


更新时间:2024-04-26 23:05:20

  • 1、In some cases they don't even get toconsummate their love yet because something intervenes.(在一些故事里,两人甚至还没同房,因为有事介入。)
  • 2、The good news is, this is nothing but a mock ceremony and the couple don’t have toconsummate the wedding.(好消息是,这不过是一个假的婚礼,这一对儿并不需要圆房。)
  • 3、His wife divorced him for failing toconsummate their marriage.(他的妻子因为他未能完婚而跟他离婚了。)
  • 4、Therefore, it is necessary to extremely establish theconsummate and effective logistics information management system.(因此,建立完善、有效的物流信息管理系统是非常有必要的。)
  • 5、This animus is a poet, savior andconsummate soul mate.(双鱼座——双鱼座女性的男性意向是诗人、救世主以及完美的灵魂伴侣。)
  • 6、Oh. Can someone feelconsummate love for more than one person?(噢,一个人能否同时和两个人以上拥有完美式爱情?)
  • 7、He acted the part withconsummate skill.(他以精湛的演技饰演了这个角色。)
  • 8、She was aconsummate performer.(她是个技艺非凡的表演者。)
  • 9、Love in aspiration in fact be really not soconsummate.(渴望中的爱情其实并不是那么的完美。)
  • 10、The fraud was especially jarring because Mr Madoff was theconsummate Wall Street insider, writes Ms Henriques.(这一骗局格外使人震惊,因为麦道夫是技术高超的华尔街内部人士,亨利科丝写道。)
  • 11、This landscape painting is aconsummate work of art.(这幅山水画已臻化境。)
  • 12、The Buddha had great and pure love for all beings – and he never felt urged toconsummate with anyone!(佛祖对众生有爱,但他从来不觉得需要拥有任何人。)
  • 13、Findings from several studies on corporate mergers and acquisitions during the 1970's and 1980's raise questions about why firms initiate andconsummate such transactions.(20世纪70年代和80年代对公司合并和收购的几项研究的结果提出了这样一个问题:公司为什么要发起并完成这类交易?)
  • 14、I won't even tell you what my Madison Avenue hairdresser, Joseph - theconsummate high-end hair professional!(我都不想告诉你我的麦迪逊大道发型师,约瑟夫-一位高级美发师!)
  • 15、He was theconsummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever.(他是完美的艺人,他的贡献和传奇将死而不朽。)
  • 16、He has used that tool withconsummate skill.(他娴熟地使用了这一工具。)
  • 17、The steamy honeymoon scenes were filmed late last year when Bella and Edwardconsummate their marriage.(而蜜月新婚夜的戏份早已在去年年底拍摄完成。)
  • 18、Chrysler's only hope, Mr Obama said on March 30th, is toconsummate the deal it has been discussing since January with Fiat.(奥巴马3月30日表示,克莱斯勒的唯一希望就是完成一月以来一直与菲亚特商讨的协议计划。)
  • 19、Because they're madly in love and they want toconsummate their marriage.(因为他们仍然深深相爱,想同房成婚。)
  • 20、But even if you've found yourconsummate Mary Poppins, I will advise you to proceed with caution.(但是就算你找到了像马莉·波博金斯这样的保姆,我建议你还是要小心行事。)
  • 21、Our love isconsummate always all.(我们的爱一直都是完美的。)
  • 22、He played the shot withconsummate skill.(他以高超的技巧击球。)
  • 23、An artist, performer, or player ofconsummate skill.(艺术家、表演者,或者具有完美技能的选手。)
  • 24、As the Duke of Gloucester's Private Secretary said: 'consummate actress.(正如格洛斯特公爵的私人秘书所说:“完美的演员。”)
  • 25、Dahl was aconsummate storyteller.(达尔是一个完美的讲故事的人。)
  • 26、And they might get married, or they might not get married, but they don't get toconsummate their love.(然后他们可能会结婚,可能不会,但是他们不会完婚圆房的。)


英 [ˈkɒnsəmeɪt] 美 [ˈkɑ:nsəmeɪt] 

形容词: consummative 副词: consummately 名词: consummator 过去式: consummated 过去分词: consummated 现在分词: consummating 第三人称单数: consummates


