


更新时间:2024-04-26 23:05:01

  • 1、These conclusions were all gotcorroborate mutually in every kind of analysis.(这些结论在各种分析中都得到了相互的印证。)
  • 2、Your friend willcorroborate this - ask them.(问问你的朋友,他会向你证实这一点的。)
  • 3、They recognize that more trials will be necessary tocorroborate long-term effects.(他们承认,还需要更多的试验来证实甲状旁腺切除术的长期效应。)
  • 4、The male USES this fictitious cultural "the Other" to foil andcorroborate their superiority and to defend their interests.(男性用这种虚构的文化上的“他者”来陪衬和确证自身的优越,维护自身的利益。)
  • 5、The financial crisis tends tocorroborate its ability to muddle through a global recession.(金融危机似乎也证明印度有能力熬过全球性的经济衰退。)
  • 6、The clinician will most likely want tocorroborate what you say with a family member.(临床医生极易把你说的和你的家庭成员联系在一起。)
  • 7、The true feelings of mentally imprint is superior to material trace, andcorroborate each other.(心理痕迹承载于物质痕迹之上,二者之间相互印证。)
  • 8、The results pretty muchcorroborate common sense.(研究结果证实了普遍的观点。)
  • 9、Our findingscorroborate the view that the lodicules of grasses are homologous to eudicot petals.(本研究还证明了禾本科植物的浆片和双子叶植物中花瓣是同源器官的观点。)
  • 10、Pass to analyze, and it is latest tocorroborate the business enterprise culture further, most ex - Along of management theories.(通过分析,进一步印证了企业文化是最新、最前沿的管理理论。)
  • 11、We've got two witnesses who cancorroborate Cori's story. One of them is your wife.(我们有两位证人能证实科妮的指控。其中一个还是你的妻子。)
  • 12、I can't find anything official tocorroborate that so let's assume he's with us next year.(我没能找到官方对此的证实,所以我想他下赛季仍然会和球队在一起。)
  • 13、Can youcorroborate my innocence in the court?(你能在法庭上证明我的清白吗?)
  • 14、Some observations do seem tocorroborate the idea.(而某些观察所得似乎也佐证了这种想法。)
  • 15、The onus is on the applicant tocorroborate the authenticity of any evidence supplied in support of the application.(申请人有责任保证支持申请的任何证明的可靠性。)
  • 16、It appeared that what he said went tocorroborate my account.(看来他所说的和我叙述的相符。)
  • 17、He looked at me anxiously, as if he hoped I'dcorroborate this.(他神色不安地看着我,仿佛他希望我证实地的话。)
  • 18、Mr Autor says that more recent datacorroborate these trends.(奥特先生表示最近的数据也符合这些趋势。)
  • 19、Adds Hall: "I haven't been able tocorroborate ((Reed's story)), that's the problem." no.(霍尔还补充说:“我没能查证(里德的故事),这是问题所在。”)
  • 20、The pollscorroborate the baleful economic portents.(民意调查加重了这种经济的不祥之兆。)
  • 21、Symantec's latest State of Spam report (PDF) released today seems tocorroborate the trend.(今日公布的赛门铁克公司(Symantec)有关垃圾邮件(PDF格式)最新情况的报告,似乎证实了这一趋势。)
  • 22、No independent evidence has emerged tocorroborate these accusations.(没有确凿证据可以证实这些指控。)
  • 23、To healthy kidneys!!! google for more information tocorroborate.(为了我们更加健康的肾脏,读者也可以通过google来搜索到更多有用的信息。)
  • 24、Erdogmus told us that more experiments were needed tocorroborate his findings.(Erdogmus告诉我们,需要更多的实验才能确证他的发现。)
  • 25、Further research, with a larger data set, is required in order tocorroborate the results.(进一步的研究,需要更大的数据集,为了核实结果。)
  • 26、Additional assessments in higher order species must be accomplished tocorroborate efficacy.(在更高的目种的附加的评价必须被完成赞助效验。)
  • 27、However, this is just speculation and it is impossible tocorroborate these theories at the present time.(然而,这只是一种推测,在那时证实这些理论是不可能的。)


英 [kəˈrɒbəreɪt] 美 [kəˈrɑ:bəreɪt] 

形容词: corroborative 名词: corroboration 过去式: corroborated 过去分词: corroborated 现在分词: corroborating 第三人称单数: corroborates

