


更新时间:2024-04-26 22:32:50

  • 1、littlevillainous-looking and dirty shops [in which] an enormous business is transacted in the sale of milk for the manufacture of halfpenny ices.(1877年,托马斯和史密斯在写伦敦街头生活中这样描述:许多看起来脏兮兮的小商店里进行着买卖生产半便士冰激凌的牛奶的交易。)
  • 2、The captain glared at him for a while, flapped his hand again, glared still harder, and at last broke out with avillainous, low oath, "Silence, there, between decks! ""(船长盯着他瞅了一会儿,又拍了一遍桌子,更为严厉地瞪着他,最后用恶狠狠、低沉的声音咒骂起来:“安静,上下甲板都给我安静!”)
  • 3、Helena Bonham Carter as thevillainous Bellatrix Lestrange is a shining but underused talent.(海伦娜·邦汉·卡特演绎的反角贝拉特里克斯·莱斯特兰奇光彩熠熠但颇有些大材小用。)
  • 4、SOME view history as just the biography of great and ofvillainous men.(一些人认为历史就是伟人和恶棍的传记。)
  • 5、In The Avengers, the all-star ensemble must thwart a possible world-ending scheme devised by Thor'svillainous brother Loki.(在《复仇者联盟》中,众星云集,必须要阻止雷神的邪恶兄弟洛基设计的可能毁灭世界的计划。)
  • 6、He says people are naturally wary of him because of hisvillainous character, but he likes to win them over.(他说人们会不由自主的因为他邪恶的角色而提防他,但他喜欢赢得他们的赞同。)
  • 7、This obviously doesn't sit well with Gothel, and thevillainous witch, after learning that the baby now possesses the plant's healing powers, kidnaps the kid and locks her away in a hidden tower.(这个恶毒的女巫探听到新出生的婴儿继承了魔草的治愈能力,于是拐走了小公主,把她关在一座隐秘的高塔之上。) (好工具
  • 8、As we see, Marx reprimands capitalists of High Churchmen, the Methodist Church or Quakers have the similarvillainous characters to that merchant of Venice.(我们看到,马克思指责高教会派贵族,卫理公会派或教友会派资本家都有莎士比亚笔下那个威尼斯商人的邪恶品质。)
  • 9、And furthermore, we can see that how genuinely good Tom Jones is as compared by thevillainous Master Blifil.(此外我们还可以看到和卑劣的布利·菲尔少爷相比汤姆·琼斯的品质是多么高尚。)
  • 10、Motley makes his villains excessivelyvillainous and his heroes wearisomely heroic.(莫特利把坏人写得过于无赖,把他的英雄写得过于英勇。)
  • 11、Mambo: I kind of go for these power-mad,villainous, evil women.(我多少有点哈这类崇尚权力、缺德的邪恶女人。)
  • 12、Gentlemen Prefer Blonds: White hot hair lends thevillainous Roy Batty an aura of icy, alien 'otherness' in Ridley Scott's unparalleled sci-fable Blade Runner.(爱金发的绅士:在莱德利·斯科特(RideyScott)无可比拟的科幻影片《银翼杀手》中,白热色头发让邪恶的罗伊·巴蒂(RoyBatty)浑身散发着冰冷的异域气息。)
  • 13、He was branded by the press as "villainous" and "diabolical."(他被媒体贴上了“恶棍”和“魔鬼”的标签。)
  • 14、In LA, the odd trio visits the decrepit, vacant Muppet Studios, and avid fan Walter finds out that it is going to be torn down byvillainous oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper).(在洛杉矶,这个奇怪的三人组合去参观了年久失修、门可罗雀的布偶剧场。沃尔特是布偶秀的狂热粉丝,他得知这个剧场很快就会被卑劣的石油商人泰克斯•瑞奇曼(克里斯•库柏饰)拆除。)
  • 15、Whatvillainous weather!(多么恶劣的天气!)
  • 16、All thanks to the hopeless,villainous TEPCO.(所有这一切都“归功于”不可救药的腐朽的东京电力公司。)
  • 17、An unfamiliar butler with avillainous face squinted at me suspiciously from the door.(一个面目狰狞的陌生仆人从门口满腹狐疑地斜眼看着我。)
  • 18、Above the chimney were sundryvillainous; old guns, and a couple of horse-pistols: and, by way of ornament, three gaudily painted canisters disposed along its ledge.(壁炉台上有杂七杂八的老式难看的枪,还有一对马枪;并且,为了装饰起见,还有三个画得俗气的茶叶罐靠边排列着。)
  • 19、The Scoop: the Pevensie siblings head back to Narnia where they take a dangerous sea voyage with Prince Caspian, fending off a barrage ofvillainous magical creatures in all forms.(独家报道:佩文西和她的同伴们又一次回到了纳尼亚,他们和Caspian王子要经历一次危险的海上旅行,对抗各种凶残的魔物。)
  • 20、We expect our hero's rival to show hisvillainous side.(我们期望我们英雄的竞争者使出他邪恶的一面。)
  • 21、When he is mugged by a former book - borrower, who recognises him, he toys with the idea that his assailant will repent of hisvillainous intent, in witness to the redeeming power of literature.(当他被一名认识他的前借书人打劫时,他还寄望打劫他的人会对自己邪恶的意图感到后悔,从而见证文学的救赎力量。)
  • 22、In particular it is hinted that the decision of thevillainous Sansho's son to renounce the world by becoming a monk is an inadequate response to the wickedness the film portrays.(尤其是恶人山椒的儿子所做出的、通过出家来斩断与尘世之联系的决定,还被暗示是对本片所描绘之邪恶的一种程度不够的反应。)
  • 23、In the years since the first film, thevillainous businessman has become a Hollywood commonplace.(从头一部电影上映至今,恶毒的商人已经变成了好莱坞司空见惯的形象。)
  • 24、A second sequence introduced Hugo Weaving as thevillainous Red Skull and his pursuit of the powers of Asgard's tree of life.(第二阶段介绍了雨果·维文扮演的邪恶的红骷髅,以及他追求仙宫的生命之树的能量。)


英 [ˈvɪlənəs] 美 [ˈvɪlənəs] 

副词: villainously 名词: villainousness

