


更新时间:2024-04-26 23:06:29

  • 1、It is part of the price China and others are paying toclamber out of recession before everyone else.(这是中国先于其它国家摆脱经济萧条要付出的代价。)
  • 2、Their bicycles carry industrial-size grab-nets, rice sacks and white plastic buckets in which crabsclamber slowly.(他们的自行车上装着工业级的渔网、米袋子还有白色的塑料水桶,螃蟹在桶里慢慢地爬来爬去。)
  • 3、As youclamber down on to the platform, you stumble as clumsily as a calf.(当你下到站台上时步履笨拙像一头牛犊。)
  • 4、Sailor as he was, it was easy enough for him toclamber up the gnarled trunk.(他虽说是个水手,攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。)
  • 5、While individual housing loans balance that our country commercial bank gives out increases by rapidly, infringement rate also begins toclamber rising.(在我国商业银行发放的个人住房贷款余额快速增长的同时,违约率也开始攀升。)
  • 6、These traits require a degree of modesty scarce among those ambitious enough toclamber to the top.(这些品质需要一定程度的谦逊,而这在那些野心勃勃、一心往上爬的人中很是少见。)
  • 7、Despite a tough start, they have notched together five straight wins toclamber into third place - still11 points short of rivals Roma.(尽管有着一个不走运的开始,但是他们新近取得了五连胜,并且艰难地爬升到了第三的位置——仍然落后同城的罗马队11分。)
  • 8、Will youclamber up, and pluck it to show to papa?(你要不要爬上去,把它摘下来给爸爸看?)
  • 9、Here and there they shouldclamber over wave-wet rock, leaping across clear pools that the tide had left.(他们要不时地爬过被海浪打湿的岩石,跳过海水退后留下的清澈的小水潭。)
  • 10、Teenage boysclamber down mine shafts 30 to 50 meters deep.(孩子们沿着杆子爬到深30到50米的矿井里。)
  • 11、Reaching the crest was a realclamber.(到达顶端才是真正的攀登。)
  • 12、where desperate attempts toclamber out of the ditch (by buying dollars) merely drag others deeper into the ditch.(其中投资者拼命摆脱困境的努力(通过购买美元)往往只不过使他们陷的更深。)
  • 13、It was difficult toclamber the mountain.(爬上那座大山是困难的。)
  • 14、We had a good time of thatclamber.(那次攀登让我们很愉快。)
  • 15、Must we reallyclamber up every alluvial fan, map every desert canyon, and slap a name on every dry lake and rocky outcropping?(我们真的需要绘制每片荒地峡谷的地图吗?我们真的非要加个名字给每座干涸的湖或露出地表的岩层吗?) (好工具
  • 16、It was easy enough for him toclamber up the gnarled trunk.(他攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。)
  • 17、There was no character however unexpected, no change of scene, no stage effect, but was obliged toclamber up this ladder.(随意编派的角色,机关布景,剧情突变,没有一样不是安排从这梯子上场的。)
  • 18、To enter, users mustclamber, Alice in Wonderland style, through a 6-foot-long tunnel that tapers from 6.5 feet wide at the cube's facade to 2.25 feet at the tucked-in entry.(就像进入到仙境中的爱丽丝那样,通过一个6英尺长的隧道,逐渐从6.5英尺宽的立方体表面到入口的2.25英尺。)
  • 19、Every now and then, a survivor with a sense of humor will attempt to utilize Ovis as a mount, since it canclamber up steeper inclines than many other animals.(有时,一个有点幽默感的幸存者会试图把绵羊作为坐骑,因为相比较其他动物,它可以攀跃一些陡峭的山坡。)
  • 20、Doctors all will go toclamber up in pyramid from enter to cure porch.(临床医生的成长是一个过程,从踏入医门起,医生们就在金字塔上进行攀登。)
  • 21、Visitors are invited toclamber up over the expansive temporary landscape, which gently flexes under the weight of footsteps.(游客们被邀请来攀爬这个开阔的临时景观,网蓬在人们的重量下轻轻弯曲。)
  • 22、Mr Hanshan has expressed his desire toclamber the fantastic realm of spirit and to perfect the personal pursuit of his life with strong affection of poems.(寒山用浓情的诗行表达了对美好精神境界的攀援,对完善自我人生的追求的愿望。)


英 [ˈklæmbə(r)] 美 [ˈklæmbɚ, ˈklæmɚ] 

名词: clamberer 过去式: clambered 过去分词: clambered 现在分词: clambering 第三人称单数: clambers


