




【#生活实用# #StagePlotMakeriPhone版#】


hao86下载•iPhone版】StagePlotMakeriOS免费版软件,专为音乐人及乐队设计,是一款高效便捷的舞台布局规划工具。它助您轻松创建清晰、易读的舞台图纸,快速传达给音响工程师您的技术需求。无论是小型聚会还是大型演出,都能通过这款应用轻松应对,实现个性化舞台布置。StagePlotMakeriPhone版_v1.2.12最新版本由hao86下载于2024年10月19日整合发布,这款软件由Arlo Leach精心打造,我们将持续关注本页面的用户反馈,确保稳定体验。如有疑问或发现问题,请随时联系我们。我们将迅速响应,并为您解决。感谢您对hao86下载的支持,祝您使用愉快!




- 即时编辑:随时随地,通过指尖轻松调整舞台元素位置。

- 多样化元素:内置多种乐器、设备符号及舞台布置模板,快速搭建专业舞台图纸。

- 个性化定制:支持自定义标签与注释,确保音响工程师准确理解每个细节。

- 跨设备同步:在平板上精细设计,一键同步至手机,便于现场快速查阅。


- 高效便捷:StagePlotMakeriOS免费版软件简化舞台规划流程,提高准备效率。

- 专业呈现:清晰的图表与详细的列表,展现专业级舞台规划水平。

- 灵活适应:适用于各种规模与类型的演出,满足不同场景需求。

- 用户支持:快速响应的用户反馈机制,确保问题及时解决,建议被采纳。


- 创建与编辑舞台布局图,包括元素位置、输入输出列表等。

- 管理多套舞台配置,适应不同演出需求。

- 导出为PDF或图片格式,支持打印与电子邮件分享。

- 实时预览功能,确保布局效果符合预期。

- 集成符号库,支持快速插入乐器、设备等元素。


- 直观操作:简洁的界面设计,即使是初次使用者也能快速上手。

- 免费体验:StagePlotMakeriOS免费版软件提供基础功能免费使用,满足日常需求。

- 高度可定制:从乐器符号到注释内容,每一处细节都可按个人喜好调整。

- 持续更新:不断优化的功能与新增的模板,确保软件始终与行业需求同步。


1.2.122024-09-06• Updated the print window to make the Print button visible regardless of the device color theme.

1.2.112024-03-14• Updated the stage plot import function to open files with a .stageplot.txt extension, for devices that don't recognize the .stageplot extension.

1.2.102023-12-17- Fixed positioning issues when moving or rotating a group of stage plot items.

1.2.92023-05-16- Updated alerts to work with current OS versions.

1.2.82023-04-16- Fixed a crash when sharing some stage plots.

1.2.72023-02-11- Added items for HDMI Input and Turntables.

- Added a note to the Instruments menu explaining how to add inputs for instruments.

- Updated the Select a Photo button on the performer edit page to use the system file browser instead of the photo library picker, so you can select photos from another app or a cloud storage location.

- Added manual save buttons to all the edit pages.

1.2.62022-04-01Changed the Export button to use the iOS file share interface instead of email.

1.2.42020-04-15- Fixed the alignment between list text and icons.

- Hid the scroll indicators from the lists.

1.2.32020-02-17- Updated the Inputs, Outputs and Other Items lists to expand to fit long labels if needed.

- Added custom labels for items in the Instruments category.

- Updated for edge-to-edge screens like the iPhone X.

- Fixed a problem that prevented stage plot item options from saving on iOS 13.

- Stage Plot Maker now requires iOS 8 or newer.

1.2.22017-06-29- Changed the bottom toolbar buttons from text to icons on the stage plot edit page.

- Enabled the save button immediately after adding a new stage plot.

- Deleted the local copy of the performer's photo when deleting a performer.

1.2.12017-06-21- Fixed a crash when navigating to some pages on an iPhone.

1.22017-06-18- Reworked the sharing functions to generate native PDF files that have higher resolution and smaller file size.

- Added a zoom function to the stage plot edit page. You can now pinch to zoom in or out, and long-press, then drag, to scroll after zooming.

- Added an Outputs list, with a field to number the outputs, and rearranged the Add an Item menu into Inputs, Outputs, Instruments and Other.

- Grouped identical items in the Other Items list. For example, if you add four music stands to your stage plot, these will be listed as "Music Stand (4)" instead of four separate items.

- Made the lists, notes and contact info movable to any position on the page. You can also tap the Default Position button in the item configuration popup to return these items to their default positions across the top of the page.

- Added a Show Label On Plot option to the item configuration popup, to show your custom label within the stage plot diagram as well as the item lists.

- Added a resize button to risers, to show risers of any size. You can use the Label field and the Show Label On Plot option to specify the exact size of each riser.

- Added items for In-Ear Monitor, Headphone Amp, Pedal Steel, Xylophone, Isolation Panel, Laptop and Stairs.

- Updated the stage plot edit page to always open in full-screen on tablets.

- Removed the Name, Email and Phone labels from the Contact Info section to save space.

- Updated the Save function to run automatically when leaving the app with unsaved changes.

- Fixed a bug that added a stage plot item when selecting a category in the Add an Item menu, then selecting another category without selecting an item from the first category.

- Added a Help section with buttons to request tech support, send troubleshooting info and load some sample stage plots. Fixed the saving of item details on phones.

- Changed the layer ordering to position risers under all other items.

1.1.12016-09-29- Updated the editing behavior of stage plot items. Items no longer show their remove, rotate and options buttons by default, but you can tap an item to show the buttons, or tap the background to return all the items to the default state. You do not have to tap an item before moving it.

- Updated the group selection so you can select a group of items, then rotate them together by dragging the rotate button or tapping the options button and entering a rotation angle.

- Updated the group selection so you select a group of items, tap the options button and the Copy Items button to copy the group, then tap an empty area in the same or a different stage plot and select Paste Items to paste the items at the new location.

- Added a background grid to the stage plot while editing to make it easier to align items.

- Added an export button to the stage plot page and an import button to the stage plots list. This allows you to send stage plots to other devices or back them up outside of Stage Plot Maker. This function allows you to exchange stage plots between Stage Plot Maker and BandHelper.

- Dropped support for iOS 5-6. Stage Plot Maker now requires iOS 7 or newer.

1.0.22015-07-23- Added tools to simplify rotating items on the stage plot. Items now have a rotation handle in the lower-left corner instead of a two-finger gesture, for easier rotation on small screens. Also, the item detail popups now have a rotation input field, to allow setting an exact rotation value across multiple items.

- Added tools to simplify selecting items that are layered on top of each other. Tapping any part of an item now moves it to the front. The item names in the Input and Other lists are also tappable while editing, to move an item to the front. And the item detail popups now have a button to move the item to the back. When saving, items will return to their default layer positions.

- Added a function to move a group of items together. You can now drag to highlight an area of a stage plot, and all items inside that area will become selected. You can then drag any of the selected items and they will all move together. When you are finished, tap an empty area of the stage plot to deselect the items.

- Added new items: mixer, horn stand, guitar stand, guitar rack and fan.

- Increased the resolution of printed stage plots, and made the print resolution independent of the screen resolution.

- Retained unsaved changes while resizing the columns or rotating the device.

- Corrected the size of the stage plot display on a phone after rotating the device.

1.0.12015-05-06- Increased the maximum height of the input list to the full height of the page, which will accommodate about 40 channels.

- Added hints to the performer edit page about adding and cropping photos.








厂商:Arlo Leach
