


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:26:05

  • 1、People oftenconfuse me and my twin sister.(人们常常把我和我的孪生妹妹搞错。)
  • 2、People are apt toconfuse the two issues.(人们容易把这两个问题混淆起来。)
  • 3、The English language is made up of the grammar and vocabulary which people from many different countries brought to Britain and that is why English has so many difficult rules thatconfuse people.(来自不同国家的人们把词汇和语法带入英国,形成了英语,这就是为什么英语有那么多让人困惑的规则的原因。)
  • 4、Chinese characters alwaysconfuse me.(中国汉字总是让我困惑。)
  • 5、This can onlyconfuse the audience.(这只会使观众困惑。)
  • 6、His comments only served toconfuse the issue further.(他的评论只是把问题弄得更加复杂。)
  • 7、They farm fungi, raise aphids as livestock, launch armies to war, use chemical sprays to alarm andconfuse enemies, capture slaves, engage in child labour, exchange information ceaselessly.(它们培养菌类,将蚜虫当作家畜来饲养,发对军队作战,使用化学喷雾来警告和迷惑敌人,捕获奴隶,雇佣童工,并且不停地交换信息。)
  • 8、He started keeping tracks of sunspots, mapping them, so he wouldn'tconfuse them with any potential new planet.(他开始追踪太阳黑子,标注它们的位置,这样就不会把它们和任何潜在的新行星混淆了。)
  • 9、If weconfuse these three levels, we will not think clearly.(如果我们混淆了这三个等级,我们便不会清晰地思考。)
  • 10、To furtherconfuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.(使这个问题进一步复杂化的是,人们感觉愉快的睡眠时间相差很大。)
  • 11、Don'tconfuse liberty with license.(不要把自由与放纵混为一谈。)
  • 12、Do not draw it on the chart, however, as this willconfuse the issue.(但是不要把它画在图表上,因为这将使要点模糊不清。)
  • 13、Long and often lyrical descriptions of the different types of ware exist that assist in classifying pots, although these sometimesconfuse an already large and complicated picture.(对各种器皿冗长且常常具有抒情的描述有助于分类陶罐,尽管有时会使本就庞大而复杂的局面变得混乱。)
  • 14、Certainly, you don't want to waste your precious hours on following the developments in a disorderly fashion and miss important deadlines,confuse interview times, or forget to follow up as a result.(当然,你也不想浪费宝贵时间去随波逐流,从而错过重要的截止日期、弄错面试时间,或者忘记跟进重要事情的结果。)
  • 15、Just toconfuse things, any pub called the Cock&Bottle has nothing to do with sport.(更让人困惑的是,任何一家名为Cock&Bottle的酒吧都与体育无关。)
  • 16、I alwaysconfuse my left with my right.(我总是混淆左右。)
  • 17、Neverconfuse momentum with energy.(不要混淆动量和能量。)
  • 18、Why change your language when what it is going to do isconfuse you?(为什么在要做的事会使你迷惑的时候,改变你的语言呢?)
  • 19、Individually engineering and the liberal arts shape a person in very different ways; together they threaten toconfuse.(工程学科和文科各自以非常不同的方式塑造一个人,如果混在一起学会引起混乱。)
  • 20、Many business executivesconfuse leadership with action.(许多企业高管把领导力与行动混为一谈。)
  • 21、Don'tconfuse Austria with Australia.(不要把奥地利跟澳大利亚弄混了。)
  • 22、Do not let the nameconfuse you.(不要为这个名称迷惑。)
  • 23、Do notconfuse this class with the view.(不要把这一类与视图混淆。)
  • 24、Do notconfuse ever the tangential acceleration, which is along the circumference, with centripetal acceleration.(不要把沿圆周的切向加速度与向心加速度混淆。)
  • 25、I don't want toconfuse you.(我不想把你们弄糊涂。)
  • 26、Trying toconfuse the smell.(试着把气味混淆。)


英 [kənˈfju:z] 美 [kənˈfjuz] 

副词: confusingly 过去式: confused 过去分词: confused 现在分词: confusing 第三人称单数: confuses

