


更新时间:2024-04-26 22:33:06

  • 1、They are colourful, aromatic, rich in tannins and powerful yetvelvety.(它们华美的、丰富多彩的单宁犹如天鹅戎般的柔顺。)
  • 2、velvety charcoal with a gentle multi-coloured shimmer.(丝绒般的炭灰色带多种柔和颜色闪。)
  • 3、Why we love it: RMB 4 usually gets you a Styrofoam container of eight of thesevelvety and delicate Shanghai classics.(为啥受欢迎:这一种上海的经典小吃一般4块钱就能买到用泡沫盒装的8个,滑嫩可口。)
  • 4、Not all little black dresses should come in silky orvelvety materials. You can save the cotton pieces for a hot day or a humid night.(不是所有的黑色小礼服都要是丝绸或天鹅绒质地的。你可以把棉布的裙子留给炎热的一天或者潮湿的夜晚。)
  • 5、Largevelvety-pink blooms with a strong, delicious fragrance.(大天鹅绒般的粉红色花朵与一个强大的,清香可口。)
  • 6、The redvelvety rugs and pillows have been changed to blue and gold—our high school's colors.(红色的天鹅绒地毯和垫子已经换成蓝色和金色——我们高中学校的颜色。)
  • 7、velvety tannins with long length.(单宁柔滑,余味悠长。)
  • 8、The grass grew thick andvelvety.(草长得又茂密又柔软光滑。)
  • 9、Japanese Cherry tree smoothes rough skin, leaving it soft,velvety and bright.(日本樱花树能抚平粗糙的皮肤,使肌肤变得柔软,透亮。)
  • 10、The moon's round orb would shine high in the sky, casting itsvelvety light on everything.(圆盘似的月亮会高悬在夜空中,将柔和的月光洒向世间万物。)
  • 11、I like thisvelvety red.(我喜欢这天鹅绒似红。)
  • 12、Matte,velvety deep charcoal brown. Great for smokey looks and eyeliner.(哑光、丝缎般的深炭褐色。作为烟熏色和眼线佳。)
  • 13、So I bought another one, in a deeper,velvety shade of purple.(我又买了另外一株更深、柔和紫色兰花。)
  • 14、For example, a wine that feels smooth might be described as "velvety" or "silky."(比方说,感觉平滑的红酒就说成是“天鹅绒般的”或“丝绸般的”。)
  • 15、It is the pressure which releases the coffee oils; these emulsify and give the coffee its rich,velvety texture.(是压力将咖啡油脂释放出来;这些油脂充分乳化融合给咖啡带来浓郁、醇厚的口感。)
  • 16、The material has a warm,velvety touch.(这料子摸着如天鹅绒般温暖柔软。)
  • 17、"i thought i hated you all the time, " she said, and thevelvety huskiness of her voice never sounded so sweet to him .(“我原以为自己一向讨厌你呢,”她说,她那嗄得带着磁性的声音,在他听来,从来没有这么甜蜜过。)
  • 18、The American beaver has long been hunted for itsvelvety fur.(长期以来,人们捕猎美洲河狸,以获取它的绒毛皮。)
  • 19、The velvet swimming crab has bright red eyes, with a coat of fine hair on its shell giving it avelvety texture.(泳绒梭子蟹的眼睛是鲜红色的,甲壳上覆盖着细绒毛,使它具有柔软光滑的质地。)
  • 20、velvety soft, pleasant, natural scent, lightweight - easier to transport.(产品质地柔软,气味自然怡人,运输方便。)
  • 21、I rubbed thevelvety grooves inside the calf 's ears.(我摩挲着小牛耳朵里面柔软的凹槽。)
  • 22、Then I wanted a couple of deep red/crimsons and chose 'Littleton Red' and 'Payton Blaze Red', both rich,velvety and gorgeous.(接着我想找些深红色的品种,选了“利特尔顿红”和“佩顿火红”,两款都是浓重、柔软和华丽的品种。)
  • 23、They have an exclusivevelvety quality.(他有着独特的柔和品质。)
  • 24、It is a small beautiful 3.1 inch (8 centimeter) aquatic organism exhibiting radiant charm andvelvety appearance.(火焰墨鱼是一种3.1英寸(8厘米)左右的小巧美丽的水下生物,拥有者火焰一般的吸引力和天鹅绒一般柔软的外表。)
  • 25、It has glossy silver outside andvelvety inside.(它有著光滑的银色表面和丝绒的内部。)
  • 26、Common tannin descriptors include smooth,velvety, mouth-drying and rough.(常用于形容单宁的词汇包括圆滑、柔软、干口和粗糙。)
  • 27、After avelvety oyster soup came shad and cucumbers, then a young broiled turkey with corn fritters, followed by a canvasback with currant jelly.(一碗可口的牡蛎汤之后是鲱鱼和黄瓜,然后是烤嫩火鸡与玉米馅饼,接着是配着醋栗酱。)
  • 28、The wine is elegant with persistentvelvety tannins.(酒味典雅,含有柔和的丹宁酸。)
  • 29、Leading to the optimum balance between ripe fruit andvelvety smooth tannins.(其酒体平衡,成熟水果的风味明显,还有天鹅绒般柔滑的单宁。)


英 [ˈvelvəti] 美 [ˈvɛlvɪti] 

比较级: velvetier 最高级: velvetiest

