲通常是个不好的词。)
  • 27、It merely looked mean andshabby now.(现在它只是显得卑鄙可耻。)
  • 28、The old man wasshabby and unkempt.(老头蓬头垢面,衣衫褴褛。)
  • 29、Disappointed as I felt at theshabby campus and the poorly-equipped classroom, I found the teachers patiently.(我对破旧的校园和设备简陋的教室感到很失望,但我发现这里的老师们很有耐心。)


英 [ˈʃæbi] 美 [ˈʃæbi] 

副词: shabbily 比较级: shabbier 最高级: shabbiest 名词: shabbiness

